Why did George make Anakin into a rogue Jedi/pretty much evil fucker right from the beginning of episode 2?

Why did George make Anakin into a rogue Jedi/pretty much evil fucker right from the beginning of episode 2?

I mean, episode 1 aside, Anakin was irrational, violent, angry all the fucking time. He was a half-villain even in episode 2 which is when he should have been a shining beacon of light.

Take the first scenes in episode 2, when he openly disobeys his master, and starts arguing, and even after the fact he only reluctantly reconciles with Obi Wan. I get it, he becomes Darth Vader, but why does he behave like a Sith all the time? Does George have any understanding of subtlety whatsoever?

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he was broken since childhood because his mom had to sell herself and his boypusy to sand raiders for credits to eat

Why was he supposed to be a beacon of light?

Being irrational, violent and angry makes him more prone to joining the dark side which is what he did, the execution was bad but the idea of him being impatient, morally questionable and hot blooded was good

>howcome i think i can write better than lucas?

great thread OP

>Does George have any understanding of subtlety whatsoever?

Then why didn't the Jedi order expel him? He was of HIGHLY questionable character, he didn't seem to have ANY morals whatsoever nor regard for authority or the light side of the force. He only craved power.

qui-gonn convinced them, he was blinded by the prophecy

Because it says in episode 4 that he used to be a great, kind Jedi who was seduced by the dark side.

That doesn't exactly spell out to "he was a power hungry petulant child from the start".

Luke Skywalker was impatient and hot blooded, but IF he had turned in episode 6, THAT would have been seduction by the dark side. He actually was good before. Anakin was fucking evil from age 16.

>Why was he supposed to be a beacon of light?

Because Obi-Wan called him a hero and a good friend in episode IV. It's another example of George Lucas contradicting what he himself established.

Again, the idea of them being friends was there but Lucas did a bad execution of such idea.

It's not just about their friendship it's about Anakin never having done a good deed in his entire fucking life, aside from saving a clone trooper at the start of episode 3.

Because if they expelled him, he would have either searched out the dark side on his own or sheev would have taken him in earlier, teaching him how to obtain UNLIMITED POWAHHHH

You fucking retards. Obi-wan loved Anakin like a brother and as far as he was concerned the guy was dead. You don't go around talking shit about your dead loved ones.

Bullshit. Anakin fucking decapitated a POW Jedi master BEFORE his supposed "turn".

Guy was a villain in all movies but ep 1.

Obi Wan has been known to bullshit Luke before

"I knew your dad; he was a fucking asshole" isn't a good recruiting line

This looks like mental gymnastics but Luke and Yoda used and lied to Luke since the beggining just to reach their goals

He begins the turn to the darkside after he kills the sandpeople. His turn is complete after he murders Dooku. I'm pretty sure most of you would go on a murderous rampage if your mum died in front of you after having being raped and beaten?

He decapitated a sith lord that he had just defeated in battle and did it under the evil aura of Sheev, and immediately regretted it. Besides, Obi-wan wasn't there to see it, if you remember.

>I'm pretty sure most of you would go on a murderous rampage if your mum died in front of you after having being raped and beaten?

If I were a Jedi I wouldn't, I think.

Was Luke more powerful than Yoda and the Emperor?

Was Anakin/Vader (in the end)?

Also remember Yoda merely called Luke's dad a powerful jedi. A morally neutral term.

There is also the question of friendship among jedis. I suspect that friendship isn't valued highly in tyheir order, as it is an emotional attachment. A "good friend" could be a backhanded compliment. After all Yoda was unhappy when Luke had to leave and save his friends, and urged him not to do it.

I've always thought the "Obi-Wan and Yoda were bad guys too, from a certain point of view!" line of thought is a little empty.

Obi-Wan lied to Luke because he feared what would happen if they lost Luke. Yoda is resistant to Luke running off in Empire for the same reason. It's completely understandable that they acted the way they did. Not completely defensible in Obi-Wan's case, but still understandable.

I think Lucas stated that Vader was about 80% of the Emperor. It's hard to know how powerful Luke was in RotJ, and Star Wars doesn't fare terribly well with power level shenanigans.

I think Lucas also said that Luke would grow to be what Anakin would have been had he not been Obi-Wan'd.

>Anakin fucking decapitated a POW Jedi master BEFORE his supposed "turn".
How are you supposed to take a guy prisoner when he can move things with the force? You gotta kill him.

I know, I was using that to explain why Obi Wan sugarcoated Anakin when talking about him with Luke

That's silly, we saw Obi Wan as prisoner in episode 2.

Its why I love this video
It really brings out the potential of the scene despite Lucas' shit execution in the prequels after it

Right, but I guess my point is that even for Luke's own sake they believed they were doing the right thing. I'm not sure "manipulative" is the word I would use to describe them.

>beacon of light
>Good Friend
Not even equivalent.No where in Obi-wans statement does he ever say he was light incarnate. He speaks about how they were war buddies in the clone wars, an Ace Pilot, and a good friend.

Obi Wan can be trusted more than Dooku.
Anakin was able to overcome him in battle, but cannot trust him not to throw a platform at him at the first opportunity

That's a great edit.

Alec should have won that Oscar. He deserved it.


That scene was also jarring because it was a clone trooper, in the movie before they were treated as disposable units but now suddenly Anakin cares about one of them

so what he argues with obi wan? how is that evil? the father, son relationship they have makes this much more likely since Anakin wants obi wan's respect and to be treated as an equal.

the most evil thing he did was kill all those sand people and even then it was only because they killed his mom.

Anakin, at his full potential, was meant to be the most powerfull Jedi ever.

>26:06 It feels like we've been apart for a lifetime
>26:46 Ani, I'm pregnant

Did you ignore everything in RotJ that wasn't flashes of red and green? Fundamentally Anakin had always had some level of goodness in him. He was a moody person who was vulnerable to corruption, but he wasn't ever really evil until a certain point I forgot.

From sand people murder onwards he was pure, self serving sociopathic evil.

He at least was faithful to his comrades until he had to choose between Mace and Sheev. In fact if the Jedi weren't such assholes to him he might not have ever turned.

Sorry but no. He was dark and hateful and a sociopath.

The character you're thinking of is Kyle Katarn. He's what happens when a gray Jedi feels disillusioned, but isn't pure fucking evil.

he was a good friend.

"Sorry but no" isn't an argument. My argument is supported by the fact that Anakin didn't leave an unconscious Obi-wan behind on a crashing ship despite Sheev instructing him to do so, while on a mission to rescue his mentor.

>Sorry but no. He was dark and hateful and a sociopath.
No. Anakin was angry at the Jedi and desperate to save his wife. If it weren't for the latter he would have helped apprehend sheev,