Daily /dadrock general/

ITT: We discuss the only good music genre, and post our favorite albums from said genre

Where my fellow dadrockers at?

>a thread died for this

I wish people talked about Deep Purple more on Sup Forums. They might be the greatest band of all time.

>a buttbruised fag bumped a thread he doesn't like
Is that better than machine head? I'll check it out

If you liked Machine Head, check out Made in Japan. It's a live album with songs mostly from Machine Head, as well as In Rock, but it's probably my favorite Deep Purple album. The live versions of some of the songs is honestly incredible, definitely worth a listen. Although In Rock is worth listening to just for Speed King and Child in Time.

Daily reminder that Sup Forums is full of hipster contrarians that won't apprecciate rock music.

This is unironically one of the greatest albums ever recorded, and you can't tell me otherwise.

Cirith would be good if they actually made songs about Elric instead of putting his pasty white ass on their album covers.

I went through their discography from the beginning up to Machine Head or the one after that and they are a ridiculously skilled band. The drum, guitar and organ combo is pretty special. My favourite albums were the debut Machine Head and Fireball. In Rock didn't really do much for me really. Although I think I preferred the original singer to Ian Gillian, his voice is a bit to theatrical for my ears.

Does Jethro Tull count? I've been floored by Aqualung recently.

Absolutely. I'll have to check that out as I've only heard Thick as a Brick

Argus is a masterpiece, I'm always returning to it almost everyweek

>there are people who fall for bait posts

>someone thought this would be a good idea for a general

yeah, like KPOP general doesn't exist right

It's a good way it contain those type of people to their own thread

waiting for hip-hop/rap general

I'd say it's definitely better than Thick as a Brick. Are there any others I should check out?

Songs From the Wood

>Wishbone Ash
pick one

Rainbow>Deep Purple


I first thought that the horn was his arm falling off

what genre is that album? the album art is pretty cool

Bumping with my fave Dad Rock

Doom Metal