


Punks are the smartest but don't care about institutionalized education dumbfuck

who would expect alt and indie listeners to be the biggest nerds
I am shocked

>The Doors

My SAT was 1850 on the 2400 scale, which adjusts to a 1320. I didn't prepare at all because I figured I'd just go state, which is what I did.

This doesn't even reach 1320, which is a terrible score. How dumb were the kids surveyed?

Of those, I guess I'm into punk, alt & indie, and jazz.

I don't really understand how indie can be the highest and punk the lowest when the two genres are so tightly connected.

eurofren here, what is the current max SAT score?

Now I'm really confused, because based on the bands in this graphic, the study would've been done in the mid 00s. But in the mid 00s, they were using the 2400 scale, and this is clearly for the 1600 scale. The times don't match up. I'm calling bullshit.

I believe it's back down to 1600.

>Nickleback is higher than Beyonce


>tfw people are this stupid

This dumbass baiting shit aside, if you listen to Lil Wayne I will think less of you. If you put him in your top 10 you're on my shit list lol

>This dumbass baiting shit aside
>baits more directly after

I don't even like Lil Wayne save for once song but come on, dude.

everybody knew that hiphipheads are dumb
but it's nice to have confirmation

2390 here


>genres listened to by generally poorer populations have lower SAT tests than those listened to by wealthier populations
wow rly makes u think

matches up, I got a 2000 on my SAT and I only really listened to indie/alternative at the time.
Waste of money and time though, I just applied to one college that accepts everyone. I wonder if the new SAT is any better, the one I took was shit.

>tfw only got a 2360

give me the source

No one used the 2400 scale when it was around, and now it's back to the 1600 scale anyways.

Oh, please take it back...you can’t blame US for Indie. It was NOT our fault. It was the fault of all these fuckers in Olympia playing around with acoustic guitars. Let’s not forget fuckin Morrissey. He’s like patient zero. No self respecting punk likes Morrissey. Every self respecting punk likes the Ramones. Morrissey wrote an article about how much he hated the Ramones then changed his fucking tune later cause he’s a poseur. So, Blame Morrissey and if you think the Smiths are punk kys now.

>1320, which is a terrible score.
Is it? My score on the 2400 SAT adjusts to 1380, which all the teachers in my college prep high school said was pretty solid. Oh well.

>using the SAT as a metric
sure is high school in here

Anyone else just take the ACT?

is everyone who likes music a fucking brainlet
i got a 1440 on the 1600 scale as a hs junior

Probably, that’s why we fuck harder and faster.

Green Day is smarter than jazz

>No one used the 2400 scale when it was around
I did. Didn't know anyone DIDN'T use the 2400 scale.

>mfw listen to Metallica, Green Day, etc. and scored on par with Beethoven listeners

Forgot the damn pic, guess I’m retarded after all

almost like your taste in music has very little to do with your overall intelligence and that the whole concept was stupid from the get go

what did you major in and did you find a job within your major

true as fuck, cant remember the last time anyone asked me about my score

What music do privileged kids listen to?

The people you're interacting with on here are generally smarter than the average population..... most people are stupid dude.

Calm down and read this book.