Wow, Pitchfork headlines are getting REALLY clickbait-y all of a sudden

Wow, Pitchfork headlines are getting REALLY clickbait-y all of a sudden.

Example 2.


>all of a sudden

>Still caring about pitchfork
>At all
It's like you're mad because water is wet.

>all of a sudden

t. billy corgan



I don't care about pitchfork. One just has a habit of glancing around various media sites when they wake up to get some general news.

It seems to have become worse over the last week or so.


Stop reading pitchfork



stop giving them clicks, genius
you're just like everyone else on this board talking out of both sides of their mouth when it comes to pitchfork

I click over to the general site, but come to think of it I rarely click any of the articles or reviews anymore. Just glance across the headlines and there's nothing of interest.

the best clickbait is the most retarded clickbait. the 'news articles' on snapchat can even cause a veteran like me to break down

cut the cord and start watching this guy's videos
the newest snapchat update is so butt ugly and unusable holy shit

I was going to post about this yesterday. It's so comically inane and stupid that a music publications covers things like this. It reminds me of an article by Clickhole. What makes it better is that these three articles all came out in the span of a day.

I'm not really interested in any critics' takes, to be honest, just want the general news on releases and concerts.

hipster runoff was right

Carles is every bit as bad as them.

Yeah, worse, even. He was like some suburban guy doing a really third-hand impression of what he thought ironic hipsters were like. And he was pure clickbait.

>He was like some suburban guy doing a really third-hand impression of what he thought ironic hipsters were like.

you've never read hipster runoff. he was one of us

I wonder what Pitchfork will look like in 5 years, at this pace?

>Rihanna Said WHAT?
>Top 10 Musician Beefs

Of course I read hipster runoff. It was lame and tedious. I'm glad that kind of snarky insincere irony is out of style now. I feel like LMFAO were its death knell.

Same. People pretend that it was hard-hitting social satire that had its ear to the ground, but that's such a lazy characterisation and doesn't actually describe their content, which was a second rate Mad Magazine for music fans. Even Mad got things right more often and lampooned people with more effectiveness. Carles is not a terrible writer, but the aim and style of Hipster Runoff was aggressively bad.

It's already Buzzfeed level shit.

>last name is literally sodomy

>all of a sudden