I might actually go out tonight but i dont drink what do?

i might actually go out tonight but i dont drink what do?

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this is not

get some molly

Look up where the local trains are and walk down to the tracks. Maybe not today, but someday you'll work up the nerve to just lay down on the tracks and wait for it to end. That's what I do anyways. Already mapped out all the tracks and stations for the shitty city I live in.

lmao how tf are you alive if you dont even drink water

come to the show user!!!

take drugs

why dont you drink user?

I wanna come to the show but its sold out :((

just go out and don't drink

if you're under 21 where the fuck are you supposed to go hang out

alcohol sux

Bring a bag of bread, it'll make you thirsty

>he lets the fact that he's under 21 prevent him from drinking
>alcohol sux
Sour grapes.

i am going out tonight and plan on getting wasted

>he doesn't live in a country where you can hit clubs at 18yo (younger if you can sneak in)

How does this relate to Sup Forums?

>he drinks alcohol
>he consumes poisonous jew liquid to "fit in"

Unironically this. How can anyone think it's fun to force feed yourself terrible tasting pissdrink just to turn into a blumbering retard and then wake up the next morning with a massive headache?

European man evolved to drink alcohol. It is the white man's beverage and kept us refreshed while we were conquering nations and building the modern world. Show some fucking respect to your culture. Alcohol is in our blood, we built civilization with a bottle in hand.


>this is what wh*Toids believe

Budweiser: we was kings

enjoy never having sex

I will

Sorry I don't need to rape girls and get them hammered to fuck them. Maybe you do, that's ok, we can't all be gifted with charm or good looks.

Fucking a drunk girl isn't rape if you're drunk too. That's just feminist liberal bullshit they're trying to push on young boys to turn them into pussies. Girls love a good time just as much as guys. If I can be horny as fuck drinking a few beers and want to fuck anything with a vagina, why is it so hard to think some girls drinking a few beers at a function are gonna wanna do the dirty too?


Op take drugs or drink red bull

i know what she's drinkin

look at her always got her mouth open in pics and shit
she loves sucking dick

Didn't know Jordan B Peterson was on Sup Forums.

I want to french kiss her

there is a line that can be crossed for sure, but you can typically tell at that point. if she cant stand up, if she's slurring words, don't go for it. if she's a little buzzed and just giggly, whatever.

Nah he's a fucking rape apologist and misogynist. WOmen under the influence under no circumstances CAN. NOT. CONSENT. You must assure it is 100% ok with them and that they are in a full sober state of mind before they do anything they may regret.

>grug drinks because culture


>to "fit in"
This is projection on your part. Anything about your social life you want to get off your chest?
How far gone do you have to be to assume Jordan Peterson has a monopoly on mens rights? If you wanted to find an online MRA to strawman with you could have namedropped Roosh V and your bait would have been stronger.

Good luck trying to explain this to alt righters. It’s thanks to alcohol that trans oceanic voyages were possible, everyone from peasants to kings drank alcohol, even Jesus drank wine. I said alt righter but their hatred toward Jews makes me think they may be just Arabs who aren’t allowed to drink

>under 21
>"alcohol sux"
Same here. I wish I could find more like-minded young folk like us. :|

>That's just feminist liberal bullshit
No, it isn't. And this is coming from a right-leaning user.

>No, it isn't
Lol it’s so obvious you don’t go out often

Seriously, score some coke. Easiest way to get an easy lay out there.


>tfw coke is too diluted and expensive by the time it gets here

Fuck off druggie

> tfw still gets you laid nonetheless

It's normally cut with some meth so it's not like you're not getting high. Plus you're horny as all hell

I only do a bit, but easy lays like coke, plus you have your entry back to your place.

I've gotten laid a bunch of times with, "wanna go back to my place and do some more coke and have a glass of wine"

poor choice. go for MDMA

hahaha oh god how fucking lame

You don't have to get hammered user

I find it harder to keep the dick up with that. Plus with coke I can control the intake

Have you never had a beer when you get home after an 8 hour shift? Nobody who has would have such an autistic vendetta against drinking as you do.

not the same poster but alcohol is the most overrated substance out there.
it's socially accepted and available everywhere but that doesn't make it any better

nah its gud

Weed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> beer

Alcohol just turns in you into a blithering simp, weed at least has potential to make you more creative.

idk about this mane
smoke enough weed and you'll completely forget how to socialize when you're stoned, everything just gets horribly awkward

drink. even if its one drink to last the whole night. Being sober at a club just makes you aware of the shallowness that goes on in there unless your going with close friends you can talk to.

That can happen but it's not guaranteed to happen. Anxiety when stoned doesn't happen to everyone. Alcohol after a certain point you're guaranteed to go full retard.