/gg/ Guitar and Bass General

Floating Guitar Edition

Music theory:
Hal Leonard's Bass Method:
Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout
Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2
Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick
Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene
Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar
Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene
Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

Old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



You must play black strats to post in this thread

does this count

We like you bassfag but sorry thats not MIA Fender.

Get anything good from the steam sale?


I would buy me a fender black strat but I'm saving my money for a bass amp head and cab

He rules this

Um Jammer Sammy back at it again

posting his face and his guitars left and right

but i only have a tele

youve been here that long?


back then I wasn't a trip fag and I never talked that much

I just posted and strolled along my merry way

and I joined Pete's server once but then after he deleted the server I just went back to /gg/ and did the same thing until I became a trip fag after I answered the question "who invented the electric bass"


Does anybody have tips for getting good and fast at fingerpicking

I'd say a half-assed version of the dethklok theme

>Does anybody who can fingerpick
I should have wrote.

Is this ACE?

he inspired me to use three fingers for plucking on bass instead of only two fingers when I was starting out on bass


how do you do 3 fingers? do you alternate them on a steady pattern?


You can't do much.

Talk more about it. What pattern?

here's the pattern

R, M, I, R, M, I

R= ring finger, M= middle finger, I= index finger

lets go boys

so i asked in the previous thread but i didn't get much replies

what's a good "metal" guitar or at least a guitar with medium to high output humbuckers?

don't want an ibanez because they're flatboards. don't want dean nor jackson. i was thinking something either ltd or shecter, but i'm open to other options

>be proficient at saxophone
>pick up guitar
>try to play along to the same song for weeks trying to learn anything at all
>can't do anything but shit out the same garbage blues lick over and over
it's so FUCKING frustrating



fuck off

Updated links to the learning materials?? They're all dead

do you like guitars?

hey can you guys stop posting anime feet and start posting actual guitars so I don't get baited into asking for more anime feet, don't want to get banned again, thanks



>they're all dead
Huh. So they are.
Suggestions for new links for OP's, /gg/?

Is there a reason we stopped posting justinguitar?

gibson sg


I always wondered if the links work.

If anons are seriously interested in looking for more books then get on soulseek.

Fender Blacktop series


We don’t hate the guy that much, user
We don’t even know him yet.
At least recommend something well made, like a Guild S-100 Polara.

the sg has low output paf pickups doesn't it? they'd work for hard rock and classic rock stuff, but not necessarily for metal.

i was considering the hh strat for the longest time before i bought my sss mim strat. whatever happened to the blacktop series? they sort of just disappeared

there are hi gain gibson pickups and i think epiphone too
you can pick an epiphone one and swap for hi gain pickups
why you dont want jackson or dean tho
theres bc rich also

They ran for a few years then got discontinued. I think they are starting to be rediscovered now.

the giannini craviola have good fret access too. imagine rocking that drop of water

I want one

actually it looks like les paul-tier access

>fret access

Are the Gay&Lame Tribute series good?

kek wtf
how did you find that weirdness
why it doesnt break

Alvarez Dana Scoop

bc rich, jackson, and dean never really appealed to me. i don't hate them, but back then i wasn't a fan of their design nor sound.

the only gibson guitar i'm going to buy is the traditional cherry burst leslie. and the only reason why is because of k on. in all honesty, i'm not used to 24.75 scale despite my tiny hands. but i do think gibsons look good.

that's a shame, but then again i've read up on the multiple defective problems they had, overall just poor craftsmanship. i fell in love with the blacktop jazzmaster, especially the pickup configuration. a nice jangly single coil in the neck for rhythm and cleans, and a humbucker in the bridge for leads and solos. andy from pgs did a great review of it.

that thing looks uggo, no thanks

I've never heard ot them having problems, and I've had no problems with mine.

Pickup output is pretty irrelevant, esp. with modern high gain amps and/or various kinds of dirt pedals. If anything, low output pickups are better, since they sound better clean than the icepick of EMGs, so they're more versatile even.

pics or you're a liar and a fag

output is very relevant, but i won't dive too deep into it. i don't have a hi gain amp, and even with a distortion/fuzz/overdrive pedal i'd still get a totally different tone depending on the output, number of turns on the coil, magnet, etc. etc.

>pics or you're a liar and a fag

I guess it has some tonal differences, but as far as getting gain, it's not relevant. But EQ'ing on guitar, amp, and pedals can make a big difference. I don't think it's as relevant as you seem convinced it is

An LP, LP copy, etc.

Version 1
Version 2

Which sounds better? I've only been playing for a couple of weeks. This is through a MIJ Stratocaster.

>only been playing a couple weeks
its pretty clear m8

That's not nice. I know I'm not particularly good but I was looking for opinion on how it sounds, ie. the tone.


Neck pup is the only good sound on a strat.

does ripoffs count?

Which one, /gg/?


anyone here know how to play YYZ?

>tfw everything is falling apart around you
At least playing guitar still makes me happy


What song is this riff from?

get a cioks adam and a pedaltrain nano for those lil pedals bro.

also yeah things fall apars


I have an ME-80 with a bunch of different preset effects.

I really like the Tubescreamer in it. I'm not familiar with it outside of the ME-80. How do these fare?

>picked up guitar for the first time Feb 1st

I need to work on my tempo. How is this though?

Oh no. That’s so wrong it makes my bumhole feel funny (does anyone else get that?).

I don't care what anyone says the Squier J Mascis Jazzmaster is just as good IF NOT BETTER than a Fender Classic Player Jazzmaster.
Sure it deviates from the traditional Jazzmaster tone and sound by having pickups similar to p90's than regular JM pickups but NO ONE FUCKING USES A JAZZMASTER FOR JAZZ.
Anyone who disagrees with not believing this could easily be a $700 guitar is a fucking idiot.

Thanks for the suggestion. That is pretty much what I had in mind.

Poo in the loo tier

what amp you on btw? i tried the tone wicker muff but couldnt get it to sound right with the amps i frequent

I'm only on a Fender Champion 40 (solid state) but it sounds really good with the tone wicker switch on and tone at around 1-2 o'clock. It really depends on your tastes.

yeah thats what i was advised. tested it out on a hot rod and took it home. tried it at two ss amps and then returned it, couldnt get it right. bought a hoof instead

I tested mine out on a Fender Blues Jr III. Guess what amp is on my wish-list?

It sounded so much more stunning and lively!

rate my sound



shit, thats a lot of spare hardware to put on and in other guitars

I'm thinking of putting it on my tele and getting an ashtray bridge for the tele.


>Gretsch without a Bigsby
And nothing of value was lost.


Not really. I don't think anyone pretends they have the same functionality as a Floyd. They let you wobble notes/chords and they look really damn classy, especially on Gretsches. They are what they are. They simply look like they belong on Grestches, and most guitars, especially Gretsches, look much cooler with one than without one.

gibson or epiphone $800 budget

its just fashion, and youre a victim for it. im no floyd fan either but the way people talk about bigsbys is just embarrassing. people putting bigsbys on lps, teles etc makes me sick

used gibson guitars ranging from $550-$800
done deal

>he doesn't want his guitar to look cool when he's onstage

maybe i dont want to look like a hipster from 2006

>Bigsbys are for hipsters from 2006
Oh, you're just pretending to be retarded.