Listen to it for the first time

>listen to it for the first time
>"wow this is shit"
>listen to it again a day later
>absolutely love it
any other albums like this?

>"Discovering" this album in 2018


All of Animal Collective's discography was like this for me.

>listens to Soynimal Boyective

This was true until the point where I trusted them. They got me to a point where I get excited when I hear something that's truly unfamiliar to the point where it feels like I can't get my hands around it.

I felt that way about To Pimp a Butterfly, Niggas on the Moon, Bitte Orca, Veckatimest, Kid A (still like OKC better though), Sung Tongs, Here Comes the Indian, probably some more if I went through my library.

no need to be so pretentious because youve listened to it earlier. music discovery isnt a contest you prick

My friend told me he felt the same way about Bauhaus

>Sup Forums keeps telling me to listen to this album
>it's shit

Little Dark Age


same here, I've been listening to the first half, through TSLAMP, still ambivalent about the second half

My experience with most of Radiohead’s discogaphy. Amnesiac hasn’t clicked yet but I’ll try again soon enough

>To Pimp a Butterfly
>Niggas on the Moon
>Kid A
>Sung Tongs
Yeah same pretty much

honestly the first time i heard in the flowers i was so blown away and thought it was the greatest thing ever

>I felt that way about [a bunch of pop music]
haha shit taste

nothing in op's post revealed when they heard the album...

For some reason I was just kind of meh about The Soft Bulletin when I first listened to it, but then I listened to it again and it was amazing

aand this kids, is what trying too hard to be elitist looks like

ey uh, just uh, heh soy boy ha ha fuck man ha ha soy boy heh heh grr ohoh snort yeah uh, ha ha, this album man, ha ha funny stuff good times heh yep yep yep yep open up ya and all that, you know the drill, that's how it goes, isn't it, yeppers yeppers, if i could just leave my body for a night, and so on and so forth, you know how it goes and how it is and all of that good stuff, ha ha.

Most of Sup Forumscore
Worse things are possible

>this album is going to be a decade old in less than a year
oh my fucking god

This was me with a bit of mucore. Namely Remain in Light and TMR of course.

Second half isn't great and I don't see it "clicking"
Up to and Including TSLAMP is lit though.


every RH album for me


>listen to an album for the first time
>absolutely adore it
>listen to it again
>its fucking shit

Almost every 9+/10 album is shit on the first listen or two. It takes more than one listen to fully comprehend and appreciate a great album.

having this album click was such a wonderful feeling

same :(
singles are still good though

I felt that way about this as well OP. I think the album that best encapsulates this feeling is The Money Store. Takes like 100 listens to realize its a 10/10.

what does that have to do with anything? I first heard ITAOTS in 2016

>listen to it first time
>it's ok
>listen to it 10 more times
>one of my favorite albums

t. newfag who has been on Sup Forums since 2015 or after

>Sup Forums keeps telling me to listen to some albums
>it's shit
>I already knew the good ones

>Listen to it first time
>Wtf is this noise garbage
>Listen to it after couple months
>mfw La rapet

I think quite a bit of music is like that. You got songs with sounds that just need time to soak in. Not only that but people come into some bands or albums with expectations built in. See it all the time.

It's weird too, you can tell who doesn't listen to too much music or sticks to their Top 40 because they deny this ever happens. They consider any song that requires more than one listen is a sign of a bad song.