Top Always Sunny opening quotes

One of my favorite things about this show was how strong each episode started right off the bat and then transitions into the title screen/intro theme.

>Okay, so just to clarify for the parole board once again, you are claiming that your father threatened to, "eat the living shit out of you"?

A lot of people dislike the Frank's Brother episode, but I there are plenty of gems in it. The intro conversation for that one is a group discussion on the efficacy of an Uzi versus standard handguns.

Other urls found in this thread:

gulls are legal tender, but you don't want to be living with a sea bird.

Stop it...

"dude, i think charlie got molested"

always makes me chuckle seeing Mac and Charlie both squeezed into the witness stand during the hearing

Dennis' opening rant/final words at Mac and Charlie's "funeral" is top tier.

>2 people in audience
>Okay, well, looks like this is it...

I heard they didn't write a single episode in the new season, is it going to suck?

I think they wanted a "diverse" cast.

So yes, it's going to suck.

Here's the end up the first episode (note that I can't find the video, just the song)
They turn black and find out how haaaaaard it is to be black.

Typical BLM bullshit.

At least the song kind of sounds good at the end though, I like the harmony.

>How hard it is to be black
They literally didn't learn anything

I guess that's kind of the point.

"White people will never learn our horrible struggle. Gibs more money and fuk police n shiet."

Did you watch the episode? They pretty much ended it saying "well it doesn't matter what color your skin is as long as you're an upstanding member of society" or something along those lines.

No the worst part was
>it was all a dream

They literally wrote the first episode you fucking spastic

That guy is retarded. No, Dee, he's actually a retard.

They ended it by telling a black homeless person to leave their house.

That was stupid, but it explains the magic aspect and musical presentation.

Wait, did that landlord actually die in a Being Frank?

Awesome. Another Sunny thread derailed by people who, for some reason, think their opinions on race really matters.

I normally can't stand people who say this, and I actually enjoyed the board when I first started browsing here, but just take this shit to Sup Forums. Plenty of likeminded people there who will be glad to spew shit with you fellas.


>wahh opinions!

Maybe Sup Forums wouldn't be here if this show didn't pull that "minorities are victims" crap.

>it's your fault I'm triggered

Blame the writers for writing garbage. Do you really enjoy liberal writing?

Hell, maybe I shouldn't blame the writers, they're just giving people like you what they want.

Doesn't fit in with OP's post, but these newer episodes have made me appreciate some of the older ones that I previously didn't care for.

Who Pooped the Bed for example actually has a lot of memorable albeit small touches...

>detective-esque bulletin board with Frank and Charlie mugshots
>Dee trying to get everyone to "play" Sex and the City with her
>"You guys got turd?"
>"Seriously dude, don't ever poop in our bed again"

Meant to say "liberal whining."


>think their opinions on race really matters

>Ugh! Could you just like stop whitesplaining?

>I'm gonna make that whore my wife.

There was a line in one of the episodes between Charlie and the lawyer, that probabably went over most non native english speakers heads, when the lawyer called some document boiler plate. Which usually means like average or something youd see everyday. But charlie comes back with something like "well we'd all like to get back to our hotplates" a hotplate being what he uses to cook his food on.

I feel like I didn't finish my thought.

The punchline is the scene was funny

The Lawyer always had the best scenes. I loved his reaction to Charlie storming into his office with a shortsleeve dressshirt and tie, challenging him to duel

>Je... sus... Christ... I don't have time for you

That being said, I couldn't stand his episode in the 11th season. My favorite thing about the Lawyer always was how calculating and stoic he remained when faced with the gang's bullshit. The Mcpoyle vs Ponderosa episode ruined his character's persona for me. Now he just seems like another cheap gag now.

Wasn't Jack Kelly always wacky?

Sup Forums is not your liberal hugbox. Adapt or fuck off somewhere else.

fuck off, nigger.

I meant the unnamed lawyer. The one who Jack Kelly idolizes for his hands.

Actually, I think they might have gave him a name in his latest episode. Or at least a last name.


Frank's brother was an underrated episode.

He's outta here

Jew lawyer?

Yeah, kinda wish they would've gone more into why he denied being Jewish 2 different times besides than him just being embarrassed about it.

And then black kid Charlie got shot for holding up a toy train. Regardless, the episode sucked.

The opening discussion on George Washington's painting at the beginning of the Liberty Bell episode is pretty good.

>he is certainly ugly, but that's just not my point...

but im more healthy than he is, even with the diabetus, if what you're saying!

The Jew Lawyer was the only person to ever go toe to toe with the Gang and come out ahead, it's sad that he got fucked up at the end of the trial like that.

>Shit, you don't look a day over twelve!

Yeah. The lawyer is my favorite side character too but they didn't really use him in the McPoyle episode. That whole episode was a confused mess that shouldn't have happened.

>Frank you disgust me. You disgust everyone.

Oh opening quotes.
My bad.

His great grandmother or something was named something Jewish in the Trial of the Century.

>I'm gonna show up to work
>Have everybody be like
>"Whys there blood all over your shirt"

Let's pull up our bootstraps, oil up a couple asses, and do a little plowing of our own. POW!

The latest episode did SLAY. Great quotes too.

One of the things about the gang is that they always have a corrosive influence on the lives of those with whom they come into contact.

The way he says whore is perfect

Yeah, I thought the whole point was that the lawyer was so worn down that he took on the fucking McPoyles and Ponderosas as clients just to try and take down the gang for once and for all


I'm gonna save my dad's life!
> Mac kills his dad

Who Pooped the Bed is one of the best episodes of the whole series.

>Shows fake sign of dees baby's funeral
>"this is dark"

Opening scene from Gun Fever Too is kino.

I really like how they explained away Frank's current baldness as his ancestor being scalped by Indians

I thought the new episode was funny, and I shared the same apprehensions about the BLM subject matter as everyone else. It's obvious they've hired a bunch of minorities and women for this season so we're going to get more socially charged shit though, expect a lot of "lol white people jokes". I like the cast enough to turn a blind eye, and the music was fun. 6/10 first episode cautiously optimistic.


Paddys pub: Worst bar in america will always be GOAT as fuck


Are the Deadbeats the most underrated side characters in the show?

The family has very few lines, but just their simple presence in the episode is hilarious to me.

>wife has nice macaroni being warmed up inside
>whole family outside on the back patio enjoying a beautiful day
>all come inside to enjoy a good meal
>4 strange men in your living room, eating your food
>they begin calling you and your wife deadbeats and squatters
>threatening to murder your entire family

The funniest aspect of the episode to me is simply imagining Frank buying a foreclosed house and showing up the very next day

I love the ending of the dumpster baby episode.

cool strawman bro

Nice strawman

Just marathoned through Season 11 after it got put up on Cuckflix. Thoroughly surprised that it's still very, very good. Mostly a riot of a season.

First episode of s12 not so great not into the musical/Wiz thing but hopefully the rest of the season is more top tier Sunny. Quality is still really strong for the most part.

I've watched through the 11th once now and I didn't like it very much. There were definitely some good parts here and there, but nothing really stood out to me.

Chardee McDennis 2 was the only one I recall actually laughing at a couple times. The Hell episodes were interesting, but it felt very off for a Sunny episode

>have higher IQ's
>still can't build a functioning nation without shit tons of US aid

His episode in the 11th season was a 10/10 though. Only good episode that season 2

Yes, this is what the joke is supposed to be about

That scene alone puts Part 2 on the same level as Part 1 for me


Yeah, I don't know why people were so hard on season 11.

>Chardee McDennis 2
>The Gang Hits the Slopes
>Mac and Dennis Move to the Suburbs
>Dee Made a Smut Film


I always die after they finish the slideshow of Mac & Charlie set to "Wanted Dead or Alive"

>Dee: Alright, see you all at the next one."

>Mrs Kelly the only one showing any emotion at all

>have higher IQ
>jew the americans out of their money to build their country

why would they not use and abuse a people as retarded as the americans?

11/10 scene, least funny part of that scene


Season 11 has some good moments like Mac and Dennis Move to the Suburbs and CharDee MacDennis 2 (which kind of ruins some of the bizarre mystery of the original but makes up for it with Frank's flag and the accents and god knows what else) but by and large it's the first season where I would say at least 50 percent of the episodes I wouldn't feel like coming back to immediately

At first I thought it was just that they keep reaching for high concepts and epic throwback episodes and everything but even Dee Made A Smut Film was kinda unfunny and that was pretty basic Sunny. I dunno what it is. It feels like even in the best episodes their characters have changed so much that the dynamic that made the early seasons so amazing has gotten thrown out of whack. Mac and Charlie are the worst offenders

Yeah, I agree. He's just supposed to be a smug semi-douchebag but still actually reasonable and sane and here he is putting together this big-ass case over 200 dollars?

McPoyle vs. Ponderosa trial was like the worst episode of the season. The hand flying across the room is like one of Uncle Jack's only funny moments in the entire series, let alone that episode, and they spend the whole time focusing on him and Charlie while the rest of the gang gets like half a scene each.

>One of uncle Jack's only funny moments I'm the entire series
I saw this as the worst insult possible: you like the show for the wrong reasons

>Frank is confronted by the parents and his immediate reaction is to try and stab a child with an umbrella
Also this scene had me wheezing

Being frank is the best of this season
Why is pondy so cool?

>The hand flying across the room is like one of Uncle Jack's only funny moments in the entire series

>"Turn it over..."


I hope they do this with the other members of the gang

Charlie getting legitimately choked up because they got him a new rat bashing stick is one of my favorite parts in the whole series

I want to protect that smile

Explain what I'm missing.

It's by far my favorite show and I would go as far as to say that seasons 2 through 5 don't truly have a single bad episode and after all this time every episode still kills me. I also watched every episode of season 11 live so I've been rewatching them for ages now. It's just not a very good episode. The rest of the Gang barely gets any screentime (and when they do they all have like one joke each), the actually funny McPoyles aren't even there and it's all just throwback jokes and the same absurd humor that they've started to take to the point of not being funny anymore. Yeah haha Ponderosa's fourteen year old sells him cocaine. Sure. Why not.

The funniest part of the episode was Dee storming in and accusing the lawyer of being a Jew and then immediately realizing how it sounded.

>Seasons 2-
Stopped reading

>The Gang Goes Jihad
>Dennis And Dee Go On Welfare
>Mac Bangs Dennis's Mom
>Hundred Dollar Baby
Season 2 has some of the best episodes in the entire series, and it's the only season that merges DeVito's presence with their original vision for the show before everyone goes batshit crazy (which is still funny but undeniably different). I feel sorry for you if you don't think it's hysterical

I mean not including season 1 dummy
One of Uncle Jack's best moment is in season 1, a season which you don't find near flawless and that uncle jack moment you find unfunny

I don't find season 1 near flawless because it has Gun Fever and only seven episodes. Still funny.
I rewatched most of it recently except for Charlie Got Molested but I forgot Jack was in it. I guess I'll have to go back.

>The gang's stunned silence at the end
In tears


I don't get why this episode gets so much hate. It's not perfect but it has a lot of good moments like this one

>Charlie day's musical talents are the same as charlies in the show
Hope he makes an album or something, i'd listen

But Charlie Got Molested is the funniest episode of that season

god i miss this show