Chanel Awesome Movies General

The way these fucking autists make movies make me REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

They'll have two actors standing 10 feet apart, talking to each other, and meanwhile the shot is cutting back and forth from close-up to close-up for EVERY. LINE. OF DIALOGUE.

Then you realize why. Then you realize WOW, these two "actors" aren't interACTING with each other AT ALL. This whole """""scene"""""" is cobbled together in editing. Yes, these austistic fucks are so god damn lazy that they set a up a camera, have ONE actor run through all their lines of dialogue for the scene, and repeat. When its all over they cut and paste the whole scene together in editing.


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I wish YouTube had never happened.

They made shitty meme internet reviews and because they got so insanely popular from it they somehow thought they had filmmaking and acting skills.

It's honestly really sad that none of them have moved on or even attempted to learn actually filmmaking techniques

Jesus Christ that 10K set with shit lighting, even brad knows how to use locations and pull of better lighting, greanted I feel that Jesus Bro is going to be the worse film

Also Eggkara's running come join us on Cytube!

monetizations was a mistake


Why is their production sound mixer using a shotgun mic in what is clearly an echoey concrete space? That'll sound awful.

You do realize that Doug was a fucking janitor before he hit it big with the autism bucks right? Don't expect him to know anything about making a movie.

Real Talk the only member in the Movie that has Bad Blood with Doug was Lupa, is Lupa such a close friend and important member of the plot that she HAD TO BE IN THE FILM! I mean if Linkara had used Doug's Set he could have invested that $10,850 into other things. Hell cut Nash and save another 850 bucks why you are at it too. He could have had better lighting and done reacuring reviews using the really nice set that he made, all while avoiding doing the fucking le homes and gardens spaceship set. Was lupa really worth pissing away almost 11K of your fans money.

Can you imagine have to live around these people? I think I'd throw in the towel and off myself

Tbh I hope everyone in Channel Awesome dies. They're all unfunny faggots whose fucking awful senses of humor autists copy in place of an actual personality. It spreads like a fucking disease. Every time I meet some autistic fuck who puts on a fake angry voice and obnoxiously makes basic observational statements like it's funny, I immediately know they got it from these faggots and I automatically hate them.

They will all die, eventually. A few of them might outlive you, though.

I will never die

I bet that Nasty Cockslut Linkara is thinking that boom mic is a BBC

I still like Brad.

Le epic highschool drama stuffs.
Linkara so cool. Oh what about phelous? Oh obscure lupus or something. Neato nicknames to take place of the empty void of space occupied by these wastes of skin.

Seriously. Why do people lost in these threads unironcally?

Nostalgia Critic was the only thing of value to ever cone from whatever patreon paid site these faggot's originated from and he was only put into place because avgn and died off in 2010.

Nobody cares about these sickly nu-males and their unfunny (((ironic comedy)))

"Hey look I'm a being cuck named Brad with a deep voice. Here's my overly dramatic face for a thumbnail. Movie was OK. Now pay me" weeeeeeeeeeee

OMG guys did you hear the latest TGWTG drama
So and so cucked what's his face and now Bob and Jim hate Jeff...

For fuck sakes
Nobody cares. They are unfunny they aren't your friends just stop fucking talking about them. Fuck.

Well, from this pic it looks like they at least got around to using boom mics.

Or not.

>insanely popular
They still haven't reached the 1 million subscriber mark after like 10 years. Even Cuckman, AngryPedro, Jahns and all those hack film "reviewrs" have more subscribers.

Because these people have no idea what they are doing.

I thought he was an illustrator. Sauce on him being a janitor?

Literally no one on Sup Forums likes anything done by Channel Awesome ironically or otherwise.

Focus that triggered autistic rage at some useful.

>using the shotgun mic there
>using the shotgun mic upwards there
>using the shotgun mic not even remotely in the direction of the actors


The video of him quiting which has him dancing in the canteen holding a stereo as the way he quit.

Like most YouTube faggots, they probably think shotgun mics are magic and they can just put it anywhere and get decent audio.

The amount of people that think mics and sound in general is just some magic thing that happens is always depressing.

>it's his fans fault he can't handle money
This is the "Please watch the Ads!" video all over again.

>He doesn't like following the tale of Naty Cock slut, literal BBC loving Linkara

No, he claimed he was but it was probably he just drew something once and got paid so he put it down as his official job. See the illustrations that he made for NC to see that nothing he drew is professional.

Counter monkey is good in the background.
