How did Reddit beat us at our own game?

How did Reddit beat us at our own game?

Our game is shitposting and clearly we are winning.

I'm up 12 (you)'s already today

Our game is shitposting and clearly we are winning.

>le Sup Forums is for shitposting xD and no actual discussion meme

>being romanian

Fuck off. 3rd world scum

>knows romanian
>pretends he isn't a gypsy

>he doesn't know
Like all the other boards here they dump all their garbage posters here too

wtf I love reddit now

the reddit one is a repost from weeks ago

but the reddit post is a copy pasta that's been dished around since forever. how have you not seen it?

Let's Be Cops was genuinely funny. Third act sucked. Get your friends together and watch it, it's a good goofy comedy

>taking movies seriously


And this is why reddit is reddit.

try years

ours is a repost from the same hour

I don't know about that, but at least he reposted it a week or so later, not 5 mins after



Euroniggers like OP ruined Sup Forums

Shit moderation.
Unfunny shitposting.
Acceptance of pedophiles.
Constant crossposting from Sup Forumsshits.

Reddit's always been better for actual discussion and information anyway.

Because WE are the trash.

Sup Forums doesn't work that way. That isn't the most upboated thread. That's just the thread that happened to be on the front page when you clicked it.

>reddit cockroach shitting up Sup Forums with another trash thread
who would have thunk it. probably a phone nigger, too.

Fucking post naked cunny

pic related is why Sup Forums will always be better

>being this much of a 9fag

Reddit had a board for pedophiles for years, and it was one of the sites most visited boards, fuck off.

>greentexting on top of screencaps

It's sorted by reply count

It's gone now, m80. It also wasn't on their tv or movie board, was it faggot? Even their pedos have the decency to go hide in their own caves.

I take this occasion to remind you that it is 2017 and the FAT OGRE SHIT meme is still alive
thanks for your attention

>It's gone now, m80
Yeah, because they had to be told that jacking off to underage girls might not be okay. We have a couple of people who spam, they had a dedicated portion of the website for it.


pretending to like buster Keaton is about as Reddit as it gets

And what, they have one good post whereas normally they just go DAE see this le *popular Wes anderson movie* gem?

If you wanna talk matte paintings, wait for the threads where some 40 year old autistic will tell you about how much better moviemaking was in the eighties while he dumps mattes from robocop and the last starfighter or some shit.

The internet in general is only good one day out of ten, the rest is infotainment.

DChads will save this board. Join them or stay being a numale and leave it's the only way.

>tfw keep forgetting to filter the 'hahaha' guy


>Rebbit are the pedos because of a board that got nuked years ago, Sup Forums's a good boy he dindu nuffin!

These days Sup Forums is largely the place redditors go to shitpost because they effectively can't get banned.

Yeah, pretty much.

It's accurate you shit. Go join your high school's debate club.

then go back faggot

but i like shitposting

same with us

sorry bud. Sup Forums has always been a shitposting image board.

if you want discussion go to r*ddit.

Quality discussion is not and never has been Sup Forums's game.

>I'm up 12 (you)'s already today
eh... that may be commendable depending on the (you):post ratio

I would say a 1:1 ratio is respectable but according to excel I'm up to 3:1 which is the big leagues. Study your memes hard, and one day you too can hope to become a master shitposter like myself.

>Acceptance of pedophiles.
You know that's been true for over a decade? You're just too new to know this.

Sup Forums use to have CP at least a few times every hour. loli and shit like was widespread. honestly it sounds like you'd be happier at r*ddit

yall get triggered so easily

hola reddit

>explaining the most famous silent movie scene
Well we're not 12 here, why would we do that

Always wondered how they managed to stem the CP. I remember quite a bit of it when I was 14 in '07. Didn't realize quite how fucked up it was at the time.

Blame Sup Forums, it's just reverse tumblr.

It's not fucked up for a shota to look at lolis. It's what a shota should do

Have another (You). I can appreciate such a carefully crafted shitpost.

Go back to plebbit cuck

hola newfag

Sup Forums has ballooned since 2007. Most of the real pedos who'd dump that stuff moved on when moot started cooperating with the feds.

>buh-buh-but muh board cuh-cuh-culture
>it's puh-part of four chuh-chan!

I understand I might be being trolled, but what the hell. Let's do this.

Many paedophiles do not understand what it means to be a compassionate, worrying parent and a protector of others. They may never know how it feels to raise a child, to love it, to fear that child being taken away from them unjustly. They do not know the discipline and control needed to educate that child, to teach them right from wrong, to instill a sense of morals and ethics. They will not know the joys of something as simple as a smile, or an A+ on their child's report card, or their child proudly displaying their first car.

Thus, many paedophiles cannot be reasoned with. They know only their selfish, sexual gratification. Instead, revel in the knowledge that what you're reading, is the truth.

To any person who defends paedophilia, I respect your right to free-speech and the right to argue what you believe are "merits" of said-practice on a forum board.

Know this, however. Were I to meet you on the street and it was conclusive that you were a paedophile who had offended in some manner, shape or form, I would shoot you. I would shoot 50 of you. It's just a fact. I harbour no hatred toward you, just the knowledge that your demise would help create a safer society for our children to explore their innocence and sexuality among themselves.

Know that I am far from a "crazed, lone wacko" in this opinion. Multitudes of rational people would do exactly the same. Live in fear, or seek help. Adapt or perish. Your choice.

Go back to 9fag nigger. You're probably here on your first time anyway


Aggressive moderation/cooperation with the Feds.

Talking about television boards you tremendously illiterate faggot.


ToBeQuiteHonestFamiliars, if reddit had a better interface i would have dropped out of here years ago.
Is not even funny how terrible this board is.

>You can only be Sup Forumsfag or shitJW

It's almost as if reddit is a good website
>inb4 "But we're at war guys XDDD"
Fuck off