ITT: Remakes that are miles superior to the originals

ITT: Remakes that are miles superior to the originals.

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just that, as far as I know

Shameless isn't a remake you retard

Fiona gets with a guy.
Likes him.
Sleep with another guy.
Guy leaves her.
Gets another guy.
Likes him.
Sleeps with another guy etc

US remake of the UK original

I'm fine with any excuse for her to get naked. She's perfection.

That's because Americans really are shameless.



UK Frank > US Frank
UK Fiona < US Fiona
UK Lip < US Lip
UK Ian > US Ian
UK Steve > US Steve
UK Debbie >>>> US Debbie
UK Carl > US Carl
UK Liam > US Liam
UK Sheila < US Sheila
UK Kev & Veronica < US Kev & Veronica

UK Mickey is also superior but it doesn't really count since the US version is a mashup of all the Maguire brothers.

House of Cards

Is the British version worth looking at?

Insecure (and incorrect) britbong detected.

Prove me wrong friendo.

At the very least US Fiona > UK Fiona.

But your rabid nationalism went too far. If you wanted to be even slightly credible you'd have split the difference. But no, full retard, you went..

I agree with him totally except with Ian.

Also UK Monica is better than that crosseyed goblin they got for the American version.

slaps your mother for birthing your dumbaass

If you're american you wont get a lot of the jokes. Not because it clever. Its because its a culture that I dont think exists in America

Is this really true, not just a meme? I haven't seen much of UK Shameless beyond season 4... should I watch the US version?

Watch up to season 4 of the US one

Wilfred US is infinitely better than Australian Wilfred. I tried watching the first AU episode and it was the worst shit I have ever seen.

It was back in the day but it is probably pretty dated now. Plus I'm not sure the regional humour will work abroad.

>Tfw they got rid of Jimmy because he was dangerous
>She gets with a heroin addict

Hes coming back...r..right?

This faggot here is such an awful awful fucking character that for all the other ways in which the US version is better it's still worse than the UK version

that's what the original post states, mong

i agree with this list

I watched 9 seasons of the UK version and the US version is so much better it's not even funny. Unless you have some kind of bias against american tv, it's not even close

Yes but who would win in a fight?

I agree but they botched the whole Fiona/Steve romance imo.

>hating on a dyslexic

Get your ableism outta here.

When will the producers stop pretending that Debbie is attractive in any way, shape or form?

how can a total whore be perfect?

damn really made me think

Does Shameless ever start to pick back up? I dropped the show during season 6 after Lip broke up with his hot professor.
Killing off Jimmy was a mistake.

I'm almost at the end of season 7. No it doesn't pick up, there are a few decent moments, and it is somewhat of an improvement over season 6, but it still has a lot of the same problems.

The Office(US) is lightyears ahead of the British one

The only American remake of a J-horror movie that's worth watching. Not that the original isn't good.

american here. yeah. its solid stuff. season 2 was brilliant.

true grit
king kong (2005)
the fly 86
the thing

came here to post this. not that the british office isn't good, but it isn't in the same league

inb4 hurr you murricans just don't get our 2deep4u british """""comedy"""""

>tfw americans aren't intelligent enough for british humour

British remake of That 70's Show

I guess you've never seen the American version of The Grudge

>british """"humour""""

Remember when Americans tried to remake Peep Show?

That didn't take long.

This show was only worthwhile when it had nude Emmy, now it just kind of exists.

It's not depth, it's subtlety and nuance. The American version of The Office is a great example of Americans completely missing the point.

It's the same writers, just better actors in the US


Bump for good show.

Ian is cute! CUTE!

good for frist three esasons, but then gets repeatitive. and all charcter, especially sofia, always make same stupid mistakes over and over


no, this isn't true

he looks like aaron paul's brother


The show is entertaining, but they depict the lifestyle they live is somehow glamorous. Addiction and poverty fucking suck.

this post is really cool, 50% of it is misspelled and it references a character that doesn't exist. next level shit

Hannibal tv series>Hannibal movie

i mean fiona


I have a hard time believing this is better than the original, but I haven't watched the UK version in years and I had terrible taste back then

I really enjoy the original. It's seriously way better. The actors are so much better and the story lines are mostly good.

Oh my god this is terrible.