What's your favorite rape scene?

What's your favorite rape scene?

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Rapesection had a lot of good ones.

>girl pretends to be a guy
>makes dudebro friends
>they find out she's really a guy
>they decide to teach her lesson
>they take turns fucking her brains out
>that look in her eyes as her friends betray her



What to hell??????

OP needs to be executed.




I don't understand why he has to beat her afterwards. I mean you got what you wanted, no?


Gonna need a source, lads.

try reading replies you blind cunts

Someone post that walrus on penguin

I don't know if it counts as rape but this one always gets the trick done
vimeo.com/12317539 - skip to about 7:00

Those filthy Chavs would all be shot dead if that was an American police officer. The UK is so cucked

404 not found

What did he mean by this?


he obviously also wanted to beat her

I liked that one scene from a movie where three girls get tricked to get into a building I think someone offered them a job and then the guys there rape them, and later lock them into a room and they start blaming each other. It was a nice rape.

>tfw too lazy to rebuild my rape folder
wish rape forums would avoid using the shittiest download websites ever.

not quite sure if it classifies but it's definitely non-consensual


>nobody has scenes from Girl Next Door (the real version from Jack Ketchum, not the stupid fucking teen comedy)
>or Megan is Missing final 15 minute sequence

Do you think there is something fundamentally brutal and sadistic about male sexuality, or does something have to happen to you for your sadistic urges to come out?

I personally love seeing women in pain, but I'm also a fucked up person in general. It's not like I'm a monster or hurt people, it just happens to turn me on and I'm conflicted.

Yes, because a drama is a clear representation of the situation in a country. You do realise a min before that scene she literally refuses to wait for her partner and backup. Ie; dues ex machina for DRAMAH.

Vast majority of countries in the Western world don't have their police equipped with firearms and even when they are, they're not told to shoot to kill.

USA is a completely different place to Europe. Your police officers are taught to shoot to kill and are show videos on what happens when you don't (usually the Vietnam Vet executing the police officer on camera after the officer shot to wound instead of kill and thus kissed everything... I doubt even the USA have such terrible shots they can't hit centre mass at 10 yards).

The fact you think that a drama show is a representation of a country is utterly baffling.


Oh right. One of those fellows from Reddit? Carry on.


He's a faggot
Also you ever watch porn and get angry after at what a degenerate you are?

Yeah nevermind I found it

The Book of Revelation (2006)

>uses cute pink strapon
>lubes him up
>gives a few well timed thrusts
>cuddles with him afterwards

that was a lot nicer than I was expecting desu

Shut up nigger.


Men fantasize about rape, women fantasize about being raped. Dominance and submission are masculine and feminine instincts respectively.


Well at least she called him a cunt.

what did she do that made him so mad again?

Be a woman.

for you


Prolly the one in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, extremelly bold.

Loli Dakota Fanning in Hounddog

You delete this right now.

It's an interesting question.

In my case, more often than not I enjoy it when my gf enjoys it because I consider it an emotional and/or spiritual experience.

On the other hand, it doesn't take much imagination to put oneself in the shoes of, say, a soldier in some foreign country, where what would otherwise be a more-or-less civilized mind is saturated by a haze of primal emotions and instincts to the point where, hey, there's a woman, I could be killed any day or hour now, time to shoot something up in a more pleasurable way.

I never understood this. Why would they fuck her? That's pretty gay, she still looks like a man.

>camera conveniently pans away

fuck that bullshit and fuck the 3 years of hype and contraversy before it even came out

fucking Bastard out of Carolina had a hotter girl and actually showed ATLEAST 4 FULL SCENES of rape or abuse in ways that you could then easily visualize actual rape taking place in that position and sitll fap

like when he pulls her panties down and beats her with the belt infront of the sink in the bathroom and she clinches the sink and squirms and you keep hearing loud slaps as the family is knocking and banging on the door outside asking if shes okay

you have disturbingly detailed memories about that movie

>you have a good memory

>thats the zinger

>girl pretends to be a guy
>they find out she's really a guy

WTH? Maybe it makes sense in context

Friends don't lie to friends

But they might sleep with them

They couldn't mess around at home?


he was a narcissistic lunatic who got off on fucking her in her bosses' office. Also he knew she was sleeping with one of her bosses, he thought it was his office but it actually wasn't

True kino: Rob Roy. Jessica Lange gets crammed by Tim Roth while Brian Cox watches and says "it's not a sin if you don't enjoy it." Perfection.

Well there's only so much you can show when making a hollywood movie about 12 year olds getting raped.


Post the webm pl0c

>Look up this Teena person
>Expect to feel anger over murder and injustice and bigotry and shit
>Go over biography of Teena's life

Wow, that doesn't do much more than reinforce my assumption that trannies are just mentally fucked up. Totally called it that she'd been molested as a kid, too.

Not that rape and murder are cool, mind.

wow, She's the Man was a lot darker than I remembered.

why would you link that and not just save and post it.

>girl pretends to be a guy
>they find out she's really a girl


I'm singin in the rain!

>ywn be friends with a cute boy
>ywn find out that boy is actually prime amanda bynes
>ywn invite her over for vidya and rape her when she least expects it
>she'll never love it and be your gf afterwards

another sad day

Well Amanda Bynes does like it dark.

>Bastard out of Carolina

Fine choice, fellow rape connoisseur.

that was crazy amanda bynes.

doesn't count.

It's not rape if he's crying the whole time and she's laughing at him.

Season finale of the magicians. The trickster God Ranard the Fox rapes and impregnates a witch who was trying to summon a different god to help her friends go back in time.

It's all gooshy

Mudge boy had literally the best rape scene

>two guys become unlikely friends
>one night they sort through the younger guy's garage
>they found her dead mother's wedding dress
>"put this on" "it'll be funny"
>in the beginning of the film they go to great lengths to empasize that the older dude has a gigantic dick
>he suddenly forces his bro on the ground, makes him suck his cock
>then turns him around and fucks him against the wooden beams until completion
>zips up
>acts as if nothing of interest had happened, makes conversation
>younger guy falls madly in love with him

I wish this movie had a happy ending

Are you sure its rape?

Sounds like regular gay buttsex.