ITT: We badly describe films, and other anons have to guess what they are

ITT: We badly describe films, and other anons have to guess what they are.

>A group of terrorists commit one of the worst terror attacks on a military base in history because they were following an ancient religion.

Other urls found in this thread:

A New Hope. That meme's been around for years.

>A group of vigilantes attempt to kidnap a local man because they're jealous of his success and wish to see their town fall into chaos as a result of his absence

Forgot mine
>A guy causes the end of the world by going to New Hampshire

A guy destroys his uncles favorite toy because a weird pedophile tells him to.

>a house is terrorized by an inbred axe wielder

Ellen Page stars as Ellen Page in a movie about female empowerment.

A guy invites his friends to a zoo to show off his favourite mexican fusion fish dish.

Ah, i know that one, it's that superhero movie with Azaria, Macey and Barbossa, isn't it?

A jewelry thief who forces a Nazi scientist to Benjamin Button themselves goes on a killing spree because some hot retard didn't shoot him in the 80s, who himself must save his equally hot and equally retarded friend. Hi-jinx ensues and love is found. Also some ""talented specialist""" does not know how to perform CPR.

>A disenfranchised veteran tries to have his good friend murdered by his own son over political disagreements

Lord of the Rings

spy and espionage action thriller about a naive kid whos in way over his head sneaking into the enemy homeland during a world war in order to destroy a weapon of mass destruction

A fancy dinner party is ruined by working class scum and too much ice.

A trust fund baby beats the shit out of some Eastern Europeans because Illinois gun laws and political corruption are getting out of hand. Also there's a GOP scandal going on on the side but no one gives a fuck.

... Captain America?

Indian Jones and the Last Crusade

Dinner for Schmucks/Le Dîner de Cons


tit and ick

The Rules of the Game?

people on spaceships want abortions but they dont get them and end up dieing during childbirth


1 doggo kills alot of people in the snow


>doctor who and a rat give birth to an albino by making a twink touch a piece of kitchen dishware

Two Catholic boys go on a road trip to raise money to save the orphanage they grew up on. Oh, and it's a musical.



A crew of workers finds themselves discussing the monetary reward for their hard work

>control remote is a time machine

The Grey


The Bonus Situation (Scott, 1979)

Chilli and sea bass together?

Gee, the lack of humility before nature that's being displayed here, uh... staggers me.

kid, doggo and a drunk go on a cgi adventure


Literally Me The Character directed by Autist

A guy with no penis and his cat go on an adventure in space and see a picture of Michael Jackson.

Sister Act.

The Blues Brothers

The Shining? The Texas Chainsaw Massacre?

The Big Lebowski?


An absent-minded scientist goes from one place to the next, and gets mixed up along the way.

Behind Enemy Lines?


A group of elite soldiers is fed up with their vegetarian diet.

The Two Towers

Lotr TTT

Theres this girl that runs away from home because bad guys are after her, she meets lots of people that used to be famous and they all like her because she is very good at doing many things. Eventually she joins a paramilitary organisation

A spaceman crash lands and steals the affections of a young boy

a madcap romp through the Roaring Twenties!

Star Wars 7

Iron Giant

God damnit


An autist drives


a mans wife dies, then for some unknown reason some vaguely linked animals fight each other and break heaps of shit.


A landlord demands rent despite not maintaining his property

Big guy on a road trip


The best actor of our generation rides around in a cab.


wrong, but The Grey was close.

A man crashes a train because he doesn't want to live by the rules anymore

it's clearly e.t.

Taxi driver


A group of women suddenly feel empowered and drive across the desert with a lot of people following them in order to reach a farm but the farm is kill so they turn around

There's no women in it

im gonna take a shot in the dark and guess planet of the apes

You don't mess with the Zohan

Some old maple syrup allows an old man to live out his dream, from humble beginnings as a circus entertainer.

people are discussing what to do with this one black guy



Spiderman 3

There was no dead wife though.



Some bitch gets her ass kidnapped but a dwarth do its up to some fat ass Hill billy and his jazz musician friend to rescue her. But it turns out that this bitch is as ugly as the hill billy. Also, the jazz musician fucks a dragon

5th element
just kidding


plot line is not what you expect from the title and random events that supposedly happen go completely unnoticed in america.


Your sex life


Fury road

yes... but no. Think harder...


Hint. He isn't actually behind the wheel.

A man tries to stop a deadly weapon that kills all who look at it from getting to Adolf Hitler.

teenage mutant ninja turtles?




>A man tries to stop a deadly weapon that kills all who look at it from getting to Adolf Hitler.
Indiana Jones lost ark


>There's no women in it
It couldn't possibly be children of men... no way it's that movie

A film with no women? dam, I cannot think of a single film without a woman in it.

12 angry men I guess

Black guy saves the world from aliens

Yeah. Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Men in Black

Nope, But there are mutants in it.....

Independence Day

A loudmouthed woman causes a plane to crash, with survivors, who search for boy with the power of poop to ward off his enemies.



Army Dog II

The Muppets

>Some girl, a dude, and Mark go on a road trip and there's a horse that dies
