/chart/ charts chart thread

give recs if you wanna Have Fun & Have Respect for Others

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Van Dyke Parks - Song Cycle

Jason molina-Autumn bird songs

you didn't say guess personalities, that's the most important part. which reminds me that i haven't taken any buzzfeed quizzes in a long while and i should really do that.

Calsutmoran - Auditory Hallucinations

Antena - Camina Del Sol

+1 for Mac Miller's KIDS
it ain't perfect but damn that mixtape is forever nostalgia


pls rec me some stuff


Clarence Clarity

Pain Killer


I welcome rec's.
To those who have rec'd before I've been listening, just nothing I've loved enough to put on here yet.
Mostly good shit however.
I really really like this chart user
Check out Thank you Neil by Dumbo gets mad.
Not bad, nothing I dislike. Don't know enough to rec.
Still a ++151
Rest of chart I don't know much on, but what I do know I like.
You are/were angsty as fuck and anytime ya'll started feeling depressed you'd hit up your friends. You weren't a stay at home & mope type of person.
Overall good shit musically.
Different, a very different chart.
But not a bad one either.

@ at bluth baby

I prefer the 3x3 format Sup Forums does desu

Anything by bob dylan, although I'm sure you already have heard it
I'm saving this chart since I don't recognize most of the stuff here
>quake soundtrack
good taste my dude
Pretty radio-friendly chart heh, some interesting things here and there. I'd recommend you check out mgmt

Black Moth Super Rainbow
Musik van Harmonia - Harmonia
The Fiery Furnaces - Bitter Tea

you MIGHT like Daniel Johnston 1990

What can I say senpai, I like my melodies, & relatable lyrics.
Not to mention something I can at least tap a foot to, if not dance.
I've heard MGMT. LDA is actually my favorite of theirs, if I had another 30 or so albums on my chart it would've probably snuck in there.

As would've Atrocity Exhibition off your chart.
Pretty good chart, even though I'm not too big on the others I still like them.

uuh peep ten by cLOUDDEAD if you haven't


recent favs, not all time

im feelin good

The radio dept - pet grief (and all their stuff basically)

of Montreal - Hissing Fauna Are You The Destroyer


Jeff Rosenstock - POST-
Chelsea Wolfe - Apokalypsis
Penguin Cafe Orchestra - From The Penguin Cafe
Listen to The Pod if you haven't already.
Besides the usual "listen to more music":
Kill Bill - Resin
Hypnopazuzu - Create Christ, Sailor Boy
Girlfriends - S/T
Kate Tempest - Let Them Eat Chaos

Too much Kanye in the charts

rec me something

>too much Kanye
He's my second favorite artist Homie.

Some good shit on your chart though, +the Knife.
++Blowout comb
It's a 50/50 shot my man, but give Human After All a try if you haven't before.
I think it's vastly underrated.
Heard some other stuff of theirs and liked it, and enjoy one of the singles from that album, so I'll give it a shot.

I heard all daft punk albums already, HAA is my least favorite. You have suggestions for artists similar to daft punk?


Fair enough, to each their own.
If you've heard all their albums, you've probably heard this as well, but if not, check out Woman by Justice.
I prefer it to Cross personally, and it reminds me of RAM, if less ambitious.

I'd also suggest maybe checking out Boyz Noize - Oi Oi Oi

I've listened to all of justice already as well, but not boys noize so thanks for the rec senpai

run through the ed banger record label

you quite literlly have Marquee Moon at 1.0 stars dont



WWW - Neurobeat
Νοστράδαμος - s/t
The Angelic Process - Weighing Souls with Sand
