Best nerd girls

Best nerd girls



Is she /ourgirl/?

Winifred Burkle

too much realness in this film



Does she count?

She wasn't exactly a nerd but she was kinda dorky.



If nothing else you can count Linda when she played Velma

This film just made me fucking depressed. It also made me remember the "plain" girls who had the courage to initiate conversation with me, the ultra-autist, when I was in high school... and the inevitable rejection they got from me, which made me even MORE depressed.

>not telling them to meet you after school to rape them

>Three o' clock. You get wayped.

Look mate, I'm fuckin autistic, I didn't think of that, cunt

what movie?


Welcome to the Dollhouse which i hadn't heard of until right now.

It sounds pretty depressing which the 90s seemed to have a thing for.

Cant think of anybody less capable of playing a nerd

Oh, you'll love Todd Solondz's second film, Happiness (1998)

I've seen that actually, and i did love it.

it's not depressing. it's funny as fuck

>yfw she lived some good times before killing herself, and her brother being accused of pedophilia
>also yfw that one kid they bullied grew up gay


My favorite yoga instructor.