Sorry, blacks lel

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Oh no, how unfortunate.

> Opened Thursday

I don't really think blacks give much thought about Hollywood box office, your post should read Sorry liberal apologists or something similar

I sold out EVERY FUCKING SHOWING of this shit today.

>Hollywood makes a film "based" on historical events
gee, I wonder how accurate it will be??

>make perfectly good movie
>totally not racist people on Sup Forums hate it for not condemning hard working black people
But it's so not racism, you just hate the movie you skipped on principal that none of these women are made out to be gang-bangers.

The China box office will save it

>one half black lady who looked white that double checked the calculations that were previously already checked by someone else turned into 3 dark sassy soul sistahs who don't need no man putting a man on the moon

They'll probably break even, $25 mil isn't a difficult target

I'm not really interested in going, but just because the topic doesn't interest me. Imagine it without the gimmick, like say the movie was about a bunch of white dudes who aren't remembered for their contributions to NASA... so what? That doesn't make a film for me. Who cares? There's no story there. So just making them black and women doesn't really make a story for me, either.

I need more substance.

You mean 8th black

>your face when

We hate it because the movie is an exaggerated lie that's trying to rewrite history to give credit where credit isn't due.

lol that's even worse.


>make perfectly good movie
Op's pic not related

They needed something to shill for diversity purposes after Nate Parker turned out to be a rapist.

>We hate it because the movie is an exaggerated lie that's trying to rewrite history to give credit where credit isn't due.

>t. someone who never researched about Katherine Johnson

Should've called it Afronauts

They look so fantastically unattractive.

Not to mention, IRL, it was an octaroon.

it's only in 25 theatres

It doesn't matter.

It's blackino

>Katherine Johnson
you mean this fine African American woman?

lel, buttmad

Sure looks black to me. And yes, she double checked calculations senpai.

kek they couldn't even find 3 non-obese black women so they had to settle on one in good shape, one chunky, and a lardass.

janel monae is hot tho

>who double-checked the output for Glenn's spaceflight.




fuck off rebbit.

And of course it'll be all about racism. Completely ignore how successful Will Smith and Denzel Washington movies do. People are fine and happy to watch a movie with black people. Nobody wants to watch DUDE LOOK AT THIS MOVIE IT'S ALL ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE BEING GREAT AND SHIT LMAO

Oops meant my first reply to be to

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with her face?


>old men like the movie

w-w-what?! I thought black accomplishments triggered owm?

Why does the one in the middle have such a stupid look on her face? Are you looking into the sun? Stop squinting cunt.

>People are fine and happy to watch a movie with black people.
i wouldn't call them "people."

her nose, you're looking right into her fucking nostrils, its gross

when will Sup Forums learn?

The director of this spoke at an event I went to and he said that he was offered to direct Spiderman Homecoming but chose this instead because he thought the story was worth telling. What a fucking idiot

>In 1938, Johnson became the first African American woman to desegregate the graduate school at West Virginia University in Morgantown,


>>gets rekt
>j-j-just fuck off rebbit!
toppest of keks to you.

How would they know the true story if it was untold?

Should have called it Imaginary Numbers

le angry black female face

why are women niggers always so angry?

She wasn't even considered white. She was known to be colored. Blame your stupid racist ancestors


And more than half of them are within 10 miles of my house? I don't think so

Because she's 1/8th black therefore African-American. Sure looks white though.

How was I rekt? I'm right about her looking white and I'm right about her only double checking calculations.

>She was known to be colored

And that's why the only thing they let her do was check calculations.

>wikipedia says octaroon is black because of traditional "one drop" rule
>this proves that this movie staring a nigress is both accurate and interesting

'Murricans have the most retarded views on race in the history of humanity.

It was released to 25 theaters in the limited release date of Dec. 25 in OP's pic.

It had a normal release Jan. 6

10 million in a day for a budget of 25m? This movie might even hit 100m if it has any legs.

>hidden box office figures

>>Blame your stupid racist ancestors
>t. nigger
opinion trashed.

>Make movie about uninteresting event that happens in the background of one of the biggest events in the history of humankind
>put le smug face, le angry fuck you face, and le hurrrrr face standing on a nasa logo on your poster
>nobody watches it
>act surprised

Honestly, the real question is, could ANY historical NASA movie with a bunch of no name actors/actresses do well in the theater right now? No? Then why would anyone think people would care about this piece of shit? Oh, because guys who are the majority of moviegoers are supposed to suddenly care about a drama about three black women? Gotcha.

it's the "watch out white oppressor we strong proud independent black wimmen we run dis shit yall crackas cant hold us back" face. it's supposed to make "white" people bow down and say "such confident, empowered "women of color!" how impressive!"

Why is the woman in the middle so cunty? Look at her face. She looks like she hates everything and everyone.

Bitch needs to mellow out.


>And that's why the only thing they let her do was check calculations.

And she excelled at it and contributed to the space program to the moon. Why are you so salty at that fact?

>Because she's 1/8th black therefore African-American. Sure looks white though.
That's fucking crazy. Who the hell thinks light that? 100% white only or else you're shitskin. Fucking stupid.

She was black to everyone in the 60s. Not sure what you're trying to prove. Hell, Sup Forums would still consider her a nigger.

>le 1 drop rule

>Obama subsidizes the movie $500,000,000 on his last day in office

fucking this


>women niggers
you would be fucking angry if you were one or the other. Imagine both.

American education everybody

>She was black to everyone in the 60s. Not sure what you're trying to prove. Hell, Sup Forums would still consider her a nigger.
The point is this movie is race-baiting, inaccurate, and stupid . Not sure where this Nigger Internet Defense Force is coming from.

have you seen pic of one of real women from this movie? She's white

Because they're being discriminated not just for their gender but also their race.

It made 10 million in one day. It will easily hit 100m for 4x its budget.

>box office

what % negro is/was she really?

If I walked past her on street, I would think she is white.

If you had to deal with the average nigress, you'd discriminate too.

>It will easily hit 100m


Answer the question or die.

>Rotten tomatoes

Oh fuck off

How is it inaccurate to portray a black woman as a black woman? Are you crying because the black woman is too black according to 2016 standards?

>race baiting
Only to idiots like you who get mad whenever non-whites are in a movie.

Like every movie.

In your opinion.

Let the black people have their fucking movie man. What is wrong with you?

Sup Forums is now forced to like this film because their king nigger likes it

>Director: Theodore Melfi
His next movie:
>The Black Ghiandola is a story about a young man risking his life to save a young girl he has grown to love, after his family has been killed in the Apocalyptic world of Zombies.
Starring the most JUST Johnny Depp I've ever seen

>Anything to do with the fact that blacks were oppressed and/or intelligent is race-baiting
>and stupid
Nice opinion. Especially from someone who haven't watched it

or Astroniggas/Nigganauts

>10m in one day
>somehow not enough to make 100m


>it will continue making 10 mil a day
>it will continue making any amount of money a day to reach 100 mil

If Hollywood wasn't behind this, I might actually be excited for it, but knowing them it's just going to be schmaltzy over dramatized Oscar bait garbage

everyone that had to see it has already seen it


This. 80% sure there will be a scene where a white dude will mistake one of the leads for the cleaning lady or whatever, and then she'll say something witty that absolutely demolishes him.


wew lad
1/10 only because i had a hearty chuckle.

ok Mr. Edgy.

hi Mr. Plebbit

>Hidden audience

>schmaltzy over dramatized Oscar bait garbage
No kidding. I actually wanted to like "42", that Jackie Robinson baseball movie. But it was saccharine melodramatic garbage.

that fatass pepe just made my day


Nice strawmans you got there, fella

>Hidden Niggers

no thanks

So they can make a movie about these three black women, but not one about everyone else involved?

It just opened on Thursday already made 10 million as of Friday. It made and will make far more on Friday - Sunday. The budget was 25 Million. Looks like the movie is going to be profitable.

Not an argument.

I also find it ironic you people all of a sudden want to claim her as white when you would have dismissed her as a nigger if she didn't have merits.

Only when convenient, right?

Yes user. They've NEVER made any movie about the white man's part in the moon landing before.

Why is everyone acting like the story isn't true.


>blacks desperate to have anyone intelligent to claim as their own
>lol its da white maynes fault this queen was considered a womyn of colour

Yeah but the white mans part was realistic. This is overblown fiction

they arent nice straman

Because it doesn't fit their narrative.

But it was. She was considered a nigger in the 60s. Now you guys want to make her white, 50 years later?

you tried, user. Do you usually try to add to jokes, only to have everyone stop laughing?