Dropping acid for the first time today, what should i listen to /mu?

Dropping acid for the first time today, what should i listen to /mu?

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if things get too weird with rundgren

If it's your first time taking acid, you might not want to listen to music at all.
I'd suggest walking around outside if you have nature near you, however being around people not so much unless they are people you trust.

I would suggest listening to your favorite album, or at least one of your favorites.
Hearing some music you know intimately, you will be able to tell the difference between how it sounds normally and how the LSD makes it sound in comparison.

This is one of my favorite albums, and is has such a happy & trippy vibe to it, that it should be pleasant to listen to while high.

It's 151A by Kishi Bashi.

Im definitely going to spend most of the time walking through the woods with friends

And listen to some great music when i get home again

side note, as someone who smokes very regularly, is it that bad to mix weed and acid?

It's different for everyone, but for me, whenever I smoke weed it always makes me higher than I was before. There's a noticeable extra level.

I would suggest if you do decide to smoke weed, that you don't smoke very much. I strongly advise you not to dab as that will make you trip 2x as hard (at least it does for me).
If you are feeling anxious a tiny amount might help though.

If you have high blood pressure btw, I would suggest taking an ibuprofen before you trip. I always get vasocontriction when I trip, and unless I take that + magnesium supplements it becomes uncomfortable.

However my blood pressure is naturally high so that isn't "normal."

Not necessarily. I do it all the time. It will kick up your trip quite a bit though. I'd hold off till you are past the peak for your first time to avoid having too intense of a trip.
Also pic related is a real fun album to listen to on acid.
Safe journeys, OP.

have you done psychs before. Mixing weed and acid is a good way to develop HPPD, which might freak you the fuck out if you haven't dealt with it before.

this is so much better

this is you want an album to complement your mental state perfectly
this is a bit too much

Black Moth Super Rainbow was, predictably, really giddy and fun on acid for me. Listened to two albums while walking in the park with friends. Was magic!

Then later in the evening, moved onto Further by the chemical brothers. That was mind shattering, highly reccommend. We painted on a giant piece of paper like grade schoolers, with only blacklights on and UV paint/markers. "Further" is particularly shattering with the punchy / frequently panning sound fx.

Ultimately though, go with what YOU are most comfortable with. Exploring things you already like and are familiar with on acid will unlock immense feels about your personality and ego; whereas ruminating on internet stranger suggestions could have unexpected results.

Good vibes and best of luck user.

Thank you other user who posted Lighght.

That's my favorite fucking album of all time, I try and post it as often as I can while being relevant. I'm glad someone else approves.

151A is still in my top 5 albums though, so it isn't far behind.

Either choice is great for tripping, 151A is more trippy than Lighght, but Lighght has an even more positive vibe than 151A.

LSD will make you feel like you can focus on everything at once (you can't actually but it's an interesting feeling) and weed will counteract that by making you more spaced out. The two don't really interact other making you more intensely overwhelmed than you would be on just LSD. However if you smoke towards the end of the trip some people say it can cause kind of an "encore" trip.

This another great album to trip to.

I'm gonna check out some other suggestions here for my next trip... got two super loaded tabs in my freezer and nobody to share with

ill probably take a corner or two, curl up into a ball with my headphones, and go to space (-。-;

lighght is actually in my top5 as well, good taste user

what is hppd

God damn man. I'm very happy someone shares my sentiments about it.
It's criminally underrated, Kishi Bashi in general is.

All 3 of his albums are in my top 10, my favorite artist by far. Sonderlust is slightly weaker than Lighght and 151A I'd say, but only because 2 of the tracks towards the back end are a tiny bit more forgettable than the others.
Still solid as fuck though.

I'm curious now since you mentioned it's in your favorites.
What does your top 5 albums look like aside from Lighght?
I have a feeling I'd probably enjoy it.

I wish you could listen to or focus on music with DMT. The way your surroundings become so striking and simplified (like everything is made by fisher price) is astounding. I'm still not sure if seeing reality change so radically or the space ship journeys with aliens with closed eyes is more enjoyable, but music distracts you from both and ends the trip in like a minute.

What is google tho

> Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder

You may see wiggly things, static, floaters, patterns for the rest of your life or a very long time.

Mine is pretty chronic (I also suffer from migraines with aura tho, so probably related) and it's never been a "problem" exactly... just takes getting used to, along the lines of "oh it's juts an eyeball thing im not having a stroke".

It's a disorder where hallucinations persist after the trip. I wouldn't worry too much about it, it's pretty rare and you generally have to take a real high dose or trip a lot in a short amount of time to get it.

I suggest you listen to Jupiter one, that's the band he was in before the solo career. I actually listened to them way back before and was surprised when i found out that they had kishi bashi as vocalist.


>always get vasocontriction when I trip,
you arent getting real acid ur getting another chemical, maybe 2cb

It's certainly possible.
Have a stash of about 30 tabs left right now though.
I've tested some of the stuff I got from my guy before & it was pure however I never bothered with this set (which while I've gotten vasoconstriction very mildly before it wasn't until this batch it became an issue).
So it wouldn't surprise me.
Damn, I've listened to every Kishi Bashi EP, Single, or Bonus track I've been able to find anywhere.
I've heard the name before but I never really thought to check them out, thanks mate.


Ever since i took shrooms, when my eyes unfocus things I look at get that breathing hallucination thingy, never really bothered me much though. Does this mean I should abstain from psychedelics?

genesis- the lamb lies down on broadway

Listen to Lonerism or Currents.

Honestly, anything can sound good or bad on acid. There have been times that I've listened to Burzum on acid and not felt frightened at all, and there have been times I couldn't get through Pet Sounds on acid because I was so scared (mostly because of that "this is the worst trip I've ever been on" line).
That said, psychedelic music is always pretty blissful, and you might vibe with pic related. Most importantly, don't feel like you *have* to listen to anything, let the journey take you wherever it will and enjoy! :)

Also, we should have a Sup Forums drugs general. I feel like we get these threads pretty often and they're usually asking pretty much the same thing.

I'm just gonna be the first person to reply to this post.

While I can almost guarantee this is b8.
It's not terrible advice, between the two I'd suggest Currents.

Their relatively accessibility, combined with the general "trippy" aura they have, can make them a good way to ease into a trip for music.

Less of main event type album & more of an Appetizer if you get me.

I can't really say, I'm not a medical professional just a pretty experienced hallucinogen user. I've never had any experience with HPPD personally or known anyone who has. I can say that I was born with visual snow and hallucinogens have not made that any worse, but since it's not drug induced I can't say for sure it'll be the same for you.
I'm also going to agree with this. The hipsters on here hate Tame Impala a lot because it's popular, but they are popular because they are fun and catchy records. Currents in particular has made me groove like a mad man both on and off acid.