Stop being racist

stop being racist

Other urls found in this thread:

stop being a nigger

yes ma'am



Did she have a stroke?

Terrible adaptation of Varg posting.

ok sorry


I will if you stop talking throughout the entire god damn movie Sharkeisha

she is exceptionally ugly

Other thread kill.

It wasn't even off-topic. The mod is being an assblasted SJW.

They've been doing it since it was announced.

It's funnier that way.
The movie's still going to be shit and not do well financially.

And all the faggots and libshits will perform fantastic mental somersalts about how it was still wonderful and marginally profitable.


That thread was garbage

>they were only 1/8th black, that isn't really black

Like talking to an autist

just so we're all on the same page, the "black" woman this is based on has blue eyes and lighter skin than most italians

>not do well financially.
It made 40% of its budget in one day. Hate to burst your bubble.

Fucking mulattos man smdh

This movie was actually quite good but I won't be surprised if it flops considering it's a biopic about a literally who starring a literally who.

That's because she's 7/8ths white

That's what they called black back in 60s America. Have you seen Lena Horne?

Holy shit, that's hilarious.


No idea why anyone would think the film would do well, though. People only like space stuff with astronauts and engineers.

Didn't stop the white man from making her use the colored only areas.

>all the nigs and sjws saw it the opening days
>this proves that it will continue to make the same amount of movie in following weeks
>i have no idea how the box office works
stay hopeful, queer

>tfw when Yakub the black scientist, progenitor of whites is real


This film was made to distract audiences from the horrible truth: there WERE no "hidden figures". People are starting to wake up with the knowledge that NASA's computers simply weren't powerful enough to calculate the mission as precisely as was needed, and that Stanley Kubrick was brought in to fake the Moon Landing.

Only the first moon landing needed to be faked. It was a ploy to dishearten the Soviets from reaching the moon first and claiming dominance in the Space Race. After that, NASA could afford to look at what was necessary to actually land a craft on the Moon and place the flag there so people to this day can see it. Kubrick wasn't needed for that.

We sho wuz kangz.

Name a single movie that made 40% of its budget opening day and flopped.

So why didn't the Soviet Union just point this out?

Whatever this movie is called.

>opening day

But I'm not racist.
It's just that Black people commit half of all violent crime in the US while only making up 13% of the population.
I mean what's the dealio?

>opening day
These figures are from yesterday, the movie came out Dec 25th.

You can do orbital mechanics with a pen and paper, user.

Same with rocketry.

The hardest part of it all is actually building the things.

Release Dates: December 25, 2016 (limited)
January 6, 2017 (wide)

You're not counting the limited release in 25 theaters are you?

Man that bitch is cunty.

While that does make segregation look even stupider than it already did, it also takes some wind out of the sails for the racial narrative being presented here. Most people who met this lady probably just thought she was white.

Guys, forget how much you hate black women for a second and be glad that every receipt hidden figures takes in is one fewer person going to see Rogue One.

>racial narrative
Pretty sure this is just oscar bait though.

one drop rule nigger

It'll be lucky to break even and you know it.

>every receipt hidden figures takes in is one fewer person going to see Rogue One.
It already hit 850m user and it still has 2 weeks of relevant legs left. It will probably hit 1b unless it starts seriously under performing in China (more so than it already is).

Powerful. Beautiful. Strong.

If you look at old pictures she clearly had nigger hair/nose.

It will break even this weekend. It's projected to have a 20m opening weekend.

>3x rule
Doesn't apply. This isn't a blockbuster. There's no way it had a 25 advertising budget. It'll probably settle around 50m.

>Hidden Figures, which may also have a shot at the #1 slot after bringing in an estimated $7.57 million on Friday
>$25 mil budget

do the math dumbshit, its not 40% of its budget on opening day

Personally I'm looking forward to seeing Space Ladies. I live right by a second run theater so I'll check it out in a few weeks :3

>make segregation look even stupider than it already did

I actually disagree, I've seen the ghetto. black only south Dallas area branch out and envelop the surrounding towns, causing crime increases and economic stagnation. I would rather segregation return to keep these people confined to areas where they cannot corrupt the neighboring white population. That and black "culture" for the last 40 some odd years has been increasingly poisonous, especially with the birth of "urban" culture.

I counted the limited release. My bad.

Still, 30% then. You can't seriously expect this to flop...

>hire black women solely to discuss this one nigger movie
>no one else can have an opinion
jesus black people are genuinely stupid

Idk if you're joking or not but it's actually breddy good if you don't get triggered from looking at black people.

Why do black americans complain so much?


>Oh look a movie just for you because you never stop whining about it
>still bitch
Are they ever not victims?

You can't seriously expect a wide audience to see this politicized historical drama in large numbers in the Dump Months

>Hire me just because

Kikes and libs tell them they are perpetual victims.

A 50m box office is a far cry from a wide audience. At 10 dollars a ticket that's only 5m ticket sales.

>Why do black americans complain so much?

Like a child who pushes boundaries with a weak parent, blacks are coddled and appeased whenever they have a tantrum, so of course they'll bitch and moan, we've taught them to.


Yeah america is fucking doomed

Is the hidden figure the movie's box office returns?

You know what?
If it's actually a good movie, then I'm glad. I like good movies. Without having seen it yet, it just looks politically driven and misleading.

>You can't seriously expect this to flop...

$25 mil production budget +50-200% marketing

Half the box office actually goes to the studio

So anywhere between 65-100+ mil to break even

>$25 mil production budget +50-200% marketing
You seriously think they spent 50m on advertising?

When you guys say shit like "the movie has to make 4x just to break even! You gotta realize if that was the case, almost every movie would flop.

3x is a more common shorthand for blockbusters since we know they spend a lot on advertising and get raped in foreign box offices.

But this is not a blockbuster. I doubt they spent more than 10m on advertising. I think 50m would be much close to breaking even.

The true story is that everybody was polite to these ladies because they were all professionals in a professional environment. Doesn't the fact that they even have the jobs kind of disprove the entire narrative they are trying to push?

It's absolutely not the "much racism" sanctimonious bullshit that Sup Forums is making it out to be. Likely the people complaining have not and will not even seen it.

>You gotta realize if that was the case, almost every movie would flop.
Almost every movie does flop. That's why Hollywood is increasingly making movies based on comics and remakes.

>It's absolutely not the "much racism" sanctimonious bullshit that Sup Forums is making it out to be.
Then why advertise it that way? Why call it "Hidden Figures" implying that white people are deliberately hiding the story of these black women?

>know a self hating black
>one of the reasons he hates blacks is because blacks are literally more racist than anyone else he knows

smdh, teebeeayych

>You seriously think they spent 50m on advertising?

Do you know how much Ms Sloane spent on advertising?

Also notice the range I posted you stupid fuck

BvS, 250m x 4 = 1b. It flopped?
SS, 175 x 4 = 750m. It only made 50m?
Civil War only made 100m?

Don't be ridiculous. 4x just to break even is absurd. 3x max.

>Why call it "Hidden Figures" implying that white people are deliberately hiding the story of these black women?

I don't think anyone ever considered that was the meaning of "hidden."

I don't understand what this movie is trying to do, it looks like a shit story, and only occurring because of diversity in hollywood

Hidden in terms of not on everyone's radar. For sure you would agree that the overwhelming majority have never heard of black women working for NASA, even for the greatest missions this planet has ever undertaken.

There is a difference between hidden (which is purposely done) and ignored or unnoticed (which is done accidentally).

You're lying to yourself at this point.

The overwhelming majority of people couldn't tell you the name of 1 NASA engineer, scientist or mathematician because nobody, regardless of race, really cares.

It's even less amazing that she was part of a team that worked on complex calculations. The movie depicts her as the driving force, solving extremely complex math in 2 seconds while bewildered white men look on.

It's telling a heartwarming story about women overcoming shit circumstances to shoot rockets. Think of it as a black October Sky.

Wrong, get a better grasp on your own first language retard.

>leddit fag reading comprehension

fucking lel every time

That's not true. Things can be hidden without human influence. Discoveries are made by finding hidden things.

That's true. The movie props up the blackness because that's the point they're trying to make.

>past participle of hide

That was the name of the book. I'm guess the publisher chose it.

>which is purposely done

This isn't part of the definition of the word "hidden," you made that up.

Something that is hidden does not imply purposefulness. Way to change the definition of a word to suit your argument.

>no argument
>better call him leddit




past participle ofhide1.



kept out of sight; concealed.

"hidden dangers"

synonyms:concealed,secret,undercover,invisible,unseen,out of sight,closeted,covert;

Shoo shoo you illiterate negress.

Where in that definition does it say a human has to do it? Even the example if gives implies non-human interaction.

"hidden dangers"

I believe you just BTFO yourself. Stop posting.

Still not saying anything about purposefulness.

he din
he dindu nuffin

conspiracy confirmed. nig illumanti plot exposed.

Oh yes, things just hide or are hidden on their own.
we wuz concealed

>says most hollywood movies lose money, so they make remakes and capeshit
>reply with a list of capeshit to prove him wrong

Loving every laugh

If you arent from leddit you are enough of a fucking retard to fit right in there

>says hidden means purposefully
>quotes a definition that doesn't say purposefully

Also, use a better dictionary:
>being out of sight or not readily apparent

hurrr I can't make a rebuttal

slap yourself

We get it you hate black people. Despite the white genocide agenda you're uncovering in the semantic meaning of the title, that's just not what he movie is about.

t. no idea what participle means

I posted capeshit because by his own logic even capeshit would be losing money. Not sure how you couldn't grasp this.

>Oh yes, things just hide or are hidden on their own.
Yes. For example, if there's a tornado and it uplifts a house and lands debris all over the place, the items beneath these debris would be hidden from view.

formed from a verb to make an adjective. Does not change the definition. Not an argument.

>hidden from view.
This phrase alone explains it already. Things can be hidden without humans hiding them intentionally.