Childhood is when you idolize ketchup

Childhood is when you idolize ketchup.

Adulthood is when you realize that mustard makes more sense.

This is actually true.

Ketchup and mustard go good together on almost everything. Having an "us vs them" mentality when they can coexist is a child-like mentality.


Mayonnaise is better than both

>having these basic bitch sauces on anything but a hotdog

Mustard is still pretty nasty on anything other than a burger.

Childhood is when you idolize honey mustard.
Adulthood is when you realize it is hard to make a good corndog.

found the yuropoor

Real mustard is legit.

Mayonnaise is disgusting until it's mixed with ketchup

>Le moderate meme

Pick a side. Do you have any self respect?

*Honey Mustard

ranch dressing is better than mayonnaise

No, trying to justify the use of sugar-paste on anything past the age of 10 is a childlike mentality you fucking degenerate.

If you're an adult and actually enjoy the taste of ketchup on things, you have destroyed your palate beyond repair.

I pick the side that both ketchup and mustard on my dog or burger is better than just one.

this desu

Tartar > mayo > mustard > 1000 island > "mustard" > ketchup


10/10 fuck ameripoors

about as hard as when i put my hotdog in your cornhole, faggot

>getting this angry over condiments


I can't refute this. Also, think of the beautiful variety of mustards to explore.

ranch is only goos when its mixed with southwest

Ketchup is vinegary though

>He's never had Whataburger spicy ketchup.

Virgin loser, its so obvious

>getting cucked by false dichotomies

Dijon mustard is great though