RO is already at 1 Billion worldwide after just a few weeks

>RO is already at 1 Billion worldwide after just a few weeks
>VII barely earned 2 billion total to date but no china

how does it feel knowing everything you knew and loved will now be retconned to included every possible race, ethnicity and gender combination from here on out for money?

>tfw harrison ford isnt white or male in his anthology film

Other urls found in this thread:

I stoppd caring after the prequels.

Harrison Ford probably doesn't give a crap. He finally got to end Han Solo and made serious bank while doing it. I doubt he cares at all about Rogue One.

Harrison Ford hates Star Wars and Han Solo.


so it took nearly 10 years of their release cycle before you reached that conclusion?

If you are the kind of popculture squealing brand loving shithead who makes giddy noises at faggot trailers to faggot movies you're a low conscious level piece of shit unworthy of the title human being, to be honestly frank and straightforward with you, and I hope you're put to work on the Disney plantation picking nerd cotton for nerdgasms with commentary provided by your favourite Youtube "content creator".

>how does it feel knowing everything you knew and loved will now be retconned
Never cared about star wars before 2014

it's just funny movies, chill

Now that Trump is President, things will start to change. Hopefully this means less niggers and shitskins taking the place of hard-working white actors in film.

But Donnie Yen and Wen Jiang's characters were the best one's in Rogue One.

>>RO is already at 1 Billion

No, 800k. And it's not likely it will break 1BN

>sterotypical asian tropes
>typical asian 1700's era outfit
>great at martial arts
>can beat up stormtroopers with a stick

Yeah sounds like Star Wars.

Stop saying that hating women and minorities is sexist and racist! This is why Trump won!!!

literally nobody beat up a bunch of stormtroopers with a stick, except for the shitty ewoks, which were shit and even then it made some type of logic because they were throwing large rocks or literal timber tree logs at them to knock them out

not hit them on the head with a stick

pssst....hi...WHO FUCKING CARES.

I was on board with the Oy Vey le joo is putting more races in a movie but Sup Forums has become the polar extreme of beta cuck males who get triggered by casting.

>bu bu mUh franchise
>bu bu....muh fictional storY le has more Brown peoplezzz

>Da Joo
>I can't hurr be immersed in a movie Le Nostalgia goggles

You cucks are just as worse if not more than these trigger happy sjw autists. At least they overtly make people lives miserable online instead of harboring their angst while shitposting anonymously FUUUUUUUUUU

Go back to your containment board Sup Forums

Agreed. The only lifeform lower than that is namefags.

>how does it feel knowing everything you knew and loved will now be retconned to included every possible race, ethnicity and gender combination from here on out for money?
Don't care, the prequels already ruined the OT with a shitton of rectons.

What's a bit more?

>Harrison ford isnt white
Yes Harrison's a Jew . Last time I checked here they weren't considered white.

Yes, I held up hope right up until i finished Episode 3.

Then i just felt like a kid that let someone molest him for 10 years

Who doesn't consider Jews white?


Autist similar to OP.

he's a contrarian

RO is going to fizzle out at around 1,1b-1,2b, it just released in china to $10m, 1/3rd of TFAs release

If anything they'll play even more safe with the next anthology film which is the Han Solo title.

Jews you kibbutz.

Yeah the new Star Wars success has to do with "diversity" rather than that it's fucking modern Star Wars.

he hates making money

More Arabs and Asians and less Blacks and everything is cool

>tfw harrison ford isnt white or male in his anthology film

>tfw Ford is a Jew, along with the late Carrie Fisher


boo hoo hoo, faggot

Well Star Wars is heavily influenced by Japanese cinema so it's not entirely out of place.