I didn't know until like a week ago that this was being released in theaters. I thought it was a made for tv movie...

I didn't know until like a week ago that this was being released in theaters. I thought it was a made for tv movie. Who is the target audience?


>that girl on the left
my dick is diamonds, who said there isnt perfect women

guilt-ridden racists

The film is based on a true story. It's not like these women didn't exist. There is nothing you can say against that.


>go to see silence
>this shit starts playing in my designated theater
so this is how the liberals win

ahaha I thought it was going to be a TV series

oh god

They didn't exist.


except the women was like 1/8 black and was there to be a glorified calculator.

>make human spaceflight movie
>protags are strong black women that aren't astronauts or engineers
>thinking this will do well

a lot of my STEM friends are into this sort of stuff

usually pop culture film is promoting mindless stupidity, degeneracy, or sex

rare that we get movies about the shit we are doing

Pence won the lottery so fucking much

So you concede that she was there and did what everyone knows she did. Good.

Just posting the main character

ikr she wasnt even black lol plus the other 2 were glorified secretarys

what horrible hair

Nice try white devil

This is the only color photograph I've seen of her, odd that they're so hard to find.


she wasnt exactly a dark skinned negriss though so why does the movie have to have a ooga booga play her

what do you mean, user. Everything from the straight hair to the blue eyes screams african goddess.

>one drop

W-where's the black woman? Was I lied to?

movie about smart nigger bitches with a budget of 25 million. only makes half in theaters. shows niggers could care less about smart nigger movies


>she's not black cause I say so

By law, she would have been considered black.

>glorified calculator.
>calculated the Apollo's trajectory

Give it a rest. She was definitely a computer but she was the top computer.

Those kind of calculations aren't easy, especially when computers were in their infancy.

Just because something is a law doesn't mean it's right.

>look at this smart black woman
she's 7/8ths white
>shut up ignore that!

I honestly don't care about that but I'm surprised it's such a fuss.

I thought one drop spoiled everything for you people?

I agree with this user. Jim Crow laws nationwide when?

The main characteristic of Sup Forums is that they have no actual beliefs, they just say whatever furthers their narrative at the time. Hence the sudden reversal of muh 1 drop rule where this movie is concerned.

>you people

Now what the fuck do you mean about that?

>everyone who thinks this is stupid must be a white supremacist

ok m8

For accuracy's sake, they should have used a black-white individual for one of them.

>now the one drop rule doesn't qualify because I say so

C'mon nigger.

This triggered cuck is still here

fucking lel

Why else would you complain about a historical accurate portrayal of black women? Surely not because the film sucks because you haven't seen it.

>being triggered by facts


I asked a girl on a movie date to see it last Thursday and halfway through she got up to use the bathroom and never came back.


The actress playing Johnson, Taraji P Henson, looks mixed to me.


Keep posting plz

Not tired of winning yet

> hidden figures working for nasa

More like hidden niggers working for massa

Except it's not historically accurate. The actress portraying her actually looks black, which she did not. Why didn't they use someone that actually looked like her at all? Without having seen it yet, I assume it's because the point of this movie is to hammer me over the head with a patronizing racial narrative, and reality was too nuanced for that blunt message.

Maybe I'm wrong and maybe it's good, but that alone is enough for me to "complain" about.

I'd assume because how many 1/8th black actress are there?

But user, the woman is black.

So then what's the cutoff for black people? Pretty much all African Americans have around 30% white DNA in them at a minimum. It's been hybrids mixing with other hybrids for quite some time now, and they barely resemble Africans from Africa desu.

That's a fucking cop out. Casting companies can find people that look like whatever they want.

Also, I don't give a shit about the actress's literal ethnic makeup. As an audience member, I can only tell what they look like. If you're making a biopic and the person's race is a central theme, why misrepresent their physical appearance???

The cut off for black is whenever it is convenient for them.

>I'd assume because how many 1/8th black actress are there?

Plenty, but if they used them they would be criticized for white washing her character

>convenient for them.


She doesn't even look fully black desu. She looks mixed. It's not like they cast some dark fuck like Leslie Jones.

blacks and white college students

it's projected to be first at the box office this weekend in america at around $25m

it'll end up being pretty successful

>they just say whatever furthers their narrative at the time
kike, pls

keep telling yourself that

I'm not saying people wouldn't have considered her black. The way things work is that with euro/african mixed people the average IQ becomes an average of the two populations.
>Africans (70)
>African Americans who nearly all have european mixture (85)
>American whites (100)

And so it becomes really unremarkable when you take a woman who has a lot of european DNA and hold her up as a product of African American blood. Surely out there, there are a few people of greater African ancestry that have accomplished something. But it's shameful to take the accomplishments that are obviously attributable to european ancestry then hide this fact.
Much the same way anyone that says they are attracted to "latin women" but isn't talking about a damn native aztec is saying they are attracted to european features.

Can someone Sup Forums answer this. It's a serious question.

For as much flak as this movie catching from you guys due to casting, it really does beg the question on what the genetic qualifier for being black is if not the traditional one drop rule? If we don't use that rule, are the majority of African Americans then white?

I want to believe the majority of you aren't as dense as to believe you have the right to claim a person as being white when they are successful, and not white otherwise, but it really looks like that's where the logic is. Please convince me that you aren't actually that retarded.

>hurr durr her accomplishments are only because of her european blood
Kill yourself.

Due to incredible variation in admixture of African American DNA, it actually is fair to hold up a woman with European DNA as a product of African American blood because African Americans are literally hybrids all of varying degrees.

It doesn't even make sense to whine about this.

>She looks mixed.

Yes, and Katherine Johnson looks %100 white. So it's fucking misleading. What's confusing about this?

If they made an accurate movie about this lady who looks clearly white but is 1/8th black and got discriminated against anyway, I would honestly be impressed. That would turn people's expectations on their heads and might actually say something fresh about race relations in America.

But no. They were too cowardly for that. Rather than embrace the fact that this lady straddled racial lines and blurred the very definition of what makes a person black, they just cast a typical-looking sassy black woman and told the same tired politically correct story.

>looks 100% white
Not in the slightest.

No amount of explanation will make your uneducated ass understand Sup Forums

Nah dude just white college students

>t. Can't explain his logic.

>Hidden figures
>That one on the right

Maybe if they put her on the dark side of the moon

still falling for le uneducated whites maymay.
technically black females are the "most educated" group. but look at them, lel.


>is the genetic qualifier the social one

Quit being purposefully dense, the less the nigger genes are present the better.


shaking my head right now

>Yes, and Katherine Johnson looks %100 white
wew lad

She's a light complexion but she definitely looks part black. Nose, lips and hair especially.

And it's no coincidence they used one of the more popular black actresses for the lead role. This is oscar bait.

>Sup Forums is all one person
>doesnt understand shitposting
>green arrow t.

See here: If you're just not going to approach this in good faith, there's nothing more for me to say.

how did the space program go from "lol americans didnt even do anything important it was nazi scientists" to "actually, it was black women that got us to the moon"?

>Who is the target audience?

Historically-illiterate and guilty whites, as well as WE WUZ KANGS BLM-tards that want a movie to validate their cockamamie beliefs that blacks are responsible for America's successes rather than whites.

>less nig genes the better
>implying any nig genes at all are bad
>which is the basis of the one drop rule and would have seen her classified as African American and ostracized
If nigger genes make her African American due to the logic of "less nigger genes the better", then what is the problem on having an African American play her when African Americans are scientifically known to have incredible genetic variation within their population?

Do we have to make sure actors and actresses are no longer part of the group of the person they portray and rather as genetically close as possible? Then why don't people flip tables when there are Brits playing Vikings or Nordics playing Romans or Italians playing Scots?

Here's another picture of her.

The reality is there's no colored pictures of her in the 60s and her pale complexion at 92 is not an indicator of how she looked 50 years ago.

>The film is based on a true story.

Yes, and I'm sure like most movies "based on a true story" that it will be totally 100% accurate to reality.
The same way The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was "based on a true story".

Look at her phenotypic traits including nose, lips, and eye shape compared to the man she is standing next to.
If this lady was walking down the street it wouldn't be hard to tell that she was not 100% white.

>calculated the Apollo's trajectory

Literally hundreds of people worked on those calculations.

>her pale complexion at 92 is not an indicator of how she looked 50 years ago.

>historical accurate

Of course, they are enormously complex. I doubt you could have helped at all.

Underrated post.



Nice catty, passive-aggressive insult, faggot, but my point is that these women did not "calculate the trajectory for Apollo 11".

These women were three of COUNTLESS people that worked on that same goal, many of whom contributed more to it than they did. Hence why this movie is historically inaccurate for the sake of aggrandizing the work some nobodys did just because they were black and had vaginas.

>this is liberal banter

what second rate state schools rejected you?

Ive never seen an ad for this movie outside of Sup Forums

i hope it flops

Pepe should be Mad Dog Mattis

It really isnt. Black people pale as they age.
They don't turn into full blown white grandpa's and grandma's unless they started off lightskin, but it happens.

The movie does not claim they were the sole ones responsible for the calculations.

women were commonly employed as coders in the 1950s-60s

The job wasn't difficult, but it was time consuming like any other secretary work.

Women only "stopped" being coders in the 70s and 80s when computing became about building shit in your parents basement, and suddenly it became too "nerdy", at least until the TBBT made being nerdy "cool".

Old black ladies and black church goers that want to be proud of their heritage to validate their mundane, unambitious and entirely survival-oriented lifestyles

Movie about salaried above average minds doing above average things in above average positions most likely living of average means in entirely forgettable stations for the sake of an event that people study but no one really cares about anymore

Take your inspiration where you can though, I guess. There's no right way to live life. Do whatever the fuck you feel like.


And he was even darker than that in his youth.


Apparently their teeth get better too

N-no! You're wrong!... Shut the freak up... FUCK trump and FUCK white people....

and lest we forget