How do you stop him?

how do you stop him?

I call my friends Ittin and Yuan for backup.

by crashing this plane

Fuck his legs up. Then shove a sword through his eyes. The giant is fucking useless in Battle of the Bastards for whatever reason.

place a bunch of shields together and hope he doesn't realize that he could just smash through them

Barrel roll.

By getting a gun obviously

how do you stop him?

I swear to god BotB was so fucking stupid they even let the Giant go to war unarmored and unarmed, he literally fought with his fists, nigger didnt even bother picking up 2 corpses and use them as a flail

just shoot arrows at him since he's a retard who learned nothing from all the battles he's been in before this and has no armor or even a giant weapon

Contrived writing, apparently.

>how do you stop him?

arrow through the eye

All you need is twenty good men

A few Ballistas with attached ropes should work. Hook em inside the beast, then with teams of men pull him down and stab him all over.

They could have at least given him some armor, even if it's just some sodden slabs around his body to block arrows, as well as given him a large branch of hardwood to swing around, or something. Instead they send him into battle without protection or weapons.

Why weren't the Bolton soldiers freaking out and shitting themselves over the mythical creature that probably none of them thought ever existed that is slaughtering their fellow men right in front of them?

upload virus

because the director did not tell them to freak out and shit themselves

my autism itched so much because of this. fucking give him a weapon or something, or just a big ass shield

Agreed. Wondered the same thing. He is wearing lots of furs though. Not using a weapon is fucking retarded.

thanks for reminding me to check the latest snk

He's a big guy...

what's snk? saturday night killed?

In the books he was Russian, so it made more sense.

Literally just arrows.

was getting shot in the eye with an arrow part of his plan?

For whom?

its a chinese cartoon about naked big guys



>The giant is fucking useless in Battle of the Bastards for whatever reason.
He could have just plowed through their army when they were getting surrounded.

They had literally no way of stopping him.

Yes, their latest KoF XIV is pretty GOAT

shingeki no kyojin
they have a meme in Sup Forums where frodo would ask the equivalent of why dont they take the eagles to mt doom

m'ask you sumthin

just get a one armed back smith to fuck is shit up

a army of little guys

Sit back and watch gravity do the work. I certainly wouldn't go full retard and leave the castle.

Dual-wielding shields

An arrow to his eye.
Ramsay did kill him as a last insult.

Hey guys, you ever see that really old movie, Empire Strikes Back?

with superior katana

>shingeki no kyojin
just call it attack on titan you fucking hipster

a katana can easily bisect a knight in full plate mail

Be a Stark, D&D gives them immunity