Cast her

cast her

The role of an angel :3

The mariana trench

She looks like a freak


nice. any straight american male would pay for watching that.


well, I would definitively pirate it

not sure about actually paying it for it, tho

tell me what you guys think, i wrote this treatment a couple years ago:

South Pier
>Chloe Smith plays Alice, a young, budding teen whose single father takes her from small town Oregon back to his roots in California to get to know her dying grandmother. Her grandmother played by Helen Mirren is a child of the flower revolution, smokes her own stash to ease the pain of chemotherapy and shows Chloe a different way to go through life. Everything changes when she meets Matilda played by Lexee Smith on the pier and a strong, unbreakable relationship begins. Father played by David Duchovny. Runtime 102 minutes

i'm thinking stand by me mixed with blue is the warmest color

>i'm thinking stand by me mixed with blue is the warmest color


they're a bit old for that now, tho

would need to recast

pic related

i would pay and watch it

I really really like that pic. Mind if I save it?

>too old
chloe is 15 now, that's a good coming of age, age group

of course chloe would be the manic pixie dream girl type and lexee would be the street smart tomboy from a troubled home...

chloe's character has perceptions of love and romance that lexee's character will challenge...

thanks user :D

my wife

it's the role of a lifetime

oh, please, be my guest, user

lexee's tomboyiness has decreased a lot, tho

she's like, full-blown woman now

>you on the left


is that a boy?

>you will never shove your fave in chloe's lycra


ghost world (2001) remake. chloe as thora and lexee as scarjo.

Chloe likes niggers


>is that a boy?

sure, if you want...

holy keks



So do you go to the new c-chan

hi mista j
check this out!

wrong picu~


I made a small, but crucial modification

i was planning on doing exactly that!

>tfw lexee gets casted in the remake of Thirteen
>she plays the role of nikki reed

i have a thing for reverse traps

>dat nose shoop

oh hai LB :3

this is now a bunny thread

ohhh, haven't been there yet

but looks good

wtf, how did you hack my instagram?


see, great minds think alike


she's cute as fuck, 2bh

alright :3

>looking back over the shoulder

oh my

>tfw its too dark and you never see it

>dem lips
>dat hair
>dat skin
>you'll never be at the airport with your androgynous daughter and have a nice old lady ask you if she's a boy or girl
>you will never buy her cute boy's clothes and batman underwear

>ywn see that delicious outline in her boyshorts


have I started it the fire?

>wipe ass
>gotta do it again

fires are caused by a lot of friction created in a short time

Fag redneck

you see, boyshorts are very tight fitting underwear that qt girls wear

so its only natural that a perfect outline would be visible when she puts them on and then models for you in the store

im not a faaaaaaaaaaag!

>slams bedroom door


well, that's true

what has user so eager for privacy?

Ryry bot just arrived from china

Basic Bitch #43271893

did you get the special edition version with bonus features?

those teef

Is Lexee our /girl/?

she has pretty good legs for her age, 2bh

>me on the left

I got the one with Spiderman powers+enhanced nose
Meanwhile my Evancho-bot won't stop singing

she's ironically basic

>me on the left

fuck yeah

what model did you get?

So plain it hurts.

i wonder if that shirt is still be long enough to cover all over her when she gets up at night

or does she has to clench the front and pull it down

MUH DICK are confused right now.


westworld remake

>jordyn as dolores
>chloe as maeve
>lexee as clementine

what is the shark's expression trying to convey?

on her tush it says "wouldn't wanna be ya"


>"thanks for taking me to ice cream daddy. how come that lady asked if i was a boy?"

I inagine she would have the same look on her face after spotting me for the third time squatting by the bushes

its only confused because of prior limits, user

>ywn help her get changed in the changing room
>helping unbutton
>seeing it fall
>atleast 1 of her hands quickly covering and gripping her most special feature
>as you then put her neon boyshorts under her feet
>pulling them up
>she moves her had to allow it to be covered by the shorts
>seeing a perfectly symmetrical outline as she turns and models
>when she stands still long enough you can almost see a slight pulsing under the fabric

hmmmmm, definitely not long enough

there's gonna be some tushy showing, for sure

resistance is futile

don't overthink it too much, user

would you do buck in the oa?

Cute as fuck


I have the perfect storyline for season 2

pic very related

... couldn't help it lol

she doesnt understand why the other girls seem more jealous of her, especially all the extra attention she gets from boys when shes in bikinis

Anthony: This prototype Ryry is programmed to age!
>sales plummet


i wonder if LB is still here appreciating the content, or perhaps already finished appreciating too fast :(

kek did dr ford build another secret park for cunny bots?

*unzips sharpie

>"she's just old and shortsighted, honey"
>"now hurry up and finish your ice cream so we can frozen&chill before your mom comes from work"

>or perhaps already finished appreciating too fast :(
u mean he came?

>..........cuz you are my littlbe boy, honey.

The Killing was better than that for that kind of thing


so true

>me on the right

because you are a boy, faggot

i wonder if they take turns trying on different outfits in the same booth

trying on different color neons and pastels

i'm still here heh

how come the women in westworld were ugly as fuck, like none of them were attractive as the girl in the train who takes away william's glass

hmmm he's been awful quite for a while...

that's what's at the end of the maze

the door to cunnytown

i wonder if they only speak in unison like those girls in the shining

do you think that cone is symbolic?

what happens if she brings the ice cream home but some of it melts and starts to drip off her spoon as she eats it

maybe because only them who agree to do nude scene

Can we get more chloxee pls

>Wide mouth

Looks like the joker.


>seeing a perfectly symmetrical outline as she turns and models

i'm still a little confused by what you mean, user!

because she's tall?

>tfw someone inveted a camera that captures smells too

that would be a bit degenerate, 2bh

yup, not a single little girl in the whole park

was the first thing I noticed

they're obviously hidden away in some place...

he has been here a while, I bet he's appreciating her

>tfw based ed harris died without knowing it exist

>gets off train
Sup Forums: "we can fuck the kids right?"
Assistant: "no sorry"
>gets back on the train

it's 2017 already, fahm

move on

more room for kisses :3

Thefuck is wrong eith her?

what kind of movies do you think they likes?

>Sorry, this page isn't available.

did she change her page or am i blocked?