When did you drop Sherlock?

When did you drop Sherlock?

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When I broke up with the girl who used to make me watch it with her.

Is this actually in the series
What the fugg, moffat beeds ti go

They never actually kiss, it just cuts.

When it was revealed that irritating faggot was actually Moriarty and they started to force the Watson/Sherlock pseudo-gay relationship shit.

I never watched it, because me and my boyfriend aren't faggots.

Seems to happen with so many shows

I.E. Supernatural too, they basically pay fan service by adding gay tension

Roastie pls go

>roastie pls go
I'm a guy tho.

I was excited when it looked like he was going to be a fake Moriarty and then... nope.

It's a fanfic theory dream sequence.
The Sherlolly one with the bungee cord is much better

What the fuck is this shit

After Sherlock faked his own death and we waited a year to find out that the explanation wasn't ever coming. This incarnation of Sherlock is awful. He doesn't solve any crimes, he just makes illogical leaps to conclusions that don't follow from the "evidence".

I never picked that fangirlbait bullshit up.

after the 2nd season

I haven't dropped it for now, I liked Season 3 but The Abominable Bride wasn't that good, it was full of cheap writing for the sake of fanfiction.
The first episode of Season 4 wasn't very good too. I feel that Sherlock is just not that good, but I want to give the series a chance.

Reminder that this show is written by Moffat who wrote a Dr Who story about how the ACD Sherlock is based off a lesbian human/lizard couple

>all these mad af homophobes havent even seen the scene yet shit on it
>that other faggot who seen that joke fake death scene (where sherlock used the bungee cord to save him as he faked his death) and he thought it was a real attempt from the show

Second episode of the second series, and even that was too long.

Which series?

>joke fake death scene
How so? Even if it was from ideas online, it's still made by the production staff and therefore confirmed as such.

>The series co-creator insists that the final depiction of how Sherlock faked his own death in the premiere episode is, in fact, the way it was done