When cgi works

Movies that are 99% cgi but still good

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>tron legacy

Looks pretty, that's all that matters for Tron, whether original or this one

this desu

score, tone, set and lighting design were all this movie had to get right and it was 10/10.

Who else remembers this touching moment between father and son

Also perfect 2.5d waifu Quorra

>tfw you somehow managed not to break budget so you decide to add a cgi person instead of hiring someone

>implying Zuse isn't best waifu



you can fuck right off

You do realize that people actually know how Jeff Bridges looked in late eighties, right?
Also, it's not like he wasn't a combination of CG and a real guy

Change the scheme! Alter the mood! Electrify the boys and girls if you'd be so kind.

Tron 2.0 is a good game.
Tron (either of them) is a pretty movie with shit story.
Your point is?

OG Tron is good to
Doesn't mean we can't like the new one too

Yeah but is it impossible to find someone who looks remotely like late eighties Jeff Bridges?

Oh irony. If it was released right now, only China will bring 200-300 millions.



Did Flynn ever fuck her

Full leght CGI porn when?


>tfw she's real

>Evil computer Jeff Bridges should be a young CGI copy of him
Good decision
>Let's have an unnecessary flashback and close up scene on a young CGI Jeff Bridges to open the movie
Bad decision

There were so many bad calls made in this film in terms of script and tone. The effects were neat outside of real life CGI Bridges but it's a bad movie.

The Orc scenes were great, but the Alliance scenes were absolute trash - everything looked like it was made out of plastic - the cgi, sets, props, etc.

Never, since the movie single handledy sank an entire studio.

Sorry, which movie and which studio?

Thumbnail makes it look like she has a giant cock.

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

Square Enix's launched a new movie studio and this was their first release. The movie is beautiful with an amazing score by Elliot Goldenthal but it's also dark as fuck with a cardboard villain and somewhat confusing subplot. Audiences stayed away in droves.


What about Kingslave then? 20$ millions for movie with godlike cgi, more less story, big cast, even b-tier actors for main voice over.
CGI porn needs two-three CGI models, some slut for voice-over. Done. 500k$ - 1m$. Pirates 2 has 8$ millions budget.

Oh wow, I saw that. I thought it was pretty good. I bet the CGI looks dated as hell now.

This is the ultimate CGI-fest.


I don't really think it needs a sequel but I'm sure the sequel will look really fucking cool.