What should a right winger listen to these days? Literally most music released is cuck leftist bullshit these days

What should a right winger listen to these days? Literally most music released is cuck leftist bullshit these days

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>caring about politics in music

t. commie cucks

You should do one of these:
Stop being a pathetic loser that cares about politics in music and listen to whatever you like
Go back to Sup Forums
Kill yourself

Baroque, classical and medieval chants

People really using the word "cuck" is so funny

get the stick out of your ass and try again

Start with Bilskirnir, Fanisk and Kaevum.

Listen to artists that aren't overtly political. Chances are they're right-wing if that's the case. That or metal. Or you could just man up and take art as art regardless of where it comes from.

Gusts of wind rattling the tin on your roof and the seductive whisper of suicidal thoughts.

So much for free speech.

Maybe it's just my ears, but I can't make out the lyrics of vocals in most songs, even cleanly sung ones. I really don't care, either. It's the timbre that matters.

tf did he do to infringe your free speech? dumbass

that is because they are awful songs

any song that has undistinguished lyrics is awful imo

When I said most songs, that's what I meant. Squeeky-clean pop, 40s swing stuff, R & B, prog rock, black metal, all of it. Musically, why do the lyrics matter?


>any song that has undistinguished lyrics is awful imo
t. doesn't like music

This incorrectly assumes that everyone who is anti-Sup Forums is pro-immigration.



"Politics in music don't matter but when an artist has leftist beliefs it makes my boipussy moist." - Libcucks

Has pro-immigration become equivalent to pro-illegal immigration?

"I like music." - Man that watches other men perform coitus with his wife



Last night I heard a voice that said this is the end
All my nerves have been worn to the threads
I only honestly have one or two left
I got my faith, I got my family
I got a wire fence around my whole stake
If I believe only half what I read
I got a reason to be dug in deep

It's revelation saying
Don't come running to me
When they're coming for you

I seen those boys kissing boys
With their mouth in the street
But I raised my son to be a righteous man
I made it clear to him what fear of God means

I'd hold him down on the Tompkins Lake
Before I ever let him go to the wolves
The path we walk is only narrow and straight
No son of mine will wander astray

Don't come running to me when they're coming for you
(Don't come running to me when they're coming for you)
Don't come running to me when they're coming for you
(Don't come running to me when they're coming for you)

Last night I heard a voice that said, "Don't give up your gun"
They keep washing right up on those shores
Man they're gathering their numbers up
Those bleeding hearts come marching down my road
Well I'll be waiting right here at my door
It's a lie to say it wouldn't be fun
If you're joining them then I got one
With your name on it

Don't come running to me when they're coming for you
(Don't come running to me when they're coming for you)
Don't come running to me when they're coming for you
(Don't come running to me when they're coming for you)

Don't come running to me when they come gunning for you
(Don't come running to me when they come gunning for you)
Don't come running to me when they're coming for you
(Don't come running to me when they're coming for you)

God is love

t. "i'll listen to anything, except for country and rap"


As a person who has subscribed to right wing ideology for most of my life, I will be the first to say you should to whatever you like, even if it is cuck libtard soy-core. Lets be honest, they are good at producing art, especially good music. I have no problem giving them that. They can have that. Why do I so freely give up the mantle of producing art to the faggy progressive libtard cuck soyboy or soygirl? Because it is us who built civilization, who laid the foundation that allowed this culture to grow and thrive. We are the creators of nation states and the people who erect cities, townships, and communities. They can sing their protest songs all day, and I'll sit there and listen along to them gleefully while I handle my financial affairs and prepare for my future and plan my family with my gf (soon to be wife). I can enjoy their art without feeling the need to be swayed by their silly cuck opinions because I know my people created a world that allowed them to freely make this art. They are able to succeed and thrive because of me. You're welcome cucks.


Christ, I hope this is pasta.

this is the only right answer OP. Educate yourself and develop real taste. Little boys listen to pagn black metal.

The sound of your own painful death as you slowly burn in the fires of hell...

or this


holy shit I don't think it is. just pure unmitigated autism

I used to listen to this album once in a while a few months ago and totally forgot about it until you posted it again
turns out it's not available in (((germany))) because swastikas and SS-runes could awaken my inner Volkszorn, I fucking hate what this country has become

The best music is apolitical.

Political music is usually shite, left or right.

Whatever sounds good

Fuck the death you store

You didn't build or create anything. Your loyalty to your party line is sickening and pathetic.

Also don't forget to sage this bait thread everybody

does pussy wussy hurty worty?

Nah they're both good, most apolitical music with lyrics is just poptimist faggotry

Try listening to Anal Cunt :)

Make some yourself you lazy deadbeat.

Ted Nugent

Please tell me this is a pasta.

What music should I listen to to make me feel like I fit in nice and snug to a group of people Sup Forums?

10/10 right wingers don't know who this is.


dude epic bait man


I'm left-wing, anti-immigration and hate Sup Forums.