Ctrl + f no taboo thread

ctrl + f no taboo thread

fags and big guys GET IN HERE DISCUSS the best show at the moment

>Hardy in full mumbling and grunting london accent
i'll wait until there are decent subtitles, m8

Your are tabooguy

I'm gonna watch it again. It's pretty kino, with nice setting so even though I know the story I'll still enjoy watching the episode.

>only 8 episodes

2nd season no Tom Hardy

panned and on the way to cancellation

It's got a great soundtrack, can't find it on youtube though.

this desu
i'm also very hyped though.

jesus christ, I'm austrian and have no trouble understanding him

Where did you guys watch it? Doesny it premier next tuesday?

in burgerland, yes
in glorious bbc land, yesterday

There already are subtitles also im not native speaker and i understood him.


> taboo.uk.s01e01.internal.1080p.hdtv.x264-failed

was he a big guy?

>chicken legs
>tiny peewee

is he /ourguy/?


Meh. Hardy and nice visuals is all this show has to offer, and they're not using Hardy to his full potential, he should do some memorable badass shit but so far nothing really. Which is a bad sign in a show that only has 8 episodes.


I'll keep watching for the promise of incest.

>he should do some memorable badass shit
wait for him to go to the forest

It's called "Off season". But yeah, his legs are very tiny. The Dick, don't know, maybe a blood Penis? I have the same tho, if he erect he is not longer than 6 inch.

Do people really use the word "fucking" in 18th century?

thank you
hard to ruin such an easy shot


How did you know the story ?

Is it a book adaption?

truly K I N O

it's like moving paintings

>Implying there will be second season

Petty sure bane will die at the end

It's 1812, 19th century

so i just got done watching this. is it a pirate/voodoo/war show?

For you

Yeah, that word is very old.
