ITT: Movies women unironically will NEVER understand

>ITT: Movies women unironically will NEVER understand


Kill Asian men, fuck their women and live off welfare in their own country!

Spotted the white-guilt liberal.

>the movie is stupid as fuck

Are you implying women are smarter than men?

literally the most blatant and shittiest white male power fantasy

how is this shit not out on torrents rn ffs

lol at the assmad asians

>they made that 5'2 little guy the last samurai

>t. people who didn't watch the movie

Yeah it was bullshit. Samurai were some of the toughest, tallest, and most capable warriors who ever lived. Some samurai were so skilled they could cleave those musket balls being fired at them in half.

Whether he was straight or gay, I don't know, I don't care

>people think Tom Cruise is the last samurai

You fuckers really need to get som more IQ pronto

tom cruise is a sidekick in this movie
he's like 5' 8"

if anything he was tall for a samurai

don't be a pratt, last samurai seriously?that's a film for girls

>Movies noncombatants unironically will NEVER understand*

*includes most women and all edgy autistic basement dwellers

Last Samurai refers to Watanabe's character and his clan, not to him specifically. Samurai is in its plural form in the title.

No he wasn't. He didn't look the part at all. Samurai were unstoppable, the only reason we don't all speak Japanese right now is because they mostly stuck to their island instead of choosing to invade other countries.

If the samurai had ever decided to wage war on other countries, they would have completely dominated every other culture.

Ken Watanabe is the last samurai, Tom Cruise literally says it at the end of the movie.

>compares the abolition of an outdated and highly privileged social class (samurai) to the genocide of native Americans
>implies that technology is bad and you're better off as a rice nigger

>implying modern American combatants see anything similar to Okinawa

>people who didn't watch the movie and don't know katsumoto is the last samurai

>modern American combatants

дoбp cи тo пoвeдy мoдeл )))))))))

is this one of those
>katsumoto you truly are the last samurai
how did they get away with this things?



>the only reason we don't all speak Japanese right now is because they mostly stuck to their island instead of choosing to invade other countries.


>Samurai were unstoppable
unstoppably short

oda nobunaga was average height for a samurai and he's 170cm


quads speak the truth

Not going to lie, I normally hate when they intentionally interject gooks and niggers in my movie, but this really was one film where having the main character be white really made no sense

Most of the people i know didnt see this movie and didnt like it

This movie is just a typical case of Hollywood and politics.

weak bait

suck my dick

>450,000 phone calls [laughs]

how did that happen?


Samurai is plural you dumb fuck