Sup Forums actually uses pic related aka the worst video player to ruin their kino viewing experience

>Sup Forums actually uses pic related aka the worst video player to ruin their kino viewing experience.

Why do you do this to yourselves, Sup Forums?

what are my options for a player that offer such compatibility for all file types

there is literally nothing wrong with VLC and you can't prove otherwise

I just load in itunes

Explain why VLC is so bad. If it's as bad as you say, it must be easy.

No seriously, not saying that you're wrong but I've seen this meme so much but never really got it[/spoiler[

>what are my options for a player that offer such compatibility for all file types

literally the dozen or more other players out there?

every player plays every format, just like vlc

>says their dozen of other players out
>doesn't name one

people like you deserve to be castrated

there's this thing called google. try it. literally a dozen or more players that people use.

if you're not going to contribute just fuck off already

Just get CCCP and you will be set. I still have vlc for streaming and other stuff since its useful.

mfw everyone falls for the bait

>not using vlc
what are you gay?

only women use vlc

>communist symbol in homepage

>Just get CCCP

only idiots use codec packs in 2017

When it comes to phones VLC is pretty much the best that you can get
>really free, there are no ads
>you can adjust playback speed of videos with pitch correction
>you can stream videos from your LAN

I watch podcasts and listen to recorded radio programs at 1.25x speed so I love vlc on my phone but on PC I use MPC with MadVR and Audio Reclock to watch movies at 1.25x.

Nah, women are more likely to use the stock video app on their macbooks

women google for a video player and they always find vlc

real men use mpc-hc or mpv

Kodi master race here, all you fucking plebs disgust me


that's a media center

and so automatically a video player you fucking retard, you wanna go open your kino in windows 10 barely working file explorer like some fucking backwards pleb go ahead AHHAHAHAHA

what are you even blubbering about?

kodi is overkill

have fun browsing your text files while I browse glorious art scraped libraries fucking pleb, what years is it AHAHAHAHAHHA

I use gom player

Idk, I recently downloaded the 1080p version of 2001 and it worked perfectly on VLC.

>to ruin their kino viewing experience
>to ruin
>kino viewing experience
at home

>1080p version

what filesize?

What's a lightweight player that has a gui

has mpc added the speed granularity yet like vlc has? that's the only reason i'm still using vlc desu


Gom player is ok. Mpc is the "patricians" choice I guess.

I don't get the hate for vlc, though.

>>I don't get the hate for vlc, though.

then you havent used it. it's a mess.

The only real problem with vlc is that it uses key frames and bad rips sometimes fuck up the key frames and vlc is fucked until another key frame comes along and it can correct the output.

That's it. It's perfectly good at everything else.

What kinda poor cunt watches movies on their laptop anyway?

>sitting in your mom's basement
>cheap chair you're dad found on the side of the street
>watching "kino" you downloaded on your tiny laptop
>eating chips
>dad yells down "get a job!"
>Feeling depressed
>Spam some memes on Sup Forums
>Feeling better now
>Go to bed
>Dream about ur precious "kino" and how wrong the directors were.

>not hooking up your laptop to your 4k 65 inch TV

What are you? Retarded?

i tried this once, not really a good viewing experience. i was doing some work and put on Civil War on, its kinda bad on the big screen

>He hooks his laptop up to his tv like a kid

Real player

>watching movies on a computer

Poorfags, the thread

>What kinda poor cunt watches movies on their laptop anyway?

Sup Forums neets

>has money for a 4k tv
>still uses his laptop to stream the movie to it.



>paying for something you can get for free

How will ever get rich poorfag?

>hooking up laptop
>not spending money on superior PS4 and running everything through there.

>being poor as fuck

>This is what Sup Forums considers a high end setup.

>being a consolefag
>not killing yourself

You fucked up.


>people use VLC


Let's see your setup.

Probably watches movies through netflix.

>Still not having a dedicated media setup
>with a huge tv and media player
>with either its own internal hdd full of your favorite kino
>or all of it stored on a NAS
>instead he hooks his laptop up to his small 2nd hand tv and considers himself a kino lover.

I use my laptop because I can take it with me to friends and watch kino where ever I want.

Do you even have friends? Do you know what it's like sharing your favorite kino with others?

I use media player classic for 4k, since vlc likes to lag while playing it for some reason

>he became their group's mule

KEK. fucking loser

>When you can afford your vices
>When you're not a fucking neet

>still using discs

What are these? The 90's?

You can set up to not be crap:
enable full color range
prevent it from skipping frames
x264 preset, slow,high444
video buffers in system memory

I use MPC-HC on PC and MX Player on phone. Very good options.

>how the plebs enjoy their kino

>he's a little bitch for his friends

>How you should be enjoying your kino

(tv could be a little bigger though considering the distance)

I just made my own Netflix with Plex


I know this is how everyone but Murrica uses decimals points but I hope one day in the future we can have 2001 with a 1 Petabyte filesize

>I know this is how everyone but Murrica uses decimals points

No. user just typed a comma instead of a period. Common typo.

He meant: one thousand six hundred and ten megabytes, or one point six one gigabytes

Does anybody here know a Video player that isn't VLC or Plex (Plex has shit quality and streaming torrents works faster.)

I just want a player that don't have an autistic design

Remembers where you left in the movie.
Non-Autism design.

That it, these three things would make a great player, bonus modern support like Chromecast and Apple TV.

is this your house or pulled from google?

nice setup. could do with 1 more chair or a back on the side of the couch to be more inviting to guests but rooms a bit small for it

> he thinks a gigabyte is 1000mb

>no replies

Says it all




>I just want a player that don't have an autistic design

they all do

Mpv is autistic Sup Forums shit. Typical minimalist software with a terrible GUI. It is far, far less convenient than VLC. Why don't you run your videos out of the command line while you're at it...

I only use non-bloated players like mpv.

Pic related. VLC is shit.

vlc works on all platforms, but is a little slow.
mplayer works as well and is a lot faster for when I skip to a time index.
I still use both though. Whatever works is fine for me.

I use DivX to stream my stuff to my PS4. Wish it would stream stuff with their subtitle files though.

Do you have 0 friends?
I might be because anytime someone asks you for a favor, you feel like you must proof your masculinity and dominance by refusing.
In reality, you just look like lazy shitheads to other people. Doing favors is a nice thing, not a sign of weakness.

>In reality, you just look like lazy shitheads to other people.

No. You look like a normal person who makes people do their own work instead of being somebody's doormat.

I bet you fill people's USB sticks with movies for them.

Star Trek: Beyond:The post

>complains about doing things for others
>on a request thread

fucking keke

>Do you have 0 friends?

No, I have smart friends who I can just link a torrent file to and they download it themselves.

What year do you live in? 2001 when hardly anybody had cable internet so downloading a movie was hard work?


check out Universal Media Server friendo

So you do have 0 friends. Because if you want to watch a movie together with others, someone brings their external harddrive. Then you browse through the list and then choose something that everyone is in the mood to watch.

>Who is Krall?

>spending two days doing other stuff while a file downloads is hard work

>blablabla friends friends

Fucking kids, you're supposed to be older than 18 to post here.

>stream the movie to it.

Because streaming a movie to a tv isn't what you do with a tv, amirite.

Potplayer is the best. It is true

What kind of shitty PC do you got?

>john's background switcher

>he looks at the same bg day in and day out until he grows tired of it

Just automate the process you dumb cunt.

Windows already has a thing that does that more efficiently

>100% disk usage

You are the one with the shit PC

I use pic related for that built in subtitle search.
Does good with music as well.

>can't read pic related

Look at whats using the disk usage.

Since when did win10 let you autochange different bgs every 15 minutes from websites on multiple screens without them being the same bg?

>not using the true kino video player

Barebones becase in the end it's all about the media not the player it's playing on.

HA! Mx Player is the actual best you can get if you have an android. Finding an apk of the ad free Pro version is easy of course so that's not a problem. If you're on iphone then you deserve nothing but the worst so I guess VLC will do.