(((Hollywood))) Nepotism

>Max Landis wrote 4 movies in 2015
>everyone one of them flopped
>cause the studios to lose millions of dollars
>yet he keeps getting work and is already writing a new one

Meanwhile actually good and talented writers can't even get a fucking producer to read their scripts.

How can we stop Hollywood nepotism?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah, but look at his rainbow-colored hair!

Literally gas the jews, not even memeing

Well memed

Is he allergic to looking like a respectable human being or is he just so shallow that his fashion sense reflects his inner self?

Why are you so obsessed with Landis though? Hollywood is full of nepotism but it's only him that (You) keep making threads about.


Welcome to the hourly Max Landis thread everybody! Check the official Max Landis Youtube channel, check the official Max Landis Twitter and remember to pick up the latest issue of Superman: American Alien at local comic stores now! Also be sure to pay attention to my vlogs because despite each of my films being massive failures in every sense of the word my father's Hollywood connections ensure that I will always work!

Do your part to save original ideas in Hollywood and buy the Blu-Ray for my new 4,675th Frankenstein adaptation!


Mike, Jay and Rich should have murdered him when they had the chance. No judge would have convicted them.

But the lampshade market would go into freefall due to a glut of product.

Make own movies from independent financiers.

Show them in local/independent theaters across country, grassroots campaign of self,promotion.

Studio wants to buy it. Sell it. Develop your own production company/studio from sold movie.

Produce other people's and your own movies.

Become moderately successful. Big studio wants to buy your company. Sell it for at least a billion.

Repeat, if you want, but the world is pretty much yours at that point.

>studio execs were reportedly gathering funds to create a live action film adaptation of the first Yurope novel but spent the funds on Landis's crappy frankenstein movie instead

Who is this Mark Landis fellow everyone is talking about, I've never heard of him

Thank you for the advice, mr Bros.

I don't care what people say about him

American Ultra was midwestern suburbia kino

Yeah, no problem.

Of course, I typed that up assuming that the person who would attempt that strategy had a modicum of talent, business savvy, charm, and drive. I realize that excludes everyone here.

I have another strategy that involves Russia, but who cares.

It'd be better for someone to just kill the Jews and let a new group come in.

Have you seen where he lives? he doesn't ask for much

Could we make soap out of them instead? Let's be productive at least.

Hello, Max! Your dad killed three people and got away with it, you know.

Yeah it was pretty great, he used to tell me about the sound they made as they got smushed, then we'd have strawberry ice cream.

So, why do you keep making threads about me?

your just an example. stop being so insecure max.

We all know you made this thread Max. You're an attention whore.

Who did you vote for, Max?

At this point I think it is easier to write a book instead of a script. If the book does well some producer will try to bu he rights

I'm tired of the Landis shills saying that American Ultra was a good movie on this board

How much is he paying you?

Fuck off neckbeards. Make your own movie Instead of blaming the Jews for being a NEET

His dad should be in prison for executing Vic Morrow, the father of Jennifer Jason Leigh, and two innocent little children with a helicopter

Really? That sounds nice :') Was he he good dad to you?

t. oven dodger

is he wearing a fruit rollup?

Well, it's certainly cheaper to write a book than make a movie.

It's risk assessment either way, and ultimately it's up to you which path you go.

Congrats you figured out how 90% of industries work.

Wait till you realize how most of the actors you like got their first gig

A lot of people on this board love Goggins. I assume that's the reason. Haven't watched it myself.

maggie thatcher

Life is about connections. It's not about the quality of your work, it's about who you know. It sucks, but that's the way it is. Because of his background, Landis has numerous connections in Hollywood. He can basically get anything he wants made for the rest of his life because of his father's name. Aside from Chronicle, I find pretty much all of his filmography unappealing. Having said that, I actually have a grudging respect for him as person. He can be kind of douchey and I hate his stupid sidecut, but he's funny and somewhat charming in his own way. He's also not afraid to go against the grain and give his honest opinion on mainstream movies, as evidenced by his criticism of Rey as a a complete Mary Sue in TFA pretty much right after its release. That puts him above the vast majority of celebrities in my eyes, even if he has basically been handed everything in life.

No one likes american ultra because of walter goggins because hes in it for like 5 mins

>How can we stop Hollywood nepotism?
By getting our hair rainbow-colored and parted to the side.

I posted this on one of his YouTube vids and he instantly deleted it

Max "Children Chopper" Landis
Max "Free chopper rides" Landis
Max "Helicopter Haircut" Landis
Max "my dad is a helicopter parent" Landis.
Max "kill the gook with a CH-47 Chinook" Landis
Max "get to the choppa" Landis.
Max ''slaughter them all'' Landis
Max "Heads will Roll" Landis
Max "Dad wanted me to get a head" Landis
Max "Nebrotism" Landis
Max "Fly Lower" Landis
Max "Get to the Choppa" Landis
John "when the chopper goes wild, we kill another child" Landis.
Max "when the chopper goes wild, we kill another child" Landis.
Max "kid clipper Jr." Landis
Max "son of the flying guillotine" Landis
Max "fly low, sweet chariot. daddy's gonna cut off your head" Landis.
John "full body bris" Landis
Max "Slicer and Dicer, with a side of rice-er" Landis
Max "uptomyknees in the blood of two kids and a guy" Landis
Max "If there's an epicanthic fold, put them in the ground cold" Landis
Max "China Syndrome" Landis
Max "Stunt double? Just hire twins" Landis
Max "How do I get this helicopter to" Landis
Max "I can't" Landis
Max "Spin around, and Cut them Down" Landis
max "my dad killed people" landis
Max 'pop their top like ol pop' Landis
Max "I suck dick while my dad kills for kicks" Landis
Max "Kids aren't bad helipads" Landis
Max "My dad directed Blues Brothers and loves crying Vietnamese mothers" Landis
Max "how do I" Landis
Max "Twilight Zone is covered with children's bones" Landis
Max "They broke my fall, but it killed them all" Landis
Max "i feel glad when i kill jennifer jason leigh's dad" Landis
Max "kid killing yid" Landis.
Max "Yellow peril" Landis
Max "gleefully spins propeller penis to Landis hate" Landis
Max "Death from above" Landis
Max "Asian Abrasion" Landis
Max "daddy thinks it's alright as long as the chinks die at night" Landis

Why then? Does Stewart have any nude scenes? I can't see any other reason.

I didn't know anything about it going in other than KStew was in it. Then I saw RLM had a HitB for it and I was like.. oh there's all this other shit and it lead to Macaulay Culkin being in an RLM video. It worked out

Jews.... Ashkenazi jews. These fucking kikes are nepotistic at everything they do. Hollywood has been throwing talentless kikes in our faces for almost 100 years

Hes jewish, this is why Mike is making fun of him. Based Mike "Kill the Kike" Stoklasa.

Didn't he make channel zero? It's pretty great.

>Ashkenazi jews
Based family.

I got a job in Hollywood just by asking my uncle. He didn't have anything to do with films or tv but I asked him and he pulled some strings and I worked on some capeshit.
Nepotism is fucking awesome, y'all niggers just sound jelly as fug.

He's an executive producer on it (whatever that means). The show is actually made by Nick Antosca, who worked on Hannibal.

>good and talented writers can't even get a fucking producer to read their scripts
incorrect but you're spot on about Max

Max "Rainbow Dash" Landis

>Max "I can't" Landis
Max "I know you p" Landis

What's crazy is that he clearly loves film, writing it and making it, and he's aware of what makes a film good. His Youtube channel is pretty fucking insightful.

Why, then, have all the films he's written (save for Chronicle) been mediocre at best?

Why does M. Night Shyamalan keep getting work? Producers don't want to hire directors and writers they want fuccbois to put their name on whatever piece of garbage they want to make.

I often wonder the same thing while watching RLM.

He mentions in the RLM interview that you don't write movies, you write scripts, and more often than not the script is out of the writer's hands once it gets into production. Writers are not invited to the set nor consulted on any changes, and basically all bets are off. Which isn't really a justification like "oh my scripts are great, it's the director and producer who ruins them." It's just that the movie industry involves a shitload of people and the writer does not get final word on what the movie will be like.

>son of the flying Guillotine
Dammit, you fucking got me

probably the latter, but Jews have a whole host of strange allergies so perhaps the former?

Sort of like Charlie Kaufmann's issue in Adaptation, I guess.

I suppose that makes sense but it's bullshit either way.

>Max "kid clipper Jr." Landis

The way they gushed over that abomination of a Frankenstein script was grotesque.

>Why are you so obsessed with Landis though? Hollywood is full of nepotism but it's only him that (You) keep making threads about.
because he has rainbow hair and keeps pushing a social agenda.

if he'd just shut the fuck up and make movies (that also didn't flop) no one would give him shit

>Meanwhile actually good and talented writers can't even get a fucking producer to read their scripts
Like you right? What a faggot you are, by the way writing doesn't mean shit in film making, it all depends of the director.

It's 2017 guys. Who even cares about Max "don't worry people, my father taught me how to" Landis?

Ashkenazis are not based. They are a degenerate race in every way including a genetic level. Ashkenazis have so many genetic illnesses that they will wind up holocausting themselves in a few generations (if we are lucky). They have Neanderthal features like thick ears and fat bottom lips and sloped foreheads that no doubt inhibit frontal lobe brain development. They are hyper sexual and sex-obsessed. Many pedos compared to any other race. Jewish psychopathy is most likely and ashkenazi genetic trait considering their autism symptoms like a lack of understanding abstract, no empathy, manipulative behavior, pathological lying, etc.

Ashkenazis are literally the worst fucking race on the planet and a real holocaust is needed ASAP. I figure if 1 out of every 50 Americans kill just a single jew then the US would be judenfrei. Nuke Israel too (nuking Tel-Aviv alone would take out 80% of the jews since majority live in the metro area). Pogroms elsewhere will take care of the rest. Simple viable solution to the jewish problem once and for all.

While I agree with you, I'm only relating to him by marriage and I meant it as based connections more than actual family. Like a mafioso family, it was kind of crazy, he literally said
>you wanna work on the pictures kid? let me make a few cawls.
Shit was so cash, I was living in WeHo going to crazy parties and working on a few smaller films until I got to work on one of the sherlock movies.
I'm pro-israel only in the way that we can get them all in one place to tactically nuke from orbit.

What's this about his dad killing people?

I like Max Landis. I think he has some good ideas, and he's made some really funny stuff on Youtube.

That said, I can't and won't pretend like he's been unsuccessful in Hollywood, and that the only reason he's still in Hollywood is because of his daddy. I don't blame him entirely for his movies failing, because I realize there's more than one person working on these movies, but at the same time, he really hasn't lived up to the hype.

At the end of the day, I wish the guy well.

John Landis used the argument that he identifies as an attack helicopter in court after he killed a few kids and it got him off.
You can't really fault him, that's just how he's built.

John Landis directed the Twilight Zone movie. He deliberately broke some child labor laws as well as other safety regulations. His lack of concern resulted in a helicopter crashing and decapitating actor Vic Morrow and a couple of gook kids.

Did John Landis really stab a man in Reno just to watch him die?

If you look closely you can actually pinpoint the exact moment his body breaks in two.

Spoken like a true memer.


The movie sacked, too.

reminder that Executive Producers are on set and have higher power than John Landis.
Parents were also aware of it.

Not saying it's not his fault, but only blaming him is factually wrong.
then again, this is Sup Forums. Most people here are hopeless nihilists

Twilight Zone, he killed an actor and two kids via an accident involving a helicopter. Decapitation.

This is on my top 3 pathetic thread topics.

the scene was of his creation, its his fault.

I don't blame him, I looked into it a while ago when Max got onto my radar and people were tweeting him that his father was a murderer.
I blame the people that could've said no and didn't because they were making motion pictures and we're getting their 15 minutes of fame!!!
your post gave me AIDS, pls pay me

Because they don't really care if a movie makes a loss... Everyone important gets paid regardless.

Making movies is basically a bunch of rich kikes paying themselves stupid amounts of money to make shitty movies.
If the movies flop it doesn't matter because they've already paid themselves.

Fuck off, Max. Your dad is a piece of shit.

How dare you.

So are you. But at least he will die happier than you

Writers aren't the only ones to blame if the film bombs, though Landis can go fuck himself.

explain the controversy with this guy, aside from the nepotism

Supreme meme, friend!

it's been proven that he browses Sup Forums and he might be the one starting these threads. that's why people dislike him more often than not around here
also all the writerfags around here are jelly

>mfw I liked American Ultra

>it's been proven that he browses Sup Forums

Nobody successful browses Sup Forums.

Why do i hate his face so much?

You can still like shit, as long as you acknowledge it for the garbage it is.

I find it to be really comfy. It's one of the movies on my DVR that I will play when I want to fall asleep. Not that it's boring or anything, just...comfy.

>maxi landis

he lives on his fathers history of successful kikery

I find Underworld movies to be quite comfy, too, so I can relate.

He said nobody successful, not that Landis is successful.

>Underworld movies to be quite comfy
Yes, anytime I see a new one is coming out I get so excited. I've bought so many comfy blankets and clothing just to get max comf.
Based Kate just does something to me.

Never heard of this faggot

there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish

>actually good and talented writers can't even get a fucking producer to read their scripts.

why do people keep saying this stupid shit? there is no such thing as a "good writer" anymore

you cant even tell the difference between user reviews and critic reviews on rotten tomatoes

everything has been written dry

Kate in latex, and it's aesthetics are the only reasons Underworld movies are being watched, and boy is it amusing. Have you seen /comfy/core shows like Twin Peaks, Buffy, The X Files etc.?

>Have you seen /comfy/core shows like Twin Peaks, Buffy, The X Files etc.?
I saw all of those as they aired and plenty of times afterwards, so yes. I just finished marathoning X-Files again and I'm probably going to watch Season 1 again just for those early 90s Vancouver vibes.

I think the first Underworld got me a bit into latex but most of the stuff I see online is a bit boring. I think the Underworld films just have this atmosphere that mellow me out. Maybe it's the lighting and the sound.
I'm definitely going to rewatch Twin Peaks again since I'm very excited about the new stuff coming out. It looks damn good.

You have to play the game to get somewhere in Hollywood. Jobs are only given to people who know people on a meeting basis. So you have to go to every fundraiser, every benefit dinner and concert, every birthday, wedding everything and mingle with the producers.

If you never do that and only ever send in applications, resumes, and scripts you will never sell a single goddamn thing.

Have you played VTM: Bloodlines? If you're into Underworld, you'll love that flawed masterpiece. From the overlooked 2016 films, check out I Am Not A Serial Killer, solid mystery thriller followed by good directing and comfy atmosphere. I'm currently rewatching X Files, I'm on season 4 and I just love Mulder's character. The 90s aesthetics is one of the major aspects of the show I love, even though it takes a huge drop in quallity in the second half. Stay comfy, my dude, I'm off to see my mate.