Refute this. You can't

Refute this. You can't.

Other urls found in this thread:

>mobile poster
>use rage faces
>trump supporter
make sense

It was Trumpf you retard

power structures, you moron. drumpf is a old white male who seeks to oppress minorities, Caitlyn is a trans woman who has been in the spotlight since the 80s and has struggled with gender dysphoria all her life.

/ppl/ BTFO

How will they ever recover?

His last name is Trump not Drumpf liek this numale britcuck oliver said. Trump's family is from Germany and his great grandfather grave is still there and it says Trump


fuck drumpf and fuck white people

>power structures
don't exist. Cultures are relative you insensitive fascist.

the Drumpf thing isn't meant to be funny in a vacuum
It was just pointing out Trump's hypocrisy when he shat on Leibowitz for changing his name.

It's not complicated

>responding seriously to shitposts


>Sup Forums - television and film

to add: it's also intended to be funny at a lower level, in that the word "Drumpf" is pretty silly sounding.

t. offtopic threads are only ok if i like them

>You're a hypocrite because YOUR GRANDFATHER did something.
Can you see the fallacy?

lol pol BTFO

I can't count how many times white autists from pol shove a false equivalence acting like it's proof of white genocide

So he created "Make Donald Drumpf Again" hats and sold them at cost to advertise the fact that Trump made fun of a jew for adopting a pseudonym to sound less jewish? Who is jewing who here?


How the fuck is this Sup Forums material? I hope you get banned.

both of them where on a tv show

t. not a single complainpost in the cuck, giant white dick and meme threads

>jewing people when you sell shit to them at cost

Also this

The kind of fag who uses


is very likely the kind of fag who still uses rage faces.

I can't.I'm not even a Trump supporter but this shitty insult spouting is whats ruining politics.

>using false equivalency

Back to with you

>pseudonym to sound less jewish
Wait. John Stewart is jewish??? I would've never thought that!

>Trump's grandfather changed his name on Ellis island, something he had no control over
>This is equivalent to (((Leibowitz))) making up a goy name for himself to help indoctrinate the gentile

I wonder who's behind this post?

back to your blacked threads numales

You just added a whole bunch of neonazi bullshit to what is a simple stage name.

>still uses rage faces

Why would you use a stage name if you wanted people to know your name and your heritage? The only people I see doing so are porn stars and criminals.

Calling Trump "Drumpf" isn't the same as calling Caitlyn Jenner "Bruce." When you call Caitlyn Jenner "Bruce," it's transphobic. Calling Trump "Drumpf" isn't transphobic.

Fuck Drumpf

Katyln changed her name because it doesn't match her gender identity, Drumpf was never actually his legal name and it's just a silly nickname that doesn't have anything to do with his personal identity.

>This is equivalent to (((Leibowitz))) making up a goy name for himself to help indoctrinate the gentile
Is it really a secret that he's Jewish?

He went by the stage name early on in his career to prevent from being discriminated against (this is pre-Daily Show), and kept it because he built up a reputation with that name.

to be fair, caitlyn needs to go fucking die as well

like how can you be so violently against gay rights if you consider yourself a woman and are married to a woman

Where does the fact that Jon Stewart openly talks about the fact that he's Jewish and doesn't try to hide it at all factor into your ignorant retard "theory"?

I thought he was called drumpf because it was like drunk this whole time


Why haven't you learned how to form an english sentence without lacing it with meaningless insults?

It's tailormade to reach the audience. People who don't use "rage faces" already call Trump, Trump.

Drumpf is a dick though, Bruce is an American athlete and national treasure

>on the go
>uses ready made content
>voted for the best candidate
Agreed. Totally makes sense.

>I-it's a false flag you guise!

Not an argument.

Sup Forums - Television & Film

Neither is "ignorant retard".

Because he spergged out about Jon Stewart changing his name. Deserves it.

Not him but you got wrecked, you have no real retort so all you can say is "b-but you insulted me!" Kill yourself.

>Leibowitz called Trump an antisemite because of this
Whoa, so this is the God's chosen people.

>literally a 9gag meme

Fuck off back to wherever you came from

An hero, samefaggot.


As others have said, it was his grandfather that made the change

Many last names are changed anyway to fit the new language better, Drumpf doesn't really match with English, Trump is basically the same thing, so they're very similar anyway, as opposed to changing Leibowitz to fucking STEWART

What sport is this?

An English dude making fun of a guy for having a "weird, funny-sounding, foreign name" is pretty fucked up, especially when the name was changed to avoid that kind of persecution and harassment.

kidnap any retards lately trayvon?

> being discriminated against

>to prevent from being discriminated


he no fucking Ramón Estevez, who would scratch off his jewish name from a audition list, the jews in doing the audition? the jews from the executive board would also refuse to hire him?

But Bruce is an old white male.

I never made fun of fat kraut Donald Trump about his fat kraut name, he should honor his heritage.

If Obama's last name was made fun of for being non-Anglicized and odd, it would instantly be branded asracist and insensitive.

Quite a few Jewish performers have "whitened" their names to avoid discrimination.

how did they get to Drumpf in the first place?

Absolutely. The only reason the "Drumpf" thing was considered acceptable by some people is because it was being done to Trump, and those some people have no qualms doing things they find offensive or bad if they're being done to "the right targets."

What they fail to realize is that that same rationalization can be turned on them to rationalize doing bad things to them. For example, I could turn around and harass them, and rationalize it because they were bad people for harassing Trump. I wouldn't do this because I don't believe in living my life that way and disagree with that sort of logic.


But the name of the family who still reside in Germany is Trump as well