When are Americucks going to pay reperations to the rest of the world for fucking up this series?

When are Americucks going to pay reperations to the rest of the world for fucking up this series?

You chimped out like the muslims did when South Park did Mohammed

it is pretty sad that they changed the story out of fear of angering the church. that casting was fucking 10/10

>ITT: movies that could be made today

Doesn't that little girl have giant tits now?

what happened?

This and Eragon were kid kino. I dont care if they shat on the books

BBC is doing a tv series of the books

Also the books went to shit after the first one.

>"get me Carey Mulligan but with massive tits"

I saw this when I was like 20 and loved it, had no idea about the source material. It just felt like a great fantasy with a great world being built.

I've never read them but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. When is the BBC releasing it?

It doesn't even matter if Eragon shat on the book, the movie itself was dogshit

Probably late this year.

When youre a kid dogshit + dragons = kino

Americucks chimped out like Muslims

On October 7, 2007, the Catholic League called for a boycott of the film.[39] League president William A. Donohue said he would not ordinarily object to the film, but that while the religious elements are diluted from the source material, the film will encourage children to read the novels, which he says denigrate Christianity and promote atheism for children.[40] He cited Pullman telling the Washington Post in 2001 that he is trying to undermine the basis of Christian belief.[41] The League hoped that "the film [would fail] to meet box office expectations and that [Pullman's] books attract few buyers",[42] declaring the boycott campaign a success after a North American opening weekend which was lower than anticipated.[43] One week after the film's release, Roger Ebert said of the campaign, "any bad buzz on a family film can be mortal, and that seems to have been the case this time."[44]

It goes on like this

Yea, I'll give you that. I thought it was ok as a kid but I was upset because it didn't follow the book.

>Ok so we are going to adapt this series whose central premise is that religion is evil
>But we better tone down the whole "religion is evil" part, that might offend people

Should've gone full fedora or not tried at all

What happened in the book?

>le big religion is evil plot
How original

They skipped out on a lot of world building, some adventures, some training, completely changed several battles etc. It'd been years since I last read it.

>calling for an organized boycott is "chimping out"
Nope. If Muslims acted like that, I would join them.

Hell, I wish Christians would go full burning sword of justice on atheists, queers, and other degenerates.

That wouldn't be very Christian of us. The Church basically called the Crusades and Inquisition a big mistake.


>We need to tell you what ideas you can consider otherwise you might start asking (((questions)))

Sure is good goy in here

You up for a book burning later Ahmed?

Looks nothing like Carey Mulligan

Narnia was never really good.

They should have owned the controversy and milked it for all it was worth. That would have made it stick out more from other fantasy franchises. Instead they went for an insulting level of compromise which led to a mediocre product, and an outright retarded non-ending.

I hope they try again somewhere down the line and actually stick to their guns. Or maybe the BBC series will be good enough to make up for it.

Jesus fuck between this and creationism I don't put USA so much above islamic countries.