Power Rangers

It's starting to look very promising.

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>black guy is the blue ranger
>no asian girl for yellow ranger

Instantly dropped.

>It's starting to look very promising
What kind of faggot are you? There's no possible universe where this will be a good movie, it's stupid right down to the core and it shouldn't exist. Hollywood is literally eating itself

It would be extremely hard for it to be worse than the original show

What part of this horribly designed mess is supposed to look promising?

I now have an extreme desire to attend a Super Sentai stage show but I don't know anyone in Japan who would be able to make up for my lack of japanese knowledge.

How? Half of the movie is gonna be these kids' back stories and we won't see them in costumes until the 51 minute mark.

the original show is quite good as a product of its time, and because of the tokusatsu stunts.

if the original film wasn't good, whats the likelihood that this is?

Alpha 5 looks like a fucking abomination

The whole deal of tokusatsu stunts is that they are fucking awful. And you mean it was good as a product of your age when you watched it first. You can't watch it as an adult and think it's any good

It still looks like shit

That's a low bar to clear. And at least the original made no attempts at being "dark" or "serious," this is like putting lipstick on a pig

Are any of you honestly planning on seeing this shit? Have our standards really gotten THIS low? I feel like just 6 years ago, the pitch for this movie would've been an SNL skit

More of this superhero shit. I'm fucking done with this retarded crap.

I'm not a cinematic snob that thinks everything needs to be kino, but this fanboy crap is pissing me off.

Why can't we get stuff from the 70's, 80's, and 90's anymore?

I'm talking about stuff like Serpico, Prince of the City, The French Connection, Empire Records, S.F.W., Spies Like Us, Election, The Blues Brothers, Trading Places, 48 Hours, The Burbs, Dark City, The Duellists, Red Rock West, Trainspotting, In the Company of Men, Rushmore, Papillion, Bullit, Deliverance, One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, and so much more?

I want neo-noir, gritty crime dramas/thrillers, laid-back comedies, period pieces, and everything we else that was made previously but with a semblance of professionalism and actually making an art of characterization, plot, theme, visuals, etc.

>they took away the heels from the girl suits

haha faggots caved to SJW whining

>Americans in charge of knowing how a mastodon looks

Are the people that are excited for this movie just pretending?

all of those still get fucking made, chill the fuck out

So this is the beginning of the 90's tv remake era? Are we going to get a Ghost Writer reboot?

It's fun, I watched recently PR and kinda was embarrashed I liked that as a kid, meanwhile, I watched Zyuranger at the same time, and I didn't feel as embarrashed, in fact, I kinda thought it looked cool. Am I a closet Weeb? I like attractive Asian and Latinas slightly more than attractive white women...fuck, now it all makes sense, I'm a weeb

The Megazord looks like Bayformers wannabe trash

Nowhere near the kind of level that it used to.

I enjoyed Sicario, but it really felt tepid. Not even the highway gunfight impressed me. It was the dinner scene with the cartel leader where you truly got a sense of old-school cinematics.

They still have the same heels, user.

Only man children are hyped for this. I never met a normal adult who was hyped for power rangers as you would normal adults who like Marvel shit. Power Rangers is a thing most kids watched when they were young sure but it never really stuck with them. That's all Sabans fault for churning a almost constantly shitty and forgetful product after Lost Galaxy.

I don't like them being glorified Twilight Vampires in hipster glasses when out of costume.

They're supposed to be weirdly popular martial arts enthusiasts, not fucking Captain America

No, not yet. You're a tokufag, or blossoming into one. Weeb territory will always be near, but you will learn to build a wall between you. Besides, the ass-shots in Sentai will provide you enough.

Not in that picture user.

>normal adults who like Marvel shit
Capeshit is shit and if you like that you aren't normal

They do, they've just been filled in to become RDJ-style sneaker lifts.

Not anywhere near the level they used to.

That's Goldar. Goldar is the corrupted "original" megazord. Rita was an original PR but she's evil so her macguffin is a superweapon called Goldar which is just her megazord. There's no dragonzord of yet. The good megazord looks similar but is a combiner. The one you pictured isn't a combiner. It's more like Gypsy Danger.

I think the asian guy is mute in the movie because there was no dialogue from him what so ever in the trailers.

Yes they do you autist

alpha looks too weird

why do the ranger costumes look too sexual. looks like something they wear before twerking

The Production companies are Saban, Toei and the Temple Hill Entertainment. The last one makes shit like Twilight, Maze Runner, Dear John, The Fault in Our Stars etc. Should give you a possible idea what this movie will be like and who it's target audience is.

citation needed

>How? Half of the movie is gonna be these kids' back stories and we won't see them in costumes until the 51 minute mark.

Oh please no, F4ntastic was shit the first time


No they aren't autist.

That's even worse. They ruined based goldar.

You're retarded. Whatever basic three act structure with even 3/10 acting they put together will STILL be miles better than the shit show that is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Aside from the choreography it literally can't be worse. Power Rangers isn't sacred literature, grow up.

>based goldar

fuck you man

Here's the "new" megazord. They look similar but there are notable differences. I'll post goldar in a sec

The pink ragers tits on the costume are much much bigger than her actual breasts.

Why does Alpha have huge telescopic boner eyes?

So what'll probably happen is the megazord the other guy posted will be in a flashback and be in that form when rita uncovers it again. Then she'll corrupt it and it'll turn all gold like pic related and be "goldar"

Everything does

Too bad no one cares what you want

>Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
>shit show
It must suck hating fun.

I could be sick


qt mexican alpha does not approve

so goldar is going to just exploit those weak joints and defeat the zord in a matter of seconds right?

They could have did retrofurism as in what people in the 90s thought the future/aliens looked like. It could have been really colorful and lots of neon lights and stuff. Kind of like how they suped up the command center in the first movie. Instead we gotta do dark, desaturated and over-designed shit.

damn alpha looks like THAT

everything about this looks disgusting. They even managed to make Elizabeth Banks look bad.

>mfw a cheap 90's toy commercial has better production design than a big-budget Hollywood movie



of course the toy commercial has better design
if they didn't manage to properly sell their product the company would be finished

meanwhile hollywood produces endless streams of shit, but due to the magic of "hollywood accounting" the big studios never seem to actually fail considering their endless fuck-ups.

I can't wait for the excuses when this shit flops.