Haha this!

Haha this!

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=name 3 sci-fi writers, who are women?

**************************cringe fuck drumpf**************************

Lel so true XD

You gain an unwarranted sense of specialness in order to avoid the feeling of alienation you develop from being unable to associate with regular people.

>literally cuck episode
It doesn't get more reddit than this

>>literally cuck episode

That's probably the gayest thing someone could think. Rick and Morty over pussy?



Wow all this anger over a tv show, why are you so upset? I bet the person who made this is actually happy with his choices. Really makes you think.

Is he fucking it up like he fucked Community?

Lesson is Never listen to the fans. Fans are stupid, they don't know what they really want and they would eat your garbage if you did it like you want anyway.


S01E03 - Anatomy Park. An elderly couple brings in a young black man to fuck the woman while the guy watches from a closet and jerks off.

Rick and Morty is pretty good. Would watch a new season. Biggest problem for me is that Rick becomes to much of a creator self-insert and gets to hold long edgy monologues unopposed.

just like suicide squad

Season 3 is gonna be ALL female writers

We can all guess if they hold true to their word that it's gonna be even less funny than it already was and more political slips like "women make 30% less for the same work as men do"


S3 is gonna be a good one.

>Wasting papiK on that altright delusion bs post.

>all female writers
So basically it'll kill the series?

Sod off Yayacuck, I didn't write anything poltical, I said the female writers are most likely gonna make it a lot worse

have you ever thought that when cucks are shown on tv that it isn't meant to normalize them but to ridicule the cuck?

or maybe you're just so insecure and projecting your wish for your fetish to be normalized ;)

>Everyone in the family thinks it's normal and okay except the most stupid member of the family


Dan Harmon has admitted to being a cuck, loving cuck porn, and fantasizing about his (now ex-)wife getting fucked by black guys. I am sure he wants to normalize it.

hey did you know that women are people, and that men are people? male writers can write the same shit as women, and women writers can be as based as men.

"most likely gonna make it a lot worse" the only reason you write this is because it allows you to shift the blame for your subjective confirmation bias onto the show rather than your teensy lil brain

Introducing something into the consciousness of mainstream society through humor is the first step towards normalization.

I've never wanted more Rick & Morty, though.

>i'll take satire for 300, alex

[citation needed]

Sounds like something that's only applicable when you want it to. Using humor to mock things is also a standard way to un-normalise it.

name 3 sci-fi writers, who are women?
inb4 le guin


it's funny because you're probably the same person who thinks making 'jokes' about jews, blacks, and holocaust denial isn't about normalizing or legitimizing those viewpoints.

>Getting mad and throwing insults
>Women writing as good as men

Not an argument

not him but this sounds like a post made by a woman on tumblr, you can't be serious with this garbage

let me fucking google that for you...

literally lmgtfy.com/?q=name 3 sci-fi writers, who are women?

>Using humor to mock things is also a standard way to un-normalise it.

PC culture used to be mocked.


underrated post

>First 5 links in google is Huffpost and Buzzfeed

>That episode when Rick and Morty kidnap racist white trump supporter and torture him while screaming fuck white people
How can anyone dislike this show?

top kek, so you can't
that was my point

"most likely gonna make it worse"

nice inductive argument bro. x will probably y is the weakest form of actual argument.

if you argue this but can't also see that it implies women could probably be as good as men, then you obviously have some thinking to do about your own biases.

to quote the above poster - "not an argument"

>mfw as soon as you mentioned le guin they mentioned her on the tv show I was watching in the background

Not only was the entire family proven wrong and the dad proven correct by the end of the episode, but we were meant to sympathize with the dad's point of view the entire time and the cuckold fetish gag was a way to prove his suspicions correct.


your point is that i anecdotally cannot name sci-fi writers who are women?

cool thanks for illuminating the fact that i have poor knowledge of these female authors. your argument has nothing to do with the existence or skill of these authors but merely my knowledge of them. stay mad

I said it because they might not hold true to the "all women writers" for season 3, if it was it would be like Boondocks season 4

Around here PC culture is mocked more frequently than anything else. You're following a set narrative which ignores everything that goes against it. Mocking PC culture isn't nearly as taboo as you're making it out to be.

>to quote the above poster - "not an argument"
I wasn't making an argument, I'm saying you sound like a faggot and your shit is all retarded

sometimes there's no reasoning with these kind of people. they only see what they want to see.

this is in itself an ad hominem argument, intended to discredit my opinion or argument through discrediting my character. generally this is used when the pissbaby cannot muster up the strength to use his little brain.

Don't forget many of the new writers were very vocal anti-Trump on their Twitters

> your argument has nothing to do with the existence or skill of these authors

my argument is that not even diehard nerds who read every piece of sci-fi shlock in existence would be able to come up with some names.

>don't forge that many new writers were expressing political opinions as anyone is wont to do

seriously, people like say this shit and then turn around and shit all over lefties who brigade trump supporters. you're making your bed, now lay in it.

>you're making your bed, now lay in it.
My candidate won, I am very happy in my bed?

nope I just hate you

well that's a beautifully unfalsifiable and anecdotal argument. again, what does it prove about these writers whether some nerd knows about them or not? are you implying popularity = skill?

that's great but you're buttmad about people who inject their political opinions into their art while espousing others who do the same thing. stay hypocritical. I'm not even a leftie, glad trump won but being associated with braindead tards like you isn't very fun.

>I'm not even a leftie glad trump won bu

Stop being a drama queen and acting like they don't want any thought to challenge their ideas.

The reason people don't want leftists writing for comedy shows that were previously very funny is because leftists aren't funny. If the formula was highly successful, why change it? Why give in to random commentators who want more vaginas in the writers' room?

i kinda thought twice about saying that because the first word out of everyone's mouth on this board is "shill" but whatever. stay mad that your bullshit gets called out by people on the same side of the political spectrum as you.

>your bullshit gets called out

Wanting funny shows to stay funny isn't bullshit.

i understand the "don't fix it if it's not broken" ideal, but it's not like they could predict the next season still being successful if they stick with the same writers. there's enough criticism about the show's stagnation already to warrant some new writers, don't you think?

I agree vagina quotas are shitty though. i hope they were chosen moreso for their writing ability and their having a vagina was just bonus.

Didn't know there was all this tasteless faggot on this board who actually didnt like the best tv series since futurama.

It was never promoted. The joke was that Jerry got stuck accepting something he didn't like because he talked himself into a corner.

wanting your political opinions to be present in media while being butthurt that opposing ideas are also present is bullshit.

i agree that being a fan of a show and wanting the show to remain quality isn't bullshit.

Almost always dressed as superman.

>Best tv series
>Futurama and Reddit&Morty included in "best tv series"

>there's enough criticism about the show's stagnation already to warrant some new writers, don't you think?

The show has been wildly successful to this point not only based on reviews and the reception, but also merchandise. Where's the proof of stagnation? And if there is proof, why is the solution to hire more people with vaginas, specifically?

>"Dick and Farty's le science adventure - being cynical makes you smart edition"

>wanting your political opinions to be present in media while being butthurt that opposing ideas are also present is bullshit.

You're completely misinterpreting my criticisms and it's very telling as to where you're coming from: I don't believe Rick and Morty is some bastion of conservative or Trump politics. I want the show apolitical. I want it to be mocking everybody equally because the second you pick sides you are limiting your pool of material. The show mocks atheists and theists in the same episode. That's good comedy.

i guess on this board there has been a lot of negative sentiment, although that may be just the slice of total reception that i've seen. maybe i'm biased but i think a lot of the negative reception mentions thinks like formulaic episodes.

i guess they would hire more women as a solution because it provides twofold: changes things up, and also looks good for publicity.

fixed for you :^)

You won't concede that we all have mountains of evidence from the last 20 years of television that leftists are incapable of making fun of themselves. Put them in a writers room and suddenly massive amounts of funny material become "off limits". That's the problem. I don't care that they believe unlimited immigration would be great somehow. Their opinion is worthless, wrong, and the now powerless minority.

I just want the show to remain somewhat funny or become really funny and it won't with those people writing it.

sure, sounds good to me. we'll see where it goes. did you know that women can be right-wing and espouse right-wing perspectives?

did you know that not all writers write from their own personal perspective, but from a charactered perspective based on the cast of the show?

I disagree because A. that's implying all women think and write the same and B. who cares about good publicity when the product you are selling is already working?

Also, I'd like to point out to you that Roiland himself came here among other places to shit on the show himself for a few different reasons but one of them being it was getting too much blind fandom.

>did you know that women can be right-wing and espouse right-wing perspectives?
And the women hired on to Rick and Morty are not. What's the purpose of this statement?

Sure is a whole lot of reddit spacing ITT, I'm not even going to bother quoting it all. Not surprising given the topic I suppose.

i must just have a different perspective because i'm canadian. there's plenty of political humor that revolved around leftist perspectives in the last 20 years - see 22 minutes, rcaf, etc

>did you know that women can be right-wing and espouse right-wing perspectives?

Not going to acknowledge this because it was never my contention the show was right-wing.

>did you know that not all writers write from their own personal perspective, but from a charactered perspective based on the cast of the show?

And characters change over time and can become worse and more lazily written.

There's also the episode with the mind parasites, where the creatures create a narrative in which Jerry is not married to Beth but instead a more stable and successful fictional man is, and Jerry just the tag-a-long best friend who is also gay for the fictional man.

That's like a stealth-cucking, where you don't even realize you had a woman to lose in the first place.

Yeah, this is why I can't take people seriously when they try to act like this show isn't reddit. This thread is absolutely polluted with reddit spacing.

yeah i knew that roiland did that, he mentioned it on the h3h3 podcast.

i think it's no guarantee that hiring women will make the show any different. i just think the female perspective can differ from the male one. maybe it will be different and the same all at once.

i think your question ultimately boils down to: why change a successful product so dramatically? is this correct?

the answer could be "because execs are prone to whimsy and not very intelligent"


im actually quite curious to see what the influx of female writers will do to the show
a lot of people ITT seem to be doing pic related

i am confident Harmon and Roiland wont let anyone hijack their show

Can you type in normal paragraphs? What the fuck is up with double spacing every sentence?

>That's like a stealth-cucking, where you don't even realize you had a woman to lose in the first place.
All cucking is stealth cucking. A cuck doesn't know it's a cuck, unless you're watching porn

Show me examples of a company or product pandering to the social justice mentality and it working out for the best.












>i am confident Harmon and Roiland wont let anyone hijack their show

The fact they hired different writers because some people complained shows they're letting people hijack their show.

>Around here PC culture is mocked more frequently than anything else.

This ain't hollywood baybee. You're in the dungeons heh heh heh

sorry, it's because of the quick-reply box. i forget that the actual reply box on the webpage shows up as larger than this lil one.

i agree with you that it doesn't always work out for the best. like i said, it's likely execs that are prone to whimsy and want to appear progressive.

>reddit spacing
>people thinking women are physically capable of being funny
God R&M threads are so fucking shit consistently. Don't even bother fighting the stereotype.

I'll take more venture bros instead, thanks

can't wait, only 6 more years for 3 episodes!!!

"LIVE at San Francisco Sketchfest 2016!" - Episode 179 of Harmontown

Within the first 10-20 minutes he talks about cuck porn.

"It Happened In Silverlake" Episode 221 of Harmontown. I forget when but he talks to Elizabeth Olsen about his love of cuck porn.

I don't have a source on wanting his wife to get fucked by black guys but I know he talked about it on more than one occasion.

do you really and truly believe women cannot be humorous? that comedy as a concept evades them entirely?

this is so beyond me, i can't even grasp how you would successfully believe this without some self-deception.

They will put out an extra long episode in 3 years so it wont seem so long.

Sorry. This was meant for you.

i do agree with you that it seems very strange, but this is something that is happening more and more in many different industries

for some reason people are treating ethnic/gender diversity in the workplace as inherently better than no diversity
its the new trend and organizations will adjust accordingly regardless of whether or not they actually think its better
so even if Harmon and Roiland didnt/dont give a fuck about this (mind you, Community had a lot of female writers), the higher ups at Adult Swim will force them to give a fuck

have you ever heard of the concept of a joke? generally, jokes are said in a tone of seriousness to get the listener to believe in the situation, thus contributing to the comedic factor.

one time bill burr said he'd like to kill every single person in the audience. did you know he was such a murderous psychopath??