Why did the hobbit series not get the same reception rogue one is? It has all the same bullshit...

Why did the hobbit series not get the same reception rogue one is? It has all the same bullshit. Omg thats legolas! :crowd cheers: whoa a dragon! :crowd cheers: Oh shit its a looming score foreshadowing LOTR :crowd cheers:

So why do these new bullshit star wars get a pass but the hobbit movies didn't???

Because Rouge One was good and the Hobbit movies are shit

Rogue One had some issues but nowhere near the level of the last two hobbit films
Hackson fucked up so bad that we'll never get a Tolkien movie for the rest of this century

Because even Jackson thinks they're bad.

Like "Stat Wars", "Gundam", or "Final Fantasy", the basic idea is the same so ... I guess how it being represented is sort the key that pulling the audiences into so-called box office.

Disney has a way way better PR/Marketing department user.

Not to mention that the disney mega blockbuster train is something nobody who wants to keep working will ever publicly admit is trash, because they will get cut off from the Disney/Marvel Teat.

Because at the end of the day what fans really want is good films

They aren't that bad if you edit them a bit. They're pretty to look at and the first movie has the largest chunk of crappy lines.

Because many people see starwars (at least OT stuff ) as a monolithic thing immune to all criticism because muh nostalgia. The sad truth is in this postmodern nightmare of a world we live in, most people have probably never read the hobbit and thus have no nostalgia for it.

you people are delusional. It's not some gestalt refusal to hate Star Wars, the Hobbit movies are just plain bad in a variety of ways.

>Poor pacing
>inconsistent tone
>jarring, overly used CGI
>THIRTEEN main characters with little to distinguish them other than absurd costumes that don't fit in with their CGI backgrounds very often.
>Unlikable protagonists (thorin/bilbo)
>Main villain (Smaug) is overhyped, then easily disposed of
>Other (main?) Villain Azog is dull, unthreatening
>Inappropriate moments of humor
>Pants on head retarded sequences like the barrels/Crouching Elf Hidden Buttplug Legolas antics

And to your final point, it's true that many people haven't read the Hobbit, but the absence of nostalgia isn't why they were poorly received. LOTR made people move to fucking New Zealand just to be closer to Middle Earth. They were so well loved that people get tattoos in elvish for christssakes. the Hobbit movies were so trash that they wasted all of that fan potential, the letdown from that is what made people hate it like they do.

Because the Hobbit series was 3 fucking movies

this and Jackson admits all this too. They weren't ready to make this movie but did anyway.

The Hobbit as a story has already been told, and better

>Crouching Elf Hidden Buttplug

>Unlikable protagonists (thorin/bilbo)
I think this was the biggest flaw. The Bilbo actor was so obviously uninterested through all three movies; there's zero character development and he just reads out the lines. Thorin on the other hand is true to his character and was fine.

What the fuck are you faggots talking about, compared to that snorefest LotR this was a 10/10.

please try harder, there are kids in Africa who can't shitpost.

you should appreciate what you have more

I don't remember him too well in the Hobbit, but it's been years.

He seemed awfully cold and self-centered, above and beyond the whole redeeming my house thing.

Real question should be
>Hobbit movies suck even more than star wars prequels did.
>Why do people, even to this day, bash prequels but doesn't give a fck about hobbit?

That's what caused problems with the men of Lake Town and the Elves at the end of the book, although in the movie they added stuff about 'dragon sickness'.

I'm not gonna say I'm clairvoyant enough to recognize when you faggots post bait or are just fucking retarded and crying, but I'm pretty sure you're the latter.

Running up a falling bridge, that's a good trick

Because the Hobbit movies were the film equivalent of pissing on someones grave. They took a 300 page book and spread it over nine hours. LotR had the same amount of screen time, despite being 1000 pages across three books.

>The Bilbo actor was so obviously uninterested through all three movies
In fact the part in the book where he was longing for adventure was completely absent...then when the dwarves keep condescending him he's just like 'yep, whatever'. He maintained that kind of attitude *all* the time. I forgot the actor's name, but he's basically doing the same routine he does on that Sherlock show.

hobbit 1 was ok, hobbit 2 was good, hobbit 3 was a pile of trash.

Hobbit 3 is one of the most entertaining action packed movies ever, it's almost constant fucking war and it's awesome, I know Sup Forums is le contrarian bait board but fucking stop with this meme that battle of the five armies isn't fucking kino

The Hobbit already had a story layer out, and the films ignored them in favour of their OC bullshit.

R1 only had a general premise to adhere to, and so had more freedom to add things without it being retarded


It worries me that people actually hold this opinion

That's a big shitpost, so I'm going to help give four (you)s

I don't even know what you're talking about; Desolation of Smaug was a big deal when it came out, then Battle of Five Armies was highly anticipated and got a tearful farewell from everyone. There was even a big uptick in players on the LOTR mmo. People just went on obsessing over something else when it was over; Tolkien still has the same amount of fans as he always had.

Sup Forums is just as much of an echo chamber as tumblr and reddit so they think they represent the entire civilized world.

this opinion is stunning and brave

What was the exact behind the scenes issue with the hobbit?

From what I remember, a fat mexican quit, and Jackson took over. But he had no preparation time, so he was behind schedule and had to make a two parter into three?

>Jackson plans The Hobbit as two films
>Halfway through filming An Unexpected Journey, (((executives))) inform him that they want The Hobbit to be a trilogy instead
>Everything gets fucked

kills it because 'There And Back Again' would have been the perfect title.

>unlikable protagonist

lol that's why I didn't enjoy Rogue One