Will you watch it?

Will you watch it?

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Ah hell naw

No, I only watch films with diverse casting, and I see no diversity. Where are the asians and native americans? baka hollywood.

>90% are black
>'hella diverse'

do they even know what diversity means

Of the remaining 10% what percent of them are villains?

>An African superhero in an African country features a cast with people of African descent.

Truly the end of times.

Whitey being mad?

Must be my birthday

>nothing but niggers


I thought this is irony but you guys are talking like they actually think this is being "diverse". I'm confused.

It means not white

90% of the cast is African
>Hella diverse

>90% are of one race
pick one and only one

time to get woke

no because 90% of marvel flicks are too similar. Dr strange was hyped as being great, w folks saying its different than the standard stuff. Saw it and after the first 30 min it went down hill (personally I was comparing it to the animated flick they released years ago).

>a Nordic superhero in a land of Nordic gods features

It isn't meant for me so no

Diverse means black, we'll never have a diverse world till everybody is black.

Valkyrie is gonna be black too.

Good thing the world's going to be very diverse in the next few generations

they're probably talking about coaching staffs and assistants, which are pretty diverse. I don't think they count drafting and signing players as diverse.

It's ok when blacks do it, not ok when any other race does it, get with the times, grampa

The remaining10% better be white women having sex with the other 90% or there's no way I'll watch this flick.

I can't hate Heimdall being black. Elba played him well. Though Asgard was more diverse than Black Panther film. There was white, black, British, American, Asian and some others.

I look forward to the BO numbers.

Nah, it's broader than that.

It means not white, not asian, not arab, not latino

It's perfectly socially acceptable to be an actual black supremacist now for some reason


>"I don't think they count drafting and signing players as diverse."
>Fucking picture of the article is players

Except the whole entirety of Black Panther won't be black. There will still be white people in it. So one black guy in Asgard isn't hypocritical. Sorry to burst your bubble, nega-SJW.

well, if you add it to the casting of all the other American Movies coming out this years, how diverse does that make it?

>instead of a new Valkyrie series we had Thor become Whor.

Why? Valkyrie was a woman and she could easily have been given a decent comic run.

I also want a Bishop run, but they won't do it. They'll just make established characters black.

This. You can go arround yelling "Kill all white pigs, eviscerate them!" and nobody will bat an eye, change white for black and you'll be dead before you say "eviscerate".

Africa? Really? You die by drinking the water in Africa, dude. African immigrants to other countries might reproduce like crazy, but not actual Africans. They're going to be extinct in 2100.

>Except the whole entirety of Black Panther won't be black.
The whole Wakanda will be black though, yet Asgard wasn't full white.

But they were oppressed user, we need to let them have their turn.

Same reason all the other avengers are either becoming black men or women.
It's obvious that after infinity wars most of the main cast is being replaced, RDJ is getting old anyway.

>mostly one race
BP was a faggot mary sue in the civil war movie

Buddy, there were 700 million Africans in 1995 and there's 1.2 billion today. How do you fit that into your theory?

b l a c k d o n t c r a c k

thanks Marcuse!

Really? There's going to be complete census data in the movie? So you know all of Wakanda will be black? Amazing. I can't wait for some dense population data on the big screen.

Diveristy means less white people.

the white mans birthing techniques and aids pills have saved the niggers

blacks do crack more than anyone though

Yeah, I watch movies for the story and visuals, not for "muh feelings, I need to see people like me in it". That's american racial obsession.

Where is a Salarian with a genetic bomb when you need it?

The studio is already boasting about their "diverse 90% black cast"

Yes, because I trust the Marvel brand to at the very least deliver a decent popcorn flick

Black Panther was also based in Civil War and I'm not triggered by a movie that takes place in Fantasy Africa having mostly black people in it

>black panther
>king in africa
>not selling black people as slaves

You're only now just realizing that diversity is a code word for getting rid of white people?

I'm surprised they didn't go with the "If you don't go watch it you're a racist!"

How does this help your point? 90% isn't 100%. Unless Jews invented math to trick goys.

He fell for it senpai.

Do you feel a 90% black crowd is "diverse"?

Murder these people. Boil them.

>watching a shitty cape shit movie just because it has a bunch of black people in it so you can virtue signal how not racist you are

europoors are such clowns lol

They already said Wakanda will be full black, that the 10% will be other countries, villains and maybe cameos.

Also, will be this the super racist Wakanda from comics that even hates other black countries and doesnt' want to share his cure for cancer, aids, and literally every disease ever like in the current comics or a more open and friendly Wakanda?

A large portion of the cast being black makes perfect sense considering what movie it is. Calling it "diverse" is insane, but I dont demand that movies should be diverse just for diversity's sake.

>diverse means anything less than 100% homogeneous

Math isn't jewish, but your faulty application of it sure is kikey

sooner or later you will be seeing "alt-right racist plan to boycott the black panther movie!" articles

screencap this post

Stalinism makes so much more sense add Trotsky to cultural marxism

That's the whole issue though. I wouldn't give a fuck about a movie being all/mostly black either. Especially if it makes sense.

My issue is that other races are allowed to make movies that are totally or predominantly their own race, whereas whites have the omnipresent need to "diversify" (ie, make less white) their movies

But he basicly works as a doorman for the white aryan gods... seems fitting that he's black, when he works without pay for massa Odin

Why does diversity only matter when it's made by whites, I never see anyone complaining about fences and moonlight(both good movies btw) which had a predominantly black cast. How come no one screamed for diversity then

I never said it was diverse. I said Hemdall being black isn't hypocritical because BP won't be 100% black. If BP was all black then it would be unfair to include a black person in a white story. Try to keep up with the reply chain.

Even more though, There's an english guy, french guy, asian guy, celtic guy, etc on Thor's team. Nobody complains that Asgard isn't 100% nordic unless there's a darky in there. Then it's literally white genocide. You can't claim races are important and ignore racial differences between whites.

Trotsky has literally nothing to do with cultural marxism

>makes perfect sense
I'll tell you the same retards said about Asgard:
It's a fictional city, doesn't have to follow irl rules

But I didn't watch them "just because it has a bunch of black people in it so you can virtue signal how not racist you are" You guys are fucking obsessed really. I don't give a fuck if the movie has a full asian/white/latin cast or whatever.

This will only happen after it starts bombing at the box office. These things always follow the same pattern.

If my wife's son wants to so probably yes.

Because the only ones who scream diversity are blacks and SJW, and those two colectives hate whites

>burger movie made by burgers for burgers
>europoors are such clowns lol
reality hurts

Your weasel words and goalpost moving are really uninteresting

You're a nigger lover, deal with it and stop thinking you've convinced anyone of your intellectual superiority

Probably if I hear good things. But will black people see it though? If they don't how will it become our problem again?

>boy i sure do hate it when sjws complain about lack of diversity in movies
>i know, I'll complain about lack of diversity in a movie, that'll show them
>i'm nothing like those sjws

This site is literally Horseshoe Theory: Confirmed: The Site.

Only if the villain is white.

It'll bomb hard in Asia, mark my words.

>You guys are fucking obsessed really

how can we be obsessed when we reject something being shoved down our throats? Hollywood and pop culture is filled with this shit and all you do is bitch about people having a negative reaction to it as if its all their fault and then you pretend that you are just this objective and neutral observer

He was a internationalist faggot Stalin, socialism in one country made so much sense

>Stop using logic you stupid fucking goys reeeeee
Feel free to leave jidf

>90% of a race

Never bring a knife to a rhetorical gunfight.

Compare the high-minded, principle-driven discourse of President McCain and President Romney

>if you call out their hypocrisy then you're no better than they are!
Nice denial of context, faggot


>No asians
>No hispanics

I never moved the goalpost because I never said it was diverse. You weren't prepared for that and obviously can't argue against anything but a straw man.

Also, saying nigger on Sup Forums isn't brave. You're not sticking it to any PC authority here. You couldn't possibly pick a safer space to giggle at saying "nigger." So much for your "in your face" edgy (((personality))). Guess you're just another anonymous faggot after all.




how many layers of hypocrisy is this?

watch this


Looks like I hit the right button! Hello r/The_Donald! What wicked funny stuff are you going to post on r/Sup Forums?

you tell me fucktard, go back to your safe space

its hollywood of course thatll happen

But I'm on Sup Forums right now?

>saying nigger on Sup Forums isn't brave. You're not sticking it to any PC authority here.
Who said it is? People say whatever they want here, stop being a weenie.

not an argument. now go back


Is the bad guy a white guy? if so then no.

If Europe and the United States stops giving them free food they'll stop multiplying so unsustainably fast.

shoot donald trump
shoot barack obama
bomb the freedom tower
i did 9/11

Wow, you're right, this is so liberating. My mom never lets me say swears without taking away GBP.

>Hella diverse
>90% one race