Anyone know what film this is?

Anyone know what film this is?

wow trump isn't wasting time


looks like the tv show Colony

I would also like to know

This is literally what will happen if we allow Trump to take over


eight (8) years

I know it looks weird from the outside but Common Core is actually great for the students

Why do americans have wet dreams about totalitarian society? You fucks have been making TV shows and movies about "hitler-esque" dictatorships for the past couple years now. Such a strange obsession

>camera hud on the camera recording

It's a symptom of how western people feel about their governments.

it placates people. they live vicariously through movies and entertainment instead of actually acting out their feelings. it keeps them nice and docile sheep.

It's Colony Gin, a shitty american show where all the grass is orange.

It conditions people to think that villains are openly evil.

This prevents them from recognizing villains in real life, who always claim to be virtuous.

>throwing away Farenheit 451

wow, how subtle, what interesting deep storytelling

I didn't make shit.
It's the cycle that wanna get cucked make these cuckold stories, you fucking cuck.
I don't watch this cuckold fetish trash.

I tried reading Farenheit 451 once. I don't recommend it. It's very forced and tryhard in too many respects to list.

Escapism. They see themselves as the heroes in these stories, just like now all those fucking retarded americuck kids want to live on dystopian societies like Hunger Games and all that trash because LE KATNISS IS SO COOL XD. America should be nuked


You dumb.

Tv and films are there as programming of the population.
They are showing you their intentions through media so you become acclimatised to it.
It will feel like natural progression.

It's from Colony the tv show, don't waste your time, it's shite.

From Vikings to The Sopranos, how shite is shite?

>schoolkid trying to hide fahrenheit 451 from evil totalitarian soldiers who confiscate it

whoah, so deep

I downloaded 8 episodes, I gave it a fair chance, was patient, watched 5 of them, then deleted the rest.
They made a sci fi drama and never had the money for special effects so made it into the worst cop/special agent show I've ever seen.
Plus his wife is infuriating.

Thanks for the information.

thanks i was thinking of getting this but after seeing op and reading this i'll do something else.