How do we address the Sup Forums invasion?

>there are Sup Forums posters on Sup Forums right now who listen to
John Maus
Ariel Pink
Depeche Mode
Death in June
New Order
David Bowie
Ted Nugent
Lou Reed
GG Allin
Michael Gira
Kate Bush
Eric Clapton
Johnny Ramone
Joy Division
Robert Fripp
Jim Morrison

What the hell? This isn't really Sup Forumscore, this is just stuff. True Sup Forumscore would be Skrewdriver and Johnny Rebel, right?

report their posts, do not engage in conversation with them, sage their threads
they are trolls. they win if you attempt to argue with them.

Ooga booga I’m from Sup Forums

wtf i hate John Maus
Ariel Pink
Depeche Mode
Death in June
New Order
David Bowie
Ted Nugent
Lou Reed
GG Allin
Michael Gira
Kate Bush
Eric Clapton
Johnny Ramone
Joy Division
Robert Fripp
Jim Morrison now


underrated post

mods will surely deliver, just wait

You make them look really good


Why do Sup Forums posters have better taste than tumblr and twitter users?

as a Sup Forumsack, youre fucking retarded:
depeche mode has a jewish lead singer
death in june has a homosexual singer
new order and joy divison never claimed to be nazis, they just like the imagery

this place is for musical discusion and not politics, just because a band might have poltical views you soyboys dont like doesnt mean you cant enjoy them. i enjoy plenty of songs by commies and anarchists despite being fascist and i suggest you open yourself to a wider spectrum of music too
PS Sup Forums has been here as long as you faggots so go fuck yourself

Sorry, I will not be bullied into not listening to New Order or Depeche Mode.

i don't know how this is supposed to be critical of everything its just genuinely how i feel

What if we organized to dominate this board with threads about bands that were flamboyantly gay (Limp Wrist, Pansy Division, Diamond Rings, Perfume Genius, The Butchies, Team Dresch), super black (dead prez, A Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, KRS-One, Public Enemy), or super leftist (MDC, Rage Against the Machine, Crass, The Ex, Immortal Technique)?

You mean what's been happening since 2014?

It's actually a pretty good list since they've all done something that really enraged leftists at one point

Kate Bush praised Theresa May a year ago, Nico smashed a wine glass in a black woman's face saying she hated blacks and sang the pre-1945 version of the German anthem provoking a riot, Ariel Stink sexually harassed some thots, etc.

No it hasn't. You're too new to know what's happened, and you're probably so deluded that you think "SJWs" are the world's biggest problem.

t. been here since 2009

This is under the false pretension that everyone who is anti-Sup Forums is pro open borders.

>so deluded that you think "SJWs" are the world's biggest problem
Then what is?

any artist that was active before the mid 10's has done at least a few things that would enrage leftists

Wow nico why lmao

I love ironic racism.

What about Robert Fripp? Is it just because of the copyright thing?

We're not being ironic

maybe some but not most

Poverty, wars, global warming, violent government oppression, corporate corruption, drug epidemics. Really? You legitimately think SJWs on college campuses are the most serious threat? What an inconsequential live you must lead.

>listening to anyone but Kate Bush and Robert Fripp
Are you even English?

Sup Forums poster here - I only listen to Burzum out of all those. I did buy a Fripp/Eno CD like a decade ago though.
I'm not a troll. I can't stop coming to Sup Forums despite it being the most boring board I go to - because I love talking about music.
I usually see fashwave and old muh Dixie/anti-communist songs on the occasion when a music thread is allowed to stay up on Sup Forums - and maybe some NSBM. There's not much appreciation for "White Nationalism 1.0" music and there's a general attitude that those people set white interests back.
The idea of having taste to begin with is "right wing"* The postmodern view is that aesthetics are relative, which is where people arguing that Merzbow is just as good as Mozart comes from.

*by the current definition. The modern left is just destructive force disguised as something politically legitimate though. What would be considered "left" in normal times also finds itself on the right today.
>Ariel Stink sexually harassed some thots
He's a Jewish guy, so that just sounds par for the course.
I love authentic racism.
The capacity of people to be more ironic than authentic is a symptom of decline.

I count at least four Jews there.

Random list of unrelated artists
This is the only answer. Filter anything soylent related and report posts that aren't vaguely music related (e.g. all of them). Same goes for soundcloud shitposts. Also sage goes in all fields.

so much for free speech and the tolerant left

>this buttblasted about soy
Lower your intake.

>discussing politics on the music board

Elaborate why racism is good. Also, explain to me why being a centrist is bad. Go ahead, you seem like a reasonable and intelligent person.

John Maus is an extreme leftist though? He literally calls his political affiliation "left of left of left"

Three lefts makes a right.

>(((death in june)))
hes a literal faggot who plays concerts in (((isreal))) retard

Damn, Sup Forums has good taste

My country is doing so well om that regard that it spends money on aid to other countries (which fuels their birth rate and thus their poverty)
Peoples have different interests that can't always be solved diplomatically. Acting above war is fake and gay.
>Global Warming
I thought it was "climate change" now.
>Violent government oppression
None of my business.
>Corporate corruption
I'm not sure what exactly that entails. If you think it's a very important issue, I'd be glad to hear about what you think people on the ground can do to advocate against it.
>Drug epidemics
As far as prescribed opiates go, I don't know what the answer would be for dealing with pain from major injuries.

I would characterize SJW culture as a symptom of a much greater and more nebulous problem of destructive anti-traditionalism and societal decay that has the potential to do my race and civilization in. It's not a world problem, but I'm not a "world citizen" and I don't think a people that can't get their own house in order can really stand a chance against global problems.
I will, but first, tell me what you mean by "racism", since there are competing conceptions of what it actually is. I don't think being a centrist is necessarily bad, and it shows a level of intelligence partisanship usually doesn't. The idea of sitting around during a conflict because you find fault with both sides is a gripe with centrism people have. It depends on the issue whether or not you have a clear side to take that is "your own side" though. In the case of competing racial interests, unless you're mixed race, you have a side to begin with.

I love drawing parallels to Sup Forums out of context wohoo


>How do we address the Sup Forums invasion?

Make the side you consider non-Sup Forums, complain about the other people at non-Sup Forums side that use lies to try to convince people of doing something or that some theory is good.

If you use lie to try to convince someone, you will have a harder time answering the quesitons of non-Sup Forums people, you will eventually say bullshit (actually its a lie not a bullshit) and make people become Sup Forums people, becaus they will think "look at the bullshit this guy is saying, all he says is bullshit, I wont to what he say or believe at what he say".

>Boring fucking politics that will get us all shot

Sup Forums hasn’t even been that big a problem on here lately. If you wanna see an overrun board look at Sup Forums. We’re doing ok in comparison.

cry more

shoot yourself
shoot your brains out
that would help

op is the one who brought it up to begin with. wtf?

don't worry user, we'll make sure we get there ;)

>completely cut off all contact with those you disagree with
what an ignorant and childish way to go through life. what happened to "keep your enemies closer?"

i bet you actually believe everyone who isn't a progressive liberal is stupid