Why does mu hate rap?

why does mu hate rap?

They probably were never exposed to it as a kid and just never grew an affinity for it. I remember my dad showing me the clean music videos for Lose Yourself and Sing For the Moment on Yahoo music way back when. He explained to me that while a lot of hip hop is garbage there are still rappers that put meaning into their songs. I dont listen to Em anymore but he undeniably was my entry to hip hop.

invasion from Sup Forumsedditors


Literally too deep for them

Can't relate to the lyrics of growing up on the urban streets and/or black culture

can you?

I wanna fucking die

Just remember, whenever someone calls you a soyboy, that's who you're dealing with.

Promotion of bad values is bad for society.


Many people who listen to hip hop and post here almost all come from reddit and don't have any idea how board culture or structure should work, so they constantly make new threads for whatever stupid lyric or thought pops into their mind, and can never discuss music deeper than "this shit goes hard".

Because all rap was considered a joke on Sup Forums before 2010

Then it was shilled onto the board by poptimist yasss slayy chief keef kueen faggots and tweens and never left

wtf I love underage memerap spammers and teenyboppers now

because they've never listened to Sean P

No. I don't like most rap and I was explaining why

Sup Forums changed when p4k gave MBDTF the 10.0.

Everyone who didn't consider Kanye a genius was shamed away from the board. After he released Yeezus people finally began doubting his wits. Nowadays the viral marketers can't come up with anything fresh to say so they call people who dislike hip-hop to be Sup Forumstards and nazis.

>be autist wanting to make people on reddit diet zero calorie Sup Forums believe that their conservative grandparents browse Sup Forums

lmao gayyyy

love how lefty media and the music industry both claim to hate racism yet lose their shit over post malone saying hip hop is trash, whereas vince staples says it and everything is cash

>not to forget that companies like complex praised the fuck out of post for songs like white iverson, rockstar, etc

at least they actually want to talk about music, prefer them over Sup Forumsacks who do nothing but call people soyboys and complain about niggers.

Sup Forums is alright if you can ignore the fact that some of them are being serious but at the same time the board is literally called "politically incorrect" so if you dislike it when they call everything a nigger you were warned

Sup Forums never liked rap. It was endlessly shunned and shat on before MBDTF and death grips. Those were gateways for rap acceptance. Slowly suburban underages starting finding the place through fantano and those are now a demographic of who take rap seriously on this place.

Not a single rapper you fags like knows "street culture" or "black culture".

The second statement is just wrong and stupid.


I don't care about Sup Forums itself, I just want Sup Forumsedditors to stay on their containment board and not spew their verbal diarrhoea and stale memes on the boards I browse.

I only go to boards where I don't have to see that bullshit. Was one of the reasons I stopped browsing Sup Forums. Don't know why people seem to associate rap purely with the soundcloud shit, or modern stuff in general. Where's the discussion on the classics? Wu-Tang? Biggie?

>browsing Sup Forums in the first place

Ah xd

How could you prank me like this.



Good advantage of Sup Forums is the mods are essentially non existent so you don't have to deal with retarded tranny jannies removing shit, but the negatives far outweigh the benefits. /bant/ is better anyway, wish more boards had ids.

It's cultural/tribal music. It's like fucking polka or some shit. It's uninteresting because you can't differentiate between songs. They're all the same thing. It's group music. It values collective group think.

You're fundamentally wrong on every level but sure man.

Do you also listen to shit that plays on the radio? How can you know anything about a genre when you have only listened to the plebian garbage?

You're just saying I'm wrong without saying how.

Who's behind every anti-hiphop effort - a dadrocker

Who's behind every anti-pop effort - a dadrocker

Who's behind every anti-indie effort - a dadrocker

Who's behind every anti-electronic effort - a dadrocker

He doesn't need too, all you said was some statement about a genre that you know nothing about

I can give you an explanation if you want.
Most of you're post isn't even a point but I'll ignore that, to say "it's all the same" is fundamentally wrong, hip hop has greatly evolved in the past few decades, mainly for the worse as far as the main stream is concerned, but my point being that you can't group these things together. Faggots like post malone aren't even close the similar to biggie, for example. Really the only connecting feature is the fact that sometimes they say word quick, and that in itself is not the genre. Even within the same timeframe there are very different segments of rap (and I say rap because any pop bullshit can be classified as rap if it has some dickhead rapping, whereas hiphop more applies to the genre), an actual faggot like eminem collaborating with this months latest pop idol is in no way similar to say busdriver or MF doom. It's just incorrect to say it's the same shit.

I would apologise for the autistic composition of this post and how fucking tired I am but I doubt that'll make a difference to you.

Pop is shit though