Just marathoned this today. Can someone explain to me what it's about?

Just marathoned this today. Can someone explain to me what it's about?

killin hajis

Thanks, now I know how to spell hajis.

Grooming standards and how to keep them!

Violence of action and the initiative

>Fact: Elvis did not have a mooostache.


it's about being more like trombley

white man's gotta rule the world dawg

It's supposed to be about the bonds of brotherhood developed between soldiers during war.

It's really about Sixta being a child molester.

its about crying when Rudy beats you at football

Was the last scene where they watch the movie supposed to show how war is all in the moment?

>Can someone explain to me what it's about?
Nobody can. That is the whole point. What the fuck were they doing in that desert shithole? They didn't know and neither do we. The people who sent them had no clue, the hajis had no clue, Rolling Stone sure as hell didn't see a good reason and even the general had only platitudes to offer.
Nobody will ever understand what the shit was all about.

wtf lad we knew then and we know now


>youre just like the jocks in highschool

Is Corporal Ray Person, dare I say it, /OurGuy/?


That guy actually went to jail for diddling a 13 year old apparently.

Read the book and then the show will make so much more sense.

It's about an elite marine unit being used by its superiors, notably General Mattis, to undo military doctrine and forge a new path with something called "maneuver warfare." These recon marines, who are stealthy and work fairly independently while in the field, are put at the forefront of a unique assault, not told why they're doing the things they're doing, and forced to move just ahead of their commanders, most of whom had never been in combat (Colonel Ferrando was formerly the parade commander at the Marine Corps' HQ in D.C.). Again, this is a unique situation because these specific marines never operated this way.

The show should have gone to lengths to explain this. I feel like I didn't really get the show until after reading the book.

Yeah. He was a fat kid in school who was a band geek and on the debate team. For some reason he got it in his head to join the marines and then worked his ass off to get into recon.

Idk if its from the shit they put in our food but i stopped getting morning wood after i enlisted.

really? Did the US get the oil? Or even control over it? Do some research and you will be surprised where the oil contracts went.
Maybe it was just about exercising power, establishing dominance. But what for? Showing you can dominate stone throwing goat fuckers? Just feels awkward...

What's ironic is in the the book the obsession with grooming standards comes directly from Godfather. Sixta is just his mouthpiece, but the show made it seem like it was his idea.

they do that basically in every army


because the US govt didnt get control means it wasnt about oil?

like do i have to explain "public loss private profit" to you now?

just some good ol patriotic murican mureens killin those darn sandniggers and bringin some freedom to those mudslime shithole countries... hoorah

>Silly goy thinks it was for oil
Oil was just the tip. The real deal was the monopoly of the dollar as international currency.

It's about the modern warrior class in western society (U.S. focused of course), how alienated they are from the rest of us.

The military industrial complex wanted to make a quick buck.

Still find it amusing that the show actually had to tone down some of Capt America's ridiculous behaviour because they thought no one would believe that US recon marines would employ anyone that fucking stupid. I think the book mentions something about him doing even dumber stuff.

Which currency was meant to be competitive?

7 hour advertisement for Rip It

>Trombley shoots dogs
You, sir, are a degenerate

I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby

>The real deal was the monopoly of the dollar as international currency.
That has been said repeatedly. Hussein had stated he is going to sell oil in euros. That was in late 2000. But I read that selling oil in anything but dollars back then was technicly impossible. For complex reasons. So Saddams threat was an idle threat.
I find the argument, that the military industrial complex was looking for profit, more compelling.

>Not remembering when W said "Muh WMDeeeees!!!!" to the world.
>And a lot of good men died.
>Also destabilizing the middle east is always good for keks.

>Temp, tempo, tempo
What did he mean by this?

Dogs feast on the dead, they grow fat gnawing on the bones of men.

What's wrong with wasting a few of them?

does anyone have the "you have been visited by godfather" image? one of the GOATs

>tfw Generation Kill threads rarely happen

It's about how shitty deployed life is and the gamut of emotions running through you at all times. It's actually pretty accurate

>Sixta is just his mouthpiece,
Senior Enlisted always take their cues from the officers.
I do like the end scene when people are getting bad news from home, and Mr. Potatohead is like "I'll scare 'em up good with the grooming standard."
Embellishment or not, it was a great insight into his character, and understanding of men in stressful situations.

>In the 70s this was anticipated by those who witnessed the removal of conscription.

What i don't get is why Walt suddenly goes full PTSD and starts acting like a bitch.



tempo tempo tempo

ty user

he slotted some floppies, it changed him

>Also destabilizing the middle east is always good for keks.
It's been good entertainment for one and a half decades now. GW Bush just wants us TV junkies to be happy. A great sectacle that always finds new twists to keep us interested.

Trombley, we don't shoot dogs.
We shoot people, and generally only if we have too.

reminder captain america literally did nothing wrong

There was a pretty good one the other night featuring Dawg's "Lord of the flies" observation.
>Godfather's TEMPO TEMPO TEMPO repost


>ywn have gay sex with Rudy

why even live bros? ;_;

other than general incompetence sure

>ywn get a show about war in vietnam

why even live?

Actually, i can list a few.
>Loots bodies for AKs and berets
>Runs at friendlies while they are doing serious shit and almost gets himself shot
>Shoots at random car with his AK for no reason
>Always screaming on the comms in panic
>No command strength whatsoever
>Lies about the captured POW
>Tries to kill a POW
>While doing so also gets 2 of the coolest guys from Bravo suspended
>Leads the men into a mine field mission at night (Which is against the OE)
>After he gets 2 guys blown up at the minefield he makes the wrong turn and drives into a ditch


i read his book

dude got diddled but is a generally cool guy who advocates resilience and lots of meditating and visualisation and stuff

maybe ill read it again

>Shoots at random car with his AK for no reason
he gave a reason, but he didn't call out his shots or attempt to act like part of a team. he was a rogue warrior

I think the scene where they started catcalling a female soldier is a stretch, because people who have been killing shit all day simply wouldn't care about women or anything else besides getting a good night's sleep.

also, between your last two points he wants to give dill, the guy with the blown up leg, morphine, which would have killed him. it's in the book, can't remember if it's in the show

A true soul of the american warrior spirit.
He has no time to warn his dear comrades, for he has spotted an enemy vehicle and must act swiftly and with force.

It's all real man.

>dude got diddled
Go on....

No it isn't. I can believe such things happening when there's no war, but when there is and you actively participate in it, you won't care about women.

they were showing off in front of each other and getting laughs out of it. it was less about trying to get real pussy

Dude, all of the stuff in the book from the reporter were real.
You're with your dudebros and you see the first non haji chick in days that feel like months. Of course you're gona chimp out and laugh with your friends.

Not true at all

Anyone who has deployed can tell you that. When I was deployed all I did was video games, masterbate, and missions

not him, but reyes grew up in an orphanage and foster homes where he'd have people try to prey on him. it's also a reason he idolizes oprah (no shit) because she was raped as a kid and had a fucked up life but turned it around to become a media mogul.

read the book. the best lines from the show are in the book. it's one of the best book adaptations ever.

>he doesnt prefer haji pussy

looks like we got ourselves a faggot in the midst

It's about money. Military industrial complex. They can keep buying weapons and shit, but if they don't use them? Well a pointless war is better than no war, in that case.

when i was deployed all i did was videogames, watch anime and masturbate. i got so used to watching moeshit i saw people with anime eyes

>Haji pussy
>fucked several times as a little girl by father
>Then become town bicycle
>Then get fucked by 50 year old Ahemed every night

I will certainly read it. It's been on my list for a while, and I am now fully convinced.

its been a few years since i read his book, Warrior Way or something like that. Anyway yeah he got fostered out, junkie parents i think? Got into karate and became a champion at that and then went to the marines. Somewhere in there his wife or fiance left him or cheated on him, i forget, but he was broken by it

anyone who comes from a world of shit to being a good natured person and fit healthy and mentally is someone i really look upto, namely because i came from shit and try to remain healthy

>At the age of 17, Rudy Reyes emancipated himself, left an orphanage with his two brothers and raised them in Kansas City, MO. He excelled at Martial Arts and MMA, and as a champion he was able to provide for his family. At the age of 26, he was seeking a higher calling and joined the United States Marine Corp., where he was selected straight out of boot camp to try out for the elite Marine First Reconnaissance Battalion (special forces). Rudy served our nation and was a member of the lead combat force that entered both Afghanistan and Iraq.

a legit inspiration

was just about to mention this. thanks, user

Yeah it is

>ywn be a ballerina with colbert

he was the best casting decision of the whole show.

>elite Marine First Reconnaissance Battalion

>Marine Recon

He talks about the tests he had to endure to get into the special recon teams and theyre pretty sweet

They have them run away from trackers to test how good they are, anyway Rudy just fucking ran and never got found. I think he broke the record or something?

Then he mentions they test them in water by holding them underwater and beating the fuck out of them, and if you quit its over, so he just endured getting the shit kicked out of him

Hes a fucking awesome guy ive convinced myself to re-read the book

>One of my favorite scenes
I thought this was so intensely celebratory, like after all that harrowing shit, to just run shirtless through the grass, feeling it touch your fingers would be most life-affirming thing you do
>After eating Chef boy-ar-dee.

Why has he done such shit since?

I read somewhere that originally branagh wanted him for thor

watch "war on everyone." it's pretty good

das it mayne. One of lifes little pleasures. Why do people goto the beach or go hikng? To touch nature. It makes you feel better.

It was an advertisement for Burger King, Chef Boyardee, and Rolling Stone magazine.

This is tagged as a deleted scene. Who knows, but it's stuff from the book.

Brad: Anybody remember Recon Marines are swift, silent, deadly?
Ray: What about swift, silent and stoned if we could get some hash and…
Brad: What-why do you always say that stupid shit?
Ray: What?
Brad: You don’t even do drugs.
Ray: Well how do you know?
Brad: You were on the debate team in high school.
Ray: So…
Brad: Nobody on a debate team ever does drugs or gets laid.
Ray: I just don’t see the facts on which you’re basing your argument on.
Brad: We all know you didn’t lose your virginity until after Afghanistan.
Ray: Oh jesus christ.
Brad: The whore in Australia.
Ray: (sputtering)
Brad: Yeah but did you now?
Ray: Brad, she was a European African woman.
Brad: A European African woman? No, she wasn’t. She was one of those big angry drunk women in the street in Perth selling boomerangs and playing didgeridoo.
Ray: Brad, BRAD, those just aren’t the pertinent facts, alright? We’re having a fucking professional debate here. Besides, she just grabbed me when I came out of the bar. It’s not like I asked her.
Brad: Look, even if you’re claiming you were raped, the fact stands, you were a virgin until we got back from Afghanistan.
Ray: What about you, Brad? Some little, pointy-headed Stewie baby raking the shag carpeting in your fucking family’s living room.
Brad: Stop it, Ray.
Ray: FATHAH! MOTHAH! WHERE IS MY CARPET RAKE! I’m a young Bradley Colbert, a lonely freak with no friends whose sole pleasure is raking the carpet in my motha and fatha’s house!
Brad: Ray, RAY, that is not even relevant —
Ray: Brad, Braaad, listen. You used to rake the fucking shag carpet in your parent’s house when you were a kid. You used to rake it so that all of the fibers would go in the same direction. That is TOTALLY type-A OCD behavior, by the way, it’s just fuckin’— it’s kinda pathetic.
Ray: The point is, Brad, you look so fucking cute when you are angry.

Ice man was cool

Rays a fag


in the book it mentions how one of his nicknames is hammerhead because his eyes are set so far apart

i still like the ray we got

>Ray is so based.
Still, all US militaries have a huge, pulsating hard on for drug tests.
>tfw 'Nam ruined it for everyone.

>this fuckin' guy

Yeah, he was a nerd beta wth good banter

You don't make the debate team without good banter skills Ray


Does it say in the book why trombley was even in the marines? After he shoots those kids/camels he says he doesn't really care if there are consequences for him because he'll only be there a couple of years. Did he just join cos he's a legitimate psycho and wanted to shoot things?

i can't remember, but i don't think it goes into that. however, it does say he wasn't actually a recon marine since he deployed before completing the course. it takes a couple of years to go through the full training and he was only part of the way there.

i want an afghanistan sequel. read fick's book "one bullet away" to get the basic idea of what they did. of course, it isn't nearly as colorful as wright's account of iraq, but it's a good book.

>but it's a good book.
>And a good friend
Dammit, Sup Forums, what have you done to me?

This is my favorite exchange in the show.

Lance Cpl. Harold James Trombley: Hey Pers, didn't your mom put your picture up on the Wal-mart Wall Of Heroes?
Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Yep. My grandma did when I went to Afghanistan. I'm on the Nevada, Missouri Wal-mart Wall Of Heroes. I even got my dress blues on.
Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: If my mother ever distributed my likeness without written authorization, I would disown her.
Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Technically speaking, Brad, but... didn't your biological parents disown you when they put you up for adoption?
Sgt. Brad 'Iceman' Colbert: Point, Ray. I was one of those unfortunates adopted by upper middle-class professionals and nurtured in an environment of learning, art and a socio-religious culture steeped in more than 2000 years of Talmudic tradition. Not everyone is lucky enough to have been raised in a whiskey tango trailer park by a bow-legged female whose sole qualification for motherhood is a womb that happened to catch a sperm of a passing truck driver.
Cpl. Josh Ray Person: At least my mom took me to NASCAR!
Lance Cpl. Harold James Trombley: ...Your dad's a truck driver?

in the book Colbert says he would never socialize with any of the people he'd met in the marines. kind of feels bad, but he's still GOAT