/hiphop/ general

Let's discuss some hippity-hop music yo yo yo!

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ras kass

Where the fuck should we start?

How do I learn to rap?

Just start rap battling people and in 17-18 years there is no chance that you won't have a million followers

Always to remember to redirect any hip-hop discussion on Sup Forums to this thread!

>>>/high school/


we cannot cling to those old dreams anymore

Where do I find people to rap battle with?

>there actually aren't that many rap threads right now
There are a couple 69 and Peep shitposts by /teen/s, but besides that it's pretty nice atm

i think the mods finally gave up, guys

I hear there's a pretty big scene in Saskatchewan

Yeah they are way less strict now
I actually got banned for posting off topic the other day. It was refreshing

Same during yellowposting



Get like me
Never met a motherfucker fresh like me

Absolute filth.

Go back to your containment thread

What if I enjoy biggie smalls or wu tang clan? Am I going to be able to discuss this in your shit meme thread?

Yeah but that's a meme containment thread. All I wanna do is genocide all rap discussion on Sup Forums /

Sup Forumsacks and memefriends aren't going to stop this shit no matter what. Gookmoot and this autistic /qa/ shit has facilitated the spread of /polacks even further and nothing will stop them.

all general discussion should be sent to the official general general

all general discussion should be sent to the official general general


chasethemoney is up next. Hes got a project coming with key! thats probably gonna be released with asap mob cus hes signed there now

What does Sup Forums think of T.I.?

He's always been one of my all time favorite rappers, but I never see him discussed online or anywhere outside of Southern Rap conversations

Anyone here heard all or most of his discography?

I know don’t be calling me up if it ain’t about the money

Completely overlooked this album in 2017, glad I got around to listening to it now though

Also Fabolous is underrated as fuck and bodied Jada on every track of this project, but Jada still had some great bars here as well


King > I'm Serious > T.I. vs T.I.P > Trap Muzik > Urban Legend > Trouble Man: Heavy Is The Head > Paperwork > Us or Else: A Letter to the System > No Mercy > Paper Trail

Time to post em!

Judging the 3 songs he's released this year (Look Alive, God's Plan, Diplomatic Immunity), I'm predicting Drake's 2018 album will be a combination of IYRTITL and his newer shit (Views/More Life).

Didn't fuck with God's Plan too much, but Look Alive and Diplomatic Immunity are the Drake I've been missing since 2015


I still miss 2010-2013 Drake.



no chance, soyboy

He's pretty good, but he's starting to fall off by being in shit songs like Blurred Lines. Well I shouldn't say started, that was a few years ago. But yeah, he's good.

>rick ross

At the end of the year I'm adding 2018 and doing swapouts.
If you can come up with A good album to replace Ross with you're more than welcome to.

Anyone else get down to some Shabazz the Disciple?


>Nnamdi Ogbonnaya on the 2017 row
Which one of these anons is based enough to fuck with Nnamdi?


I 100% agree with everything you said. Look alive and diplomatic immunity are pretty great and IYRTITL is my favorite drake album, I hope he goes in that direction.

its easy. I could rap Rap god when I was 11. And I knew how to rap since I was 6

I wouldn't call The Money Store hip hop (the only death grips album I would call hip hop is niggas on the moon).

>I wouldn't call The Money Store hip hop
Well that sucks since everyone else does.


Anyone else agree that Hip Hop died in the year 2000?

So what are some albums to look out for this year? I'm gonna name few off the top of my head
>MF DOOM X Czarface
>Prhyme 2
>Freddie Gibbs & Madlib - Bandana
>Blackstar × Madlib (please god let it be true)
>New Flatbush zombies
>Denzel Curry - Taboo
>New Earl?

>Blackstar × Madlib (please god let it be true)
That's the one I'm most looking forward to.

And I'm pretty curious about your pic because of some of the features (Vinnie of JMT primarily) but I won't get my hopes up for obvious reasons (Born Like This, JJ DOOM, NehruDoom)

Born like this is actually my favorite MF DOOM album after Madvillainy, and I've enjoyed all of czarface's output so far so I have high hopes for it. Also the features are pretty dope, I'm most excited for the Open Mike Eagle feature

why don't soyboys know they're not black?

unironically one of the few legitimately experimental hip hop releases of the past five years

if you count the pall bearing lasting 4 years and the eulogy another 6 then yeah

i love rippity rap rap hippity hip hops lyrical spiritual miracle individual

He misspelled "Moop"

R.A the rugged will drop a new album
Apathy will, Vinnie as well, probably
I'd like to listen to some new shit by Aesop rock, but I think that might still take a while.
Been listening to more oldschool cage/leak bros/weatherman lately and was positively surprised.

Moop would be a pretty cool name if it didn't sound retarded to say


What are people calling this genre? Trying to find more.

Been playing all the videos on these because I love the dark rap over violent anime videos


I'm looking forward to that MF DOOM x Ghostface Killah album if we get it (I've heard rumors).

That's a misspelling, it's "Moops"

I'd call it experimental hip hop


What's your favorite Screw tape?


>not getting the Costanza reference

