


i tried eating kimchi today, it did not go well



post hot females


how could anyone not like kimchii

that's our juchan


i am a very fragile human being

what did it taste like?


i agree but this is john cena, not some indie literal who


you see there's leaders~
and there's followers~
but i'd rather be a dick than a swallower~



that's our yerin

post cats.

What a night

I wonder how G-Dragon hides his drug addiction

i'm not even talking about indie.

even the rock can't help taking even the stupidest bait sometimes. it's just their personalities that crave attention.

did somebody call me


g-dragon? more like g-uggo



keep up the good work minafriend, your plan is working

>twice can't sing
>its a big deal
>g-dragon can't sing
>no one cares

has dubu ever done this

How is this ugly

we're listening to his music, not his face
twiceshitters can't relate

Yes, now show your juicy thighs






name one person with more swag

how do i acquire

thats after all the plastic surgery

pussy had me dead
might call 2pac over



this lil kid would get shot up if he came into my hood wearing that much red

the hamburglar

>"cringe", "twiceshitters everyone", "lmao just lmao"

i'm starting to think you're just a bot


mark and taeyong look so goofy in boss

top from big bang

my luscious thighs arent for lewding

pretty funky signature

you must bow before sluggiepatra and then perform whatever menial tasks she assigns you

i only post cute bunnies

true, especially those two, i guess it comes from wanting to get more teenagers on his side now that he wants to be an actor
the rock also mentioned bts during an interview promoting jumanji

And she speaks English like us.
It's irresistible


the part where they were about to clash on the table was the best


he can sing and he makes all of his and big bangs music

twice just go around trying to force hand signals

rent free, and i've never said cringe


everyone in twice is beautiful.

who is this ptolemaic ptemptress

bigbang? never heard of those




the guitar coupled with the distortion on hold my liquor is so good
rec me k-pop that sounds like yeezus

>they're still posting big bang when ikon has taken over

but you're the guy that says the other two? why do you always just say the same thing like that?

what's kpg's honest opinion of bts?

*mumbles in a pretentious way in every song*
am i g-dragon yet??

cripple is not very creative

and talented

good music and cool guys
i'm curious to see what's down the road for them


Prove it. He only changed his hair and put on make up.


delete tho

exos better

shoddy discography. they have potential though. i liked yoongi's mixtape


how do we tell him...

they used to make good music

please my queen

extremely overrated with an insufferable fanbase

ikon never took over
they didnt even take off from the ground


she looks so much better when the stylists don't make her look like a kid playing dress up



overrated as fuck, the music isn't that good and their visuals are meh. production is good

boss fucking sucks

some lyrics are actually meaningful
and many of his songs are good

i recall saying the latter thing once recently and getting called out for supposedly saying it all the time, and 'twiceshitters everyone' has been here for two years now


i realized that dahyun has a beautiful smile when she smiles naturally, but when she's posing for a picture it's too forced and looks weird

nct is finished