Chronicle sequel poster got leaked, FOX apparently was gonna release this next month and release it in the summer

Chronicle sequel poster got leaked, FOX apparently was gonna release this next month and release it in the summer

thoughts on this? maybe fake?

Other urls found in this thread:

Holy fuck

I loved Chronicle, can't wait how this turns out

Hope fucking not, the first one was a piece of shit movie that didn't know what it wanted to be.

Can you faggots have one fucking movie poster where you don't jerkoff to your cuckflag?

why did you make this
no one wants this.
that tagline is retarded and unrealistic.
fuck you idiot

Might be fake, but I hope not. Looks cool, is landis directing again?

landis wrote the first one, it was Josh "FANF4STIC" trank who directed

>more capeshit

mite b gud

umad it reminds you how superior we are?

Meh. First film felt a bit flat, but I liked the idea.

If this is real, we'll see how it goes.

That poster is terrible.

oughties called, they want their motion blur back

this poster gives me strongest post 9/11 feel

could be real

that's a lot of edge, you sure your mom knows you're on Sup Forums?

What did my meme addled brain mean by this?

>be european
>get beheaded


uhh for a minute there i thought that was one of the world trade center towers with jumpers.

Last I heard, Chronicle 2 got scrapped because it was "too dark" or something, but they decided to re-write the sequel.

From the looks of this, takes place in washington DC and has 4 characters with powers.

Could be interesting but it might be the exact same story as the first, hope they do something different



no shit they fight each other in every fucking movie

More shaky cam?

trips confirm

Looks like World Trade Center jumpers. Can't wait to fuel a false controversy over this.

character at the very top right looks like he has a cape or something

prob either gonna be the "hero" figure or turn all evil

so they get time traveling powers and the bad one uses telekinesis on the aircraft?

could he have used this to destroy wtc 7?


It is the Washington Monument you tards.

Damn it feels good to be American.

"so we hijack the plane and then we go right into-"

I'm surprised the monument isn't blurry too

The amount of eurocucks in this thread sicken me.

>tfw europeans believe 9/11 involved the washington monument

>not posting the original version

No shit, but it resembles the WTC jumpers. That is enough to stir up some shit

just saying what immediately poped into my mind at first glance.

>I-I was just saying!!

eu fags confirmed to infect Sup Forums ?

fuck off veddit

I like it.


This was on the other night, loved the concept, but the found footage shit needs to stop.

The only scene it's good in is when Andrew's in hospital and his dad tries to hit him, and he blows the entire side of the room out.

>people actually think this is real

AFAIK, it'll be very similiar to the first one since Max (the original writer) was told that it should've gone in that direction. His script was not that, and also was perceived as "too dark".
There's an entire pitch out there on Youtube, talking about all three parts, it's fucking retarded.

It's going to suck, they wouldn't let Max Landis continue the story, so they got someone else to do it.

It's basically a remake ala Saw,2,3,4,5,6

>that place

What do they mean by this?

Seems like the "new version" is this, 4 people somehow getting powers in DC

sounds like an interesting pitch. DC being such a government heavy place it would be a very interesting setting.

Caped guy at the top makes me curious too


holy fuck


Didn't the non aspie white dude survive in the end of the first?

Yes. He might be in this. Who knows.

What's wrong with WTC jumpers? It was either jump or die of smoke inhalation.

Four black teens from the hood get superpowers after they kidnap and torture an autistic trump supporter, forcing him to tell them the secret location of the white man's privilege stash.

Their powers manifest after they're arrested and sent to prison, they break out and free all the black prisoners while massacring the neo nazi white guards and inmates. The poster shows them landing at capitol hill where they rape Drumpf to death on live television with their black cocks and proclaim supremacy over the small dicked weak white man.

Fueled by the white man's privelege they turn the whole world into a POC communist Utopia.

And THIS ladies and gentleman is the power within EVERY SINGLE BLACK MAN EVER BORN- except they were robbed of their privelege and kept down by systematic white opression.

Are you ok

They probably are going to fuck the sequel up so much that they straight-out show how they got their powers: because government.


Spiderfag: Homocoming features it also.


oh fuck

This is fake you retards.


The stormweenie bot just woke up. Several threads are getting spammed.

Sup Forums is one of the most gullible and retarded boards here. Just look at any star wars/capeshit leak (fanfiction) thread.


Remind that Max Landis literally plagiarized an X-Files episode for Chronicle.

Looks awesome

at least it's not an adaptation. It's actually original/.

could be real

I'm going to be pissed if this isn't real. I always wanted to see what was next for Chronicle.


anyone know if real?

Whew. I know I'm excited.

You are now aware that you live in a world, a terrifying world, where there are people right this moment who use terms such as "canon" and "cinematic universe" when talking about films and television shows.

A terrifying world where imagined characters on a screen are required, according to those who discuss them, to adhere to "ground rules" set out by the creators of said-characters. A terrifying world where those that discuss these characters and their actions, are actually enraged if said-characters deviate from the mannerisms expected of them, the mannerisms that may have initially been set in the pages of a comic book.

Think about that. A comic book. For children. Yes, pictures and words on the same page, which are meant to be read by children, that are actually read by adults who then bicker and express their frustration at film-adaptations of these comic books not being "faithful". Faithful to a comic book. That's supposed to be read by young children.

This is your world. This is the world of capeshit. Terrifying, isn't it?

Did we watch the same movie? it knew exactly what it was. A found footage wannabe superhero movie.

Some online news stuff contacted Landis and Fox for confirmation

Heard they were having trouble with the sequel, apparently they didn't like Landis' proposed sequel - Martyr.
First film is one of my favourites, and my only regret is that I didn't see it at the cinema.
Glad to see they'll be continuing the series, I'll be checking it out.
Thanks, mayne.

>be american
>get diabetes

>be american
>die by doing something you love, such as eating

>be eurofag
>die by getting beheaded by a stinky terrorist

I mean, unless you guys are into that sort of thing

My friend, if the real world ever knocks you down enough so that you care about these things as much as some people, then you may know the true terror.



It's real. Fox just confirmed.

should have made Martyr desu, those mech suits sounded cool as fuck.

Terrible if true. Chronicle was surprisingly alright, but it's not the kind of movie you can make a sequel to without it being complete shit.

there was already matyr

obviously fucking fake lmao

Threadly reminder that all of Andrews actions were completely justified. He did nothing wrong.



>Chronicle 2: Martyr – A brilliant but troubled woman uses high technology and guerrilla tactics to carry out an insane vendetta against the world’s only living superhuman.

I'm only interested if it's this script. Sounds pretty cool desu.

I think it's already confirmed to not be following that plot

Who /ApexPredator/ here?

Hi Max

>Retaliates against bullies because no one gives a fuck about him
>Defends himself from abusive dad
>Gets blamed for WE WUZ KANGS death even though he told him to fuck off
>Steals money to help his dying mom

>mfw moralfags thinking Utilitarianism is worng

[spoilers] they are preparing your subconcious to destroy it irl [/spoilers]

you're a cool guy

>getting charged for flying the flag in America
It's like the ultimate irony hahahaha

>yet another "humans with guns vs superhumans" that's been done 9001 times before.

Found footage is the most consistently great genre fag

fucking newfag

Most things have been done before in one way or another.