It finally clicked

>it finally clicked
This album is a fucking masterpiece, holy shit

What's the best track and why is it Washer?

Breadcrumb Trail is the only good song

Washer is the best song to get someone into this album.

But let's not kid ourself, Breadcrumb Trail is the best song.

lol I couldn't fucking stand that album until it clicked. I was so frustrated. I thought it was the most boring thing in the world because I was paying to much attention to the slow, minimalist parts with the talking and the plucked strings. I was like "what the fuck is this shit?" I kept listening to it, trying to get it, and I just couldn't see it.

Then, at some point a weird mood came over me, and I had the patience for it, and then finally I got that those minimalist parts are building up tension that the loud parts release. Like the Pixies' loud-quiet-loud dynamic, but times a million. I was like "OHHH"

wasn't super into it until the climax of Good Morning, Captain made me bust a nut

thats not good morning captain


is the only good part of the song
The music itself is mediocre to bad



I disagree, Breadcrumb Trail is easily the most accessible song

This really isn't an album where one song clicks at first, then you realize another's good. You just don't get it the first few listens, then all of a sudden you realize every track is flawlessly great.

am i the only one that was busting nuts on my first listen

Is this what Sup Forumscore kids use as an insult?

The whole song is as boring and monotone compared to everything else.
Climax of Washer/Latter jam of Nosferatu Man >>>> Climax of Good Morning Captain

Nope, Spiderland floored me the first time I heard it. I remember just sitting stunned after Good Morning Captain faded out, it's always been an amazing album to me.

It's clearly Nosferatu Man you filthy casuals

I really enjoyed it first time, but after a couple spins i finally got the big picture. Orgasmic experience after that. 10/10

I love Breadcrumb Trail, I was just saying I disagreed that Washer is the most accessible.
I agree with your point: I hate when people shit on songs like When You Sleep because they're "accessible." In my case that's not what I was doing, though.

that song is so fucking underrated its insane

All of you idiots. The best song is obvs For Dinner, soyboys

Literally confirmed that it's goodmorning captain, any other answer is contrarism

>not a single mention of don, aman
best fucking track

Satanic trips confirm


carol is a slapper

Nothing that special IMO but it does have moments. It's more aggressive and less precise, and they just weren't a good fit for what Albini was triyng to do. It also barely has any lyrics, which was one of Spiderland's big strengths.

Really weird in a good way. "Darlene" and "Charlotte" are some of my favorites on that album.

In their defense, it was conceived and recorded a full 4 or so years before Spiderland (it was recorded in 87, but not released until 89). I think some of the songs on the album were among the first songs they had written as a band, hence the inconsistency. But yeah, Albini sorta added all the extra stuff though.

Bonnie "Prince" Billy took this picture

Bonnie "Prince" Billy is driving this car

lol guys i know so much music trivia

Darlene and Nan ding are great

Breadcrumb Trail is the best song to get someone into this album.

But let's not kid ourself, Washer is the best song.


Sick of the flak that For dinner gets, it's easily my fav track

Really dig it

Say anything than Don Aman and you're wrong.