What did they mean by this retweet?

What did they mean by this retweet?

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archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/I'm loving how worked up /tv/ is getting over these RLM videos. Shitposting potential is at record highs and everything is high energy as fuck./

referring to their previous video about mindless pandering neckbeards praising anything popular to get views

whats the point of reviews if every single reviewer is on the gravy train and giving 9/10

They are probably sick of Star Wars being constantly mutilated to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

When they talk about how the originals inspired them at kids it probably sucks to see it being constantly shat on

they just blew everyone out with the latest mashup


When is the next Rogue One review coming out?

Star Wars is fine, its the fact that you are a no life manchild who has nothing going for him which causes you to be upset when the new movies aren't living up to your false sense of nostalgia

Jeez man. Moana, La La Land, Moonlight, fuck even Doctor Strange are better than RO:ASWS

RLM redemption arc


>What did they mean by this retweet?
What do you mean by this?

>yfw you have more twitter followers than RLM

>They are probably sick of Star Wars being constantly mutilated

But they liked TFA.

>This is a film that won't be forgotten for the next 50 - maybe 100,000 years


>IGN movie of the year
wait, is that supposed to be a big achievement

Hhahaahah....Mikey the cuck is super mad.

>Reddit Letter Media

>All Terrain Armored _____ Transport
>All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport


Not that guy but it just isn't great, flat out. No arguement to be had. It's like a 7/10 being very generous.

It would have been amusing if La La Land also won IGN movie of the year.

what are some other things only white virgin nerds care about?

I dont get this. I wouldnt have though AT AT's would be effective at transporting anything, and why do they have heavy weaponry?

I'm loving how worked up Sup Forums is getting over these RLM videos. Shitposting potential is at record highs and everything is high energy as fuck.

>Movie of the Year
Rogue One is the worst movie in that picture

Star Wars is the best at everything they do

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/I'm loving how worked up /tv/ is getting over these RLM videos. Shitposting potential is at record highs and everything is high energy as fuck./

what's your endgame?

>implying the originals aren't 7/10 movies when viewed objectively

Seriously, a movie about space ships, laser swords and magic isn't the greatest of film making

>you dont agree with me so you are dumb and i am an intellectual

fuck these guys

Ha Ha I'm loving it. Keep it up!

A great movie can be about anything you absolute idiot.

IGN is dumb as fuck though.

Yeah. People here accuse all sites of shilling but IGN is definitely paid for.

i agree but my point still stands.

Mike and crew are mad because after 10 years of being literal whos they just started getting a little taste of the kind of lifestyle they always wanted (being invited to early screenings) so they mock everyone and everything in that sphere

I just don't get why it's a bad thing to like the cool design of Star Wars things like AT-ATs and star destroyers etc.

The great audio and visual design of the Star Wars films is one of the things that brings me to watch them.

I guess if they really thought that the movie had NO MERIT WHATSOEVER outside of fanservice then it might be a fair criticism but that just isn't true.

>He doesn't know about IGN
It sucks

They don't seem to give much of a fuck.

They literally made a shitty fan movie that was purposely shlock for their little harem of patreon fans. I don't think they've ever cared about fame or making big money.

>They literally made a shitty fan movie that was purposely shlock for their little harem of patreon fans

it was shit tho

> the reflection in the dog's eye

sup jay

>Haven't been to IGN in years
>See this image
>fucking kidding me? Rogue One movie of the year?
>go to ign.com
>See game of the year is Overwatch

lmfao... what the fuck is wrong with journalism anymore

I'm getting cancer watching this even though I appreciate what they're doing

Exactly. It was schlock for the sake of schlock. Their hardcore fans literally paid for it.

>Their hardcore fans literally paid for it.

They're nothing but bloggers.

>IGN goty is Overwatch

I f enjoy Overwatch but for fuck's sake. DOOM was way better. Hell, Dishonored 2 deserves that spot way more.

Titan fucking fall 2 is goty.

Is it actually good? I played the first one and thought it was shit.

>hahahaha he's mad
>he retweeted see!

This level of social autism is immense. Suddenly Rogue One being movie of the year isn't laughable?

Jfc this board needs to be gassed.

>my point still stands
>implying that IGN ISNT dumb.
>implying that a retweet implies anything other than that.

Anyone that rates RO as "movie of the year 9/10" is retarded and deserves to be humiliated.

someone make a pic of mike's "IT BROKE NEW GROUND" face in the BLACKED hand

Mike won. Deal with it Disneykins

Man, they really loathe this movie

fucking lost my shit as soon as Rich lost his coolface and acquired a grin

This has to be YOUR youtube channel. there's no reason for you to link this one instead of the real one