This film has no pop cultural legacy

This film has no pop cultural legacy.


What about that gif of Hulk that was made with him ramming Johansen with a big green cock

I really wish I understood the appeal of these movies. I tried watching a few of them for a little a bit, but they were so boring. I see so many people praising Marvel movies for being well-rounded and enjoyable, but honestly they aren't at all.

No cultural legacy? are you fuckin serious? the whole reason capeshit is where it is today is because of this movie it left its mark on the industry like no other movie has before it. The last movie to have such an impact was probably titanic.

I'm starting to grow bored of them, too.

The movie itself. When people say Star Wars has a legacy they aren't referring to the implications of the effect it had on the film industry. They're referring to the fucking movie itself.

I think OP is getting at the idea that it has not given anything to ingrain itself in public consciousness, despite how it impacted the industry and future capeshit paradigms

I also don't get it.

t. Pseudointellectual faggot from Sup Forums

It's just dumb action movies with lots of special effects. Fanboys take them way too seriously though.

What OP means is
>this movie didn't have dank maymays

Maybe for you and other people who were already familiar with the characters, for normies it's the definitive version of them.

The hype building up to it was fucking incredible but yea, at this point I saw it twice in theaters and have no desire to ever watch it again.

I didn't really even really care about the action either though.

It's got legacy. See:
>I'm always angry
>We have a Hulk
>Puny god
>Son, you have a condition
>Why should I listen to you?

Like it or not, the MCU is the most faithful adaptation of the source material -- ever.

It's the first time we had superheroes on film that in any way resembled their comic book counterparts either in characterization or look.

It the first time we ever had anything similar to extensive comic book continuity on film.

For once they didn't swap out costumes for leather motocycle jackets.

They didn't pretend that individual heroes existed in some kind of isolated vaccum setting where they're the only super hero.

They didn't attempt to go full revisionist 'dark and gritty' in some whack attempt to make people take the genre conventions 'seriously'.

They made an actual honest attempt at adapting existing comic book stories and arcs instead of just taking the name and a costume that looked similar and making up their own garbage.
Maybe you don't like the whole idea of a superhero movie -- but after years and years of shitty SHITTY licensed adaptations, the MCU finally gave us something that felt approximately "right" with respect to the source material. So bravo for that.

>talking about pop culture legacy for a movie that isn't even 5 years old yet
Could you please fuck off back to Sup Forums my man.

Gen Z detected

Let me be the first to tell you that's not how pop culture works

Turned it off after 20 minutes. Couldn't be more of a borefest... This stuff is pure dribble.

It's already embedded in Pop Culture though, it's one of the biggest movie franchises in history after Star Wars. It's not going to be forgotten anytime soon no matter how much you hate it's popularity.

t. Disney shill

No kidding. Even a movie franchise as mediocre as mission impossible has a lasting pop culture impact.

Do you remember how shitty superhero movies were before MCU?

Like, do you remember the garbage era where they'd sell the rights for a quick buck, to a major studio would just rush out some sloppy schlock with a terrible script and a few bankable actors making everything as toyetic as possible?

Even the Tim Burton batman movies, which were arguable some of the best at the time, took huge liberties with story details.

Doesn't anyone remember Joker = Joe Chill????