Why did Darth Vader rely on torture droids and truth serums when the Sith are capable of simply probing someone's mind?

Why did Darth Vader rely on torture droids and truth serums when the Sith are capable of simply probing someone's mind?

She's force sensitive, that shit ain't gonna work my nigga.

Maybe he just enjoys torture

he did? Does not he switch over to sith probing so that she does not have scars?

It was essential to the plot fuck face. If he dug too deep into her mind he would have probably figured out she was his kid.

Just let the movie tell a story and be consistent with the plot.

>Sith are capable of simply probing someone's mind?

of course they are

>If he dug too deep into her mind he would have probably figured out she was his kid.
How? she doesn't even know it

Prove it.

The idea that Leia was his daughter never existed when Star Wars was made.

Is she cocaine sensitive

Watch The Force Awakens.

Kylo Ren isn't a Sith

Because it's a shitty movie.

But he's a fan of Vader

He was old school, plus he was taping it for his "personal use"

Not all people can use all force abilities. If you haven't seen them use a certain ability it's because they don't have the ability to use it.

He would have felt her midiclorians

Search your feelings, you know it to be true

When Star wars was first made, "Darth" just was his first name

Mind probes, like many force powers, are bullshit. Like fucking Battle Meditation.

But if you want a "serious" reply, force users can't do everything. You don't see Vader shooting lightning.