Underrated MST3k

The new MST3K is right around the bend and I really don't know how to feel about it. I liked Jonah Ray once upon a time but he's really hit or miss. I'm sure Felicia will cringe up the host segments and the new bot voices sound kind of lame.

Can we talk about the pros and cons about the reboot? Also, underrated episodes? Final Justice >>> Mitchell

You should feel disgust that Joel couldnt let it be. Felicia Day is terrible, the bots wont be the same, and newsflash: Mike isnt writing for it. Mike was the heart of MST3K even before he took over as host. Fuck Joel with a rake
I personally like Sword and the Dragon

user Joe Don Baker episodes were the best. Mitchell is also one of the few movies on there that's fun to watch on its own.

If Kevin Murphy isn't even involved then it's literally not MST3K and I have no interest in it

I was saying Final Justice was underrated. I loved Mitchel before I started watching MST3k but FJ was more ripe with fat jokes.

I wish he let it be, but he didn't. I'm giving it a chance only because it's Joel's baby to begin with. The first episode will say everything.

my my my my MY GOD

I thought whores were supposed to be pretty

He isnt. Tom isnt classy anymore and now uses "thats racist" jokes as a crutch that replace black with robot.
I hear Joel was hard to work with. Hes such a fucking killjoy in real life too

Felicia Day
no Mike
Joel is the only original member of MST3K who's involved
nerd culture has devolved a lot since MST3K was originally on air so there will probably be a ton of painfully awkward pandering
Umm... Joel is involved. That's it.

I've heard the same thing, Every interview he does, I feel like he goes out of his way to sound as uninterested as he can.

I've always considered Bobandy TV's Frank's long lost brother.

To be fair, Mike did do one good thing: he flat out told Joel to keep Felicia's big mouth shut so she couldn't fuck up the revival.

Note that Felicia stopped saying and doing stupid shit one the revival was formally announced.

Patton basically got on hands and knees to beg for a role on the revival. Felicia didn't have to do that and she knifed Wil Wheaton in the back when Wil tried to shake down Joel for more money to do the show (Wil was originally supposed to be the Mad, with Felicia as the host; when Wil got bounced from the revival, Felicia got upgraded to Mad)

Just imagine if a quality group like the Always Sunny guys or even some UCB fags had gotten ahold of Joel instead of those humorless nerdface shitheads at the Nerdist.

>Joel tried to get Wil
Source? If that's true then Joel deserves to have every bone in his body broken. Wil is the absolute worst person he could've gotten. Fucking Chris Hardwick would be better than Wil.

Joel's playing it safe. Also Felicia and Patton are friends and he would rather have people he trusts (Wil Wheaton aside) and sycophantic fanboys (Harmon) than deal with strangers or people who would inevitably bump heads with him over the creative direction of the revival.

what would your mama say?

what about Screen Junkies?

To be fair, Joel had planned to ruthless mock and belittle Wil under the original premise: Wil's mad scientist character would have been an even more pathetic and worthless version of Evil Wil Wheaton from Big Bang Theory, but with Star Trek and Wesley Crusher renamed for legal reasons.

He was going to be a washed out former teen actor who the world hated because of how annoying his character was, out for revenge on humanity. He would have used all of his residual money to finance the creation of a new SOL/kidnap the 'Bots and restart the Dr Forrester's experiments after a book based Clay Forrester's writings on weaponizing cinema was published and took the world by storm.

The host segments would deal with Wil being shitty with his money, having spent it all on forcing Felicia to watch bad movies in space and having to demean himself doing commercials and TV movies to keep money coming in to keep the experiments going.

Is that why he didn't approach any of the old MST3K writers/cast members? He wanted complete control and was afraid people who don't crave his cock would argue with him?

well the very reason he left the original show was because Executive Producer Jim Mallon had different ideas about the direction to take things in

I like Joel but he really wanted to push his prop comedy and Jim wasn't having it, at least that's what I've heard