What up white boi im here to pick up yo daughter

>what up white boi im here to pick up yo daughter

Your response?

Ask him why he showed up shirtless.

direct him to australia

tell him shes already out with Jamal

i'm not white and i don't have a daughter, you must have the wrong house sir

>hello, hello, hello, breeder! We're here to pick up your son and visit your nearest bathhouse

Your response?

Im SO SO SORRY for being white.

Tell him he has the wrong house because I don't have any kids, then depending on how polite he is, offer him a shirt

No joke just straight up slam the door and call the police

She's not my daughter

yeah Ashley will come downstairs in a minute

would you like some grape soda?

But dey took her

Why the fuck he's here at 2am
who he is and why he's shirtless
inform him that I don't have a daughter.

She's not ready yet but you're free to come in and wait while I fix you some kool-aid and throw on ESPN bruh

Tell him I don't have a daughter, point my gun into his face, tie him up and bend him over and fuck his tight nigger ass while I close my eyes and pretend he's my mother and cum.

*unsheath my katana*


would you fuck my wife as well?

Why do black people get tattoos?

"Fuck off nigger"

it's a stock photo those words aren't actually there

what? no way!

desu i've wondered this too

you can barely fucking see them let alone make out what they're supposed to be

>unzip bball
>try spinning, that's a good trick

"Up for a challenge, kid?"

What the fuck does this have to do with being Tv&film. The mods need to clean these shit posts up.