Why did Yoda suddenly stop fighting Sheev? He falls off the platform and then just gives up and walks away

Why did Yoda suddenly stop fighting Sheev? He falls off the platform and then just gives up and walks away.

It was over, Palestine as the high ground

*Palpatine had the high ground

Stupid autocorrect

>Palestine as the high ground
What did he mean by this?

>Palestine as the high ground

ohhh shit

>Yes... finally, I am become highground.


Oy vey we need more rockets and american aid money.

The canonical reason is that Yoda finally pierced the veil of the Dark Side. He finally saw how utterly screwed they were. He saw how arrogant the Jedi had been, and that it had come to this point because the Jedi Order itself had lost its way. He viewed it that they had defeated themselves, and that even if they killed the Sith, they couldn't truly win.

He viewed it that either a new form of Jedi must restore the balance, or that the Sith must destroy themselves. The Jedi Order as it existed fighting and winning would have created its own problem. He viewed it that they'd become to arrogant and militarized that they'd be no better than the Sith in the long run.

Essentially, he felt the Jedi Order as it existed deserved, even needed, to die to restore the balance at a later time, just as much as the Sith Lord needed to die.

Yoda went for the long game.

The high ground was on the Palatine.

Now if only George got across the idea that the Jedi were wrong better.


He fell what looks like several hundred feet and landed with a thud. I am amazed he had the strength to sneak out of the Senate chamber at all. He would have also been pretty tired from playing force catch with Sheev.

user's making shit up. In the novelization yoda realizes that the sith have trained for generations for one goal, destroy the jedi, and take over the galaxy, while the Jedi had grown complacent. Yoda also saw the balance of the force, and realized that he and sheev could basically counter anything the other one could throw, and the only thing that would be accomplished by continuing the fight would be the amount of collateral damage.

Fuck off neckbeard

The plot willed it and there wasn't enough time in the movie to have events play out at a reasonable pace. TPM and AotC wasted time on too much bullshit and RotS had to compensate by rushing everything.

he just... lost the will to fight ;_;

Sadly true.
>Watch 3 prequel movies
>get 3/4ths of a movie worth of stomachable content

It wasn't worth it. They were too powerful and sheev was too wreckless.

why didn't yoda just use force heal then

Based autocorrect

Poor writing? Just trying to provide an explanation that doesn't require reading a sub-par book adaptation, or expanded universe novel. It would be nice for movies to stand on their own.

Reinforcements were coming and Sheev had the high ground.

>Palestine as the high ground
ironically enough the Arabs control the Temple mount and therefore control the High ground in Jerusalem.

I was surprised too. He had arthritis canonically and had to use the force as a steroid every time he fought, but boy he sure could take a fall.

What did jew mean by this?